Liz Cheney

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This Was the Most Bipartisan Impeachment Vote on Record

10 Republicans voted to impeach Trump

(Newser) - Another unwelcome record for President Trump, who is now the first president to be impeached twice : In Wednesday's House vote, 10 Republicans voted in favor of the single article of impeachment, the highest number of lawmakers who have ever voted to impeach a president from their own party. Five...

No. 3 House Republican Will Vote to Impeach

'There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office'

(Newser) - President Trump is on course to have been impeached as many times as all previous presidents put together—and this time, some House Republicans will join Democrats in voting for impeachment. Rep. Liz Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican, said Tuesday that she will vote to impeach the president for...

Top Republican in House Rips QAnon

McCarthy, Pence, and Cheney reject conspiracy theory

(Newser) - Under pressure after a conspiracy theorist won a GOP primary in Georgia , the House Republican leader has distanced his party from QAnon. "There is no place for QAnon in the Republican Party," Rep. Kevin McCarthy said in a Fox News interview, the Hill reports. "I do not...

Trump Jumps on GOP Bandwagon Against Liz Cheney

Allies of the president say the Wyoming congresswoman has been disloyal to him

(Newser) - President Trump had a busy morning on Twitter, issuing 49 tweets or retweets and an attack on the third-ranking Republican in the House, all before 10am ET. Trump joined Republican allies Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul in lambasting House GOP Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney, who has...

Liz Cheney Says &#39;Real Men Wear Masks&#39;
Cheneys: 'Real
Men Wear Masks'

Cheneys: 'Real Men Wear Masks'

Wyoming rep tweets photo of former VP Dick Cheney in a mask

(Newser) - Count Liz Cheney and her dad among those attempting to shame all Americans into wearing face masks in the age of the coronavirus. The Wyoming representative tweeted a photo of former Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday in a cowboy hat and mask, captioned, "Dick Cheney says WEAR A...

Liz Cheney Won't Be Running for Senate

Republican will stay put in Wyoming seat, amid speculation she could be House speaker

(Newser) - Liz Cheney is staying put in the House. The Wyoming congresswoman said Thursday she won't run for the Senate seat being vacated this year by fellow Republican Mike Enzi, reports Politico . Instead, Cheney will seek reelection to the House, where she serves as chair of the House Republican Conference....

Steve King's Comments on White Nationalism Earn Rebuke

He wonders why the terms 'white supremacist' and 'white nationalist' are offensive

(Newser) - Conservative Rep. Steve King is taking serious flak this week, and it's coming from within his own party. The latest example: On Thursday, the third-ranking Republican in the House—Liz Cheney—rebuked the controversial Iowa congressman for comments he made about white nationalism in an interview with the New ...

Crist Wins, but GOP Keeps the House
GOP Keeps
Control of
the House


GOP Keeps Control of the House

Notable: Liz Cheney grabs dad's old seat for Wyoming

(Newser) - An analyst declared days ago that "the race for the House is over," with "zero chance" of it going to the Dems, and it appears that prediction has now come to fruition. Both ABC News and NBC News have projected the GOP will keep control of the...

Liz Cheney Appears Headed for Congress

She wins GOP primary in Wyoming

(Newser) - Liz Cheney looks bound to be a congresswoman. The 49-year-old lawyer—and eldest daughter of Dick Cheney—won Wyoming's Republican primary race by a wide margin Tuesday to become the nominee for the state's lone House seat. She'll now face Democrat Ryan Greene in November, but the...

Fox Host to Dick Cheney: You Were So Wrong

Pundits generally can't believe Cheney is talking about this

(Newser) - Commentators everywhere are marveling at the gall of Dick and Liz Cheney, after a blistering op-ed in which they said that President Obama had been "so wrong about so much at the expense of so many." The skepticism is so pervasive that not even Fox News is safe...

Cheneys: 'No President Has Been So Wrong About So Much'

In op-ed, they slam Obama's moves in Iraq and elsewhere

(Newser) - Dick and Liz Cheney unload on President Obama in a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, accusing the president of squandering a hard-won victory in Iraq, shirking US responsibility to lead in the world, and allowing terrorists to rise again. "Rarely has a US president been so wrong about so...

Kids' Health Issues Drove Cheney's Exit

Politico delves into last days of her campaign

(Newser) - What was behind Liz Cheney's sudden, surprise exit from the Wyoming Senate race? Up until two days before Christmas, during her team's final conference call, Cheney seemed gung-ho about the campaign. But, considering the various troubles that have plagued the campaign, including a public family feud and other...

Liz Cheney Exits Senate Race

Citing 'serious health issues' in family

(Newser) - Things might now settle down around the Cheney family dinner table: Liz Cheney is dropping her controversial bid for a Senate seat in Wyoming. Cheney announced today she is dropping out of the race that sparked a very public feud with sister Mary and her wife over gay marriage, Politico...

Cheney on Daughters' Feud: 'Compassion Is Called for'

'Pained to see' fight over gay marriage become public, says dad

(Newser) - Dick Cheney has weighed in on his daughters' public feud over gay marriage , defending Liz, whose spat with Mary is threatening to overshadow her Senate campaign in Wyoming. "This is an issue we have dealt with privately for many years, and we are pained to see it become public,...

Liz and Mary Cheney Feud Over Gay Marriage

Sister-in-law has dig at Senate campaign

(Newser) - Simmering Cheney family tensions over gay marriage have boiled over again—and the gloves are off this time. Wyoming Senate candidate Liz Cheney yesterday told Fox News she "believes in the traditional definition of marriage" and while she loves her sister Mary, who is married to a woman, "...

Liz Cheney Courts Controversy in Wyoming

Has already faced more scandal in a few months than opponent has in 40 years

(Newser) - Liz Cheney and her 2014 Senate seat opponent Mike Enzi may both be conservative Republicans in Wyoming, but there's one thing they don't have in common. In the months since Cheney announced her candidacy , she has managed to court more controversy than Enzi has in his entire 40-year...

Mary Cheney: Sorry, Liz Is 'Dead Wrong'

Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter defends gay marrriage

(Newser) - Sisters, there were never such bickering sisters: Dick Cheney's daughters are going mano a mano over the issue of gay marriage, with Mary Cheney—who is gay and married longtime partner Heather Poe last year —now responding to sister Liz's stance against it . “For the record,...

Sorry, Sis: Liz Cheney Opposes Gay Marriage

Says she's against it amid Wyoming race

(Newser) - Liz Cheney had to clarify her conservative bona fides today in her campaign for the Senate in Wyoming. The candidate released a statement saying, “I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage,” reports the Daily Caller . That could get a little dicey at family get-togethers given...

Liz Cheney Hooked by Fishing License Lie

Senate hopeful coughs up $220 for making false statement

(Newser) - Liz Cheney might be able to take one of Wyoming's Senate seats next year—but she can't go near the state's fish yet. Cheney has posted a $220 bond on a charge of making a false statement to procure a fishing license, the Jackson Hole Daily reports....

Liz Cheney Running for Senate—Against Republican

She will challenge incumbent Mike Enzi in Wyoming

(Newser) - Liz Cheney announced today that she's running for the Senate in Wyoming next year, reports AP . The news isn't a huge surprise, notes Slate , but it's especially interesting because of one salient fact: She's trying to oust a fellow Republican. And that Republican, 69-year-old Mike Enzi,...

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