Liz Cheney

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Liz Cheney Could Incite GOP Civil War With Senate Run

She wants Mike Enzi's seat—so does he

(Newser) - Liz "Daughter of Dick" Cheney's political ambitions have been well known for some time , but some in the party believe her designs on running for a Senate seat in Wyoming in 2014 are a bit premature, the New York Times reports. That's because the seat she wants...

Liz Cheney: Time for GOP to Wake Up and Fight Back

Her op-ed calls Obama the 'most radical' president in history

(Newser) - Liz Cheney unloads on President Obama in today's Wall Street Journal , calling him "the most radical man ever to occupy the Oval Office." She ticks off a laundry list of complaints, from the national debt, to ObamaCare, to gun rights, to his belief in "redistribution of...

Romney's New Fundraising 'Star': Dick Cheney

Romney tries to appeal to GOP base with controversial ex-VP

(Newser) - Mitt Romney hasn't exactly snuggled up to the George W. Bush administration—he's made a point of avoiding even mentioning Dubya's name, usually referring to him only as Obama's "predecessor," for example—but he's not going to let that stand in the way...

Liz Cheney: Future Member of Congress?

Politico thinks she might be considering a run in Wyoming

(Newser) - Liz Cheney has become such a regular on the Wyoming political circuit this year that Politico can't help but speculate whether she'll follow in dad's footsteps and run for office in her former home state. Everything seems to add up: Cheney is currently a resident of Virginia,...

Dear Bill Kristol, You Should Resign
 Dear Bill Kristol, 
 You Should Resign 
Ann Coulter

Dear Bill Kristol, You Should Resign

And Liz Cheney, too, because Michael Steele was correct

(Newser) - Ann Coulter comes to a rousing defense of Michael Steele in Human Events , saying he was "absolutely correct" in his criticism of President Obama and the Afghan war. "It has been idiotically claimed that Steele's statement about Afghanistan being Obama's war is 'inaccurate'—as if Steele is unaware...

Cheney Likely to Leave Hospital Tomorrow

Daughter Liz says pop's condition much improved

(Newser) - One of Dick Cheney's daughters says the hospitalized former vice president could go home on Monday after receiving medication to treat a fluid buildup related to his aggressive form of heart disease. The 69-year-old, who has had five heart attacks, was admitted to George Washington University Hospital on Friday after...

Pink Elephants | The New Republic
 In Today's GOP, Only 
 the Women Have Balls 

in case you missed it

In Today's GOP, Only the Women Have Balls

Conservatives, yes, but even Betty Friedan would be intrigued

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Liz Cheney. Whether or not you agree with their politics, there's no denying that a "certain breed of fire-breathing pink pachyderm is clearly on the rise," writes Michelle Cottle at the New Republic . Disagree? Then, quick, name any male Republican who comes even close...

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up
 Rove, Cheney 
 Just Making 
 History Up 

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up

Bushies' conjurings 'know few bounds'

(Newser) - The simultaneous arrival of Karl Rove's memoir and Liz Cheney's "right-wing noise machine" means the "revisionist floodgates have opened," writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , a "rewriting of history that knows few bounds." And while Rove's book better passes for fiction and Cheney's...

Liz Cheney Critics 'Prissy,' Says Ex US Attorney

Attack ad critics need to grow pair: Andrew McCarthy

(Newser) - Critics from across the political spectrum denouncing Liz Cheney’s “al-Qaeda 7” ad attacking Justice Department lawyers defending Gitmo supects should just get over themselves, says Cheney ally Andrew McCarthy. "People are awfully prissy," the former US attorney tells Politico . I think that they are actually more...

Mukasey Joins Liz Cheney Pile-On
Mukasey Joins Liz Cheney Pile-On

Mukasey Joins Liz Cheney Pile-On

Says no lawyer should be blamed for their clients' positions

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey today joined the chorus of conservatives and legal professionals decrying Liz Cheney’s “Al-Qaeda 7” attack ad, which portrayed Justice Department lawyers who’d once represented Guantanamo detainees as terrorist sympathizers. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal , the former attorney general argues that lawyers, from...

Ken Starr Slams Liz Cheney Hit Job on Lawyers
 Ken Starr 
 Slams Liz Cheney 
 Hit Job on Lawyers 
on msnbc, no less

Ken Starr Slams Liz Cheney Hit Job on Lawyers

Clinton nemesis actually agrees with Olbermann on something

(Newser) - In a move that looked a lot like pigs flying, Ken Starr went on MSNBC's Countdown last night to decry Liz Cheney’s attack on Justice Department lawyers who had defended Guantanamo Bay detainees. Starr spoke to fill-in host Lawrence O’Donnell rather than frequent detractor Keith Olbermann, but Olbermann...

Liz Cheney Thrives as Dad's Attack Dog
 Liz Cheney Thrives 
 as Dad's Attack Dog 
and she'll seek office

Liz Cheney Thrives as Dad's Attack Dog

She's definitely thinking dynasty, says Karl Rove

(Newser) - Liz Cheney is hard at work on the family legacy, not just collaborating on dad's memoirs but boosting the former VP's attacks on the current administration with her own. Insiders say Liz was pivotal in convincing her father to reenter the public sphere and stand by his policies—at the...

Liz Cheney's 'Al-Qaeda 7' Attack 'Shameful': GOP

Top conservatives denounce 'Al-Qaeda 7' attacks

(Newser) - Attacks by Liz Cheney and GOP senators on lawyers appointed to the Obama Justice Department after defending suspected terrorists are "shameful," "unjust to the individuals in question," and "destructive of any attempt to build lasting mechanisms for counterterrorism adjudications," a group of top conservative...

Liz Cheney's 'Al-Qaeda 7' Ad Raises Uproar

Even conservatives say attack on Justice Dept. goes too far

(Newser) - The new attack ad launched by Liz Cheney’s Keep America Safe group is so nasty that even her fellow conservatives are attacking it, and some are invoking McCarthyism. The ad brands Department of Justice officials who once represented Guantanamo inmates the “Al Qaeda 7,” and implies that...

Bush, Liz Cheney Speaking at Hunters' Convention
Bush, Liz Cheney Speaking
at Hunters' Convention

Bush, Liz Cheney Speaking at Hunters' Convention

The Safari Club is a big GOP donor

(Newser) - Attendees at the Safari Club International Annual Hunter’s Convention in Reno will surely have a “night to remember” when former President George W. Bush gives the keynote address on the last night of the gathering later this month. That’s what SCI promises, at least. The hunters' rights...

Summers: Recession Is Over
 Is Over 


Summers: Recession Is Over

No, it's not, says fellow White House adviser

(Newser) - Key White House economic advisers split today on whether the recession's over, reports Politico . "Everybody agrees that the recession is over, and the question is what the pace of the expansion is going to be," Larry Summers said on State of the Union. Christina Romer didn't get that...

Cheney Dynasty Is a Chilling Prospect
Cheney Dynasty Is
a Chilling Prospect
maureen dowd

Cheney Dynasty Is a Chilling Prospect

Cheney-Palin 2012, anybody?

(Newser) - A new political dynasty appears to be rising from the ashes of the Bush administration and it's creeping out Maureen Dowd. The Cheney clan has been leading the way in attacking bipartisanship and painting Obama as soft on foreign policy, Dowd writes in the New York Times. And now they're...

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama
Cheney Group Raises Cash
to Save US From Obama

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama

Liz project, Keep America Safe, will target 'radical' foreign policy

(Newser) - Liz Cheney’s new nonprofit launched its first online video today, kicking off fundraising for its anti-Obama campaign. Keep America Safe is dedicated to opposing what Cheney describes as Obama’s “radical” foreign policy. “Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you want the nation to be...

Liz Cheney to Obama: Nobel Is a 'Farce'

Ex-veep's kid wants prez to send military mom to pick up his prize

(Newser) - Liz Cheney, ever as shy, quiet, and retiring as dear old dad, thinks President Obama's Nobel Prize is a "farce," and wants him to "send a real signal" by sending the mother of a fallen soldier to Oslo to collect his Nobel—to underscore the importance of...

Coming Soon: Cheney, Cheney & Cheney?

Dick and Liz likely to join Mary's political consulting biz

(Newser) - Need advice on the ins and outs of waterboarding or invading a rogue nation? Look no further than Mary Cheney's new political consulting firm. Cheney, the former veep's lesbian daughter, is leaving her job to start her own company, and insiders say she plans to bring both dad Dick and...

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