Liz Cheney

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Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama
Cheney Group Raises Cash
to Save US From Obama

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama

Liz project, Keep America Safe, will target 'radical' foreign policy

(Newser) - Liz Cheney’s new nonprofit launched its first online video today, kicking off fundraising for its anti-Obama campaign. Keep America Safe is dedicated to opposing what Cheney describes as Obama’s “radical” foreign policy. “Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you want the nation to be...

Liz Cheney to Obama: Nobel Is a 'Farce'

Ex-veep's kid wants prez to send military mom to pick up his prize

(Newser) - Liz Cheney, ever as shy, quiet, and retiring as dear old dad, thinks President Obama's Nobel Prize is a "farce," and wants him to "send a real signal" by sending the mother of a fallen soldier to Oslo to collect his Nobel—to underscore the importance of...

Coming Soon: Cheney, Cheney & Cheney?

Dick and Liz likely to join Mary's political consulting biz

(Newser) - Need advice on the ins and outs of waterboarding or invading a rogue nation? Look no further than Mary Cheney's new political consulting firm. Cheney, the former veep's lesbian daughter, is leaving her job to start her own company, and insiders say she plans to bring both dad Dick and...

Cheney Daughter, Partner Expecting Baby No. 2

Dick Cheney to get a new grandchild from lesbian daughter Mary Cheney

(Newser) - Dick Cheney’s daughter Mary is braving another conservative firestorm after confirming she and long-time partner Heather Poe are expecting their second child in November. Cheney plans to take maternity leave, then start a consulting firm with sister—and rising GOP star—Liz. Cheney told friends about her pregnancy four...

Daughter Liz Revives the Cheney Brand

She carries on dad's national security message, and her fan base is growing

(Newser) - Move over, Sarah Palin and Megan McCain—the GOP’s newest rising star is Liz Cheney, “our favorite vice president’s daughter,” as she was touted at a recent conservative gathering. Cheney—an outspoken proponent of “enhanced interrogation” who has said “waterboarding isn’t torture”—...

It's Alive! Obama 'Birther' Conspiracy Spawns Nut Nest

(Newser) - The conspiracy theory that the first black president is an alien and not an American citizen is bizarrely growing a full head of steam and spitting out a wacky cast of characters, notes Eric Etheridge in the New York Times. The fact that Barack Obama has a Hawaiian birth certificate...

Liz Cheney: I May Seek Office
 Liz Cheney: 
 I May Seek Office 

Liz Cheney: I May Seek Office

(Newser) - DIck Cheney's daughter Liz is considering a run for public office. “It's something I very well may do,” the lawyer and Bush-era State Department deputy secretary tells the Washington Times. Cheney says she's particularly worried about Congressional Democrats' attempts to hang charges of CIA meddling on her father....

Steele Dodges Torture Question
 Steele Dodges 
 Torture Question 

Steele Dodges Torture Question

ACLU slams Obama; Liz Cheney: 'fantasies' spread about dad

(Newser) - Michael Steele has “a personal opinion” on whether the CIA’s interrogation techniques amounted to torture, but he refused to share it with David Gregory on Meet the Press today. “That’s not appropriate,” the RNC chairman said. But Steele did defend Dick Cheney and said Nancy...

Liz Cheney: Dad Is Not a Crazy Old Coot

Duty calls him to forgo retirement to bash Obama, daughter says

(Newser) - Liz Cheney went on MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, firing back at Washington Post scribe Eugene Robinson for calling her dad a “crazy old coot.” Robinson had said we ought to send Cheney “back to Wyoming” where he could rant in peace. “My dad would probably...

Liz Cheney Defends Dad: 'We Did Not Torture'

(Newser) - Dick Cheney's daughter stuck up for her dad today, insisting in an MSNBC interview that the CIA's interrogation techniques did not constitute torture, reports ThinkProgress. Liz Cheney, a former State Department official in her own right, also echoed her father's sentiment that the interrogations yielded valuable information. Two detainees "...

Washington's War Drums Beating Loudly
Washington's War Drums Beating Loudly

Washington's War Drums Beating Loudly

Amid US, Israeli, Iran saber-rattling, 'all options on the table'

(Newser) - Is Washington, or its Israeli allies, really ready to attack Iran? "The threats, counterthreats, and counter-counterthreats … have reached new levels of hysteria in recent days," Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Rumblings of an Israeli strike prompted Tehran threats to close oil-shipping lanes. That would be...

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