John McCain

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Forget the Maverick: Meet the 'Real McCain'

He's not a reformer so much as a 'ruthless and self-centered survivor'

(Newser) - After John McCain's multiple zigzags this year on everything from climate change to immigration in his once-desperate Senate race, people kept wondering what happened to McCain the maverick. A new Vanity Fair profile by Todd Purdum suggests a simple answer: "Nothing at all" happened, because that maverick never existed....

John McCain: GOP Needs New 'Contract With America'

Dems are just 'flailing around'

(Newser) - As the Democrats were rallying the troops today, the GOP was busily trying to drive a stake in their hearts. John McCain led the charge, telling Fox News Sunday that Dems "are just flailing around" on the economy and "the first thing we need to do is extend"...

'My Father Hasn't Changed'
 'My Father Hasn't Changed' 
Meghan McCain

'My Father Hasn't Changed'

... 'The media bias has'

(Newser) - It may have seemed like John McCain kept shifting further to the right during his campaign against JD Hayworth, but daughter Meghan insists this is not the case. "My father hasn't changed," she writes in the Daily Beast . "The media bias has." And despite all the...

McCain, Brewer Win in Arizona
 McCain, Brewer 
 Win in Arizona 

McCain, Brewer Win in Arizona

GOP incumbents cruise to victory

(Newser) - John McCain has cruised to victory in Arizona, easily defeating conservative challenger JD Hayworth. The Republican now looks to set to win a fifth term in the US Senate, the AP reports. McCain looked vulnerable to anti-incumbent sentiment early in the campaign but fought back by shifting to the rights...

McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow
McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow
Primary Preview

McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow

Anti-establishment wave hits the rocks in Arizona, Florida

(Newser) - If the polls are to be believed, tomorrow will deal a big blow to the “anti-establishment” storyline swirling around the 2010 election. John McCain, who looked like he’d be on the ropes early on, now has a huge lead over tea party favorite JD Hayworth, the Washington Post...

McCain Is a Digital 'Genius'
 McCain Is a Digital 'Genius' 

McCain Is a Digital 'Genius'

He leads the way in Senate on social networking

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign may have schooled John McCain's in the art of digital networking, but McCain has come back with a vengeance. He has the highest "digital IQ" in the Senate, say researchers at George Washington and New York universities, who crunched numbers based on senators' use of Facebook,...

GOP Candidates May Be Too Wacky to Deliver a 2010 Upset

Tea Party 'nonsense' could thwart Republican victory

(Newser) - The conventional wisdom says the GOP will ride waves of anti-Obama sentiment and Tea Party energy to dramatic victories in November. But looking at how primaries have shaped up, Eugene Robinson foresees another possible narrative emerging from the midterms: "The big political story of the year may turn out...

McCain: Snooki 'Too Good Looking to Go to Jail'
McCain: Snooki 'Too Good Looking to Go to Jail'

McCain: Snooki 'Too Good Looking to Go to Jail'

The awkward mutual admiration society continues

(Newser) - OK, this John McCain-Snooki lovefest has officially gotten disturbing. The 73-year-old—the one who was this close to US nuke codes—was asked about the Jersey Shore star's recent disorderly conduct arrest , and told Phoenix's KMLE, "I kind of think she might be too good looking to go to...

As Earth Bakes, Blame Cowards Like McCain
As Earth Bakes, Blame Cowards Like McCain
Paul Krugman

As Earth Bakes, Blame Cowards Like McCain

Oil and coal money, gutless lawmakers killed climate bill

(Newser) - Climate change legislation looks dead, and Paul Krugman knows what killed it. “It wasn’t the science, the scientists, or the economics,” he writes in the New York Times . It was “the usual suspects: greed and cowardice.” A carbon limitation would put at most a tiny...

'Sick Puppies' in Media Made Me Quit Job: Palin

Press drove me out of office, Sarah charges

(Newser) - John McCain hung Sarah Palin and her family out to dry for all the "sick puppies" in the media to savage, a still-furious Palin has charged. The subsequent press feeding frenzy was so intense that it convinced her to abandon her job as governor of Alaska, she told the...

Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012
Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Potential nominee: John McCain (yes, that John McCain)

(Newser) - Republicans, are you ready to repeat the McCain-Obama showdown? No? Well, the National Republican Senatorial Committee figured it ought to check, just to be sure. The NRSC, which you would think would be busy working on 2010 Senate campaigns, sent a questionnaire to its supporters asking which presidential candidate they’...

Why I'm Voting Against Kagan
 Why I'm Voting Against Kagan 
john mccain

Why I'm Voting Against Kagan

Cites treatment of military recruiters at Harvard

(Newser) - It won't derail her near certain confirmation, but John McCain today declares that he's voting against Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. In an op-ed for USA Today , McCain cites her tenure as dean of the Harvard Law School, when "she unmistakably discouraged Harvard students from considering a career...

We Need Afghan Debate, But Neither Party Allows It

Michael Steele is a victim of this narrow-minded atmosphere

(Newser) - Joke all you want about Michael Steele's new troubles , but one part of this mess isn't so funny, Ned Resnikoff writes for Salon . It's the depressing—and dangerous—political reality that neither Republicans nor Democrats will tolerate debate of the Afghanistan war. "The leadership of both major parties concludes...

McCain, Graham Pile on 'Unwise,' 'Inaccurate' Steele
 McCain, Graham, 
 Et Al. Pile on 
 'Unwise' Steele 

McCain, Graham, Et Al. Pile on 'Unwise' Steele

GOP chair needs to make 'appropriate decision' about his future

(Newser) - If Michael Steele was hoping his GOP pals on the Sunday airwaves today has his back, let's hope his cable went out. John McCain called Steele's comments about the Afghan war "wildly inaccurate," while Lindsey Graham slammed them as "uninformed, unnecessary, unwise." The Maverick further suggested...

Hastings: I Didn't Think McChrystal Fallout Was Possible

McCain thinks Obama did right in canning McChrystal, and more

(Newser) - Wunderscribe Michael Hastings chewed over the fallout from his Rolling Stone profile today, Politico reports, telling CNN that he "didn't even think it was possible." He also dismissed rumblings from the McChrystal camp that he used off-the-record comments, saying, “Some of the most talked about parts of...

John McCain's Sad Campaign
 John McCain's Sad Campaign 

John McCain's Sad Campaign

From presidential candidate to endangered senator

(Newser) - Two years ago, John McCain was running for president. Now, he’s trudging around Arizona just trying to keep his job, the New York Times laments. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer has obviously followed McCain around the trail, but he won't talk to her. So she’s left to observe his strange...

JD Hayworth Starred in 'Free Gov't Money' Infomercial

McCain camp says ad was for 'obvious rip-off scam'

(Newser) - You have to love fiscal conservatives like JD Hayworth—you know, the kind who go on TV at 2am to tell you about the billions of dollars the federal government is just dying to give away. In 2007, soon after losing his House seat, Hayworth starred in an infomercial for...

Petraeus OK After Swoon During Hearing

Appeared to pass out during Senate testimony on Afghanistan

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus says he is "doing OK" after he appeared to pass out this morning during a hearing on Capitol Hill. "I just got a little dehydrated," the commander of US forces in Iran and Afghanistan tells CNN . "I ate a couple of bananas and...

McCain, Snooki Trade Tweets
 McCain, Snooki Trade Tweets 
beyond awkward

McCain, Snooki Trade Tweets

The senator is so down with the lingo

(Newser) - Yesterday’s Awkward Tweet of the Day Award goes to John McCain, who made the world cringe when he started up a Twitter conversation with none other than Jersey Shore’s Snooki…about tanning. “u r right, I would never tax your tanning bed! Pres Obama's tax/spend policy is...

GOP Senator on Obama: 'He Needs to Take a Valium'

Capitol Hill meeting doesn't go so well

(Newser) - President Obama visited Senate Republicans today, but bipartisanship wasn't exactly overflowing, reports Politico . GOP Senator Pat Roberts' take: "The more he talked, the more he got upset. He needs to take a valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans and just calm down." The White House,...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>