
Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

Latest Target of Kim Jong Un's Wrath: Failed Lobster Breeders

Says terrapin farm may 'impair prestige' of Korean Workers' Party

(Newser) - Employees at a terrapin farm on the outskirts of Pyongyang might want to lay low for a while. According to North Korean state news agency KCNA, their Dear Leader isn't too pleased with the way things are managed at Taedonggang Terrapin Farm, which was visited by Kim Jong Un’...

Fisherman Catches, Donates Bizarre Lobster

New Hampshire 'calico' is a rarity

(Newser) - A New Hampshire fisherman caught an extremely rare lobster, though the creature gets to live out its days at an aquarium rather than ending up as somebody's dinner. Josiah Beringer tells Seacoast Online that he found the calico lobster—it's bright orange, with dark blue spots—in a...

Surprise: Maine Lobster Caught in ... California

It's the first one seen off Bay Area coast

(Newser) - A fishing boat out of Sausalito, Calif., caught a creature a long way from home in one of its crab traps—a Maine lobster, reports NorCalFishingNews.com . The 8-pounder turned up near the Farallon Islands, thus becoming the first Maine lobster ever spotted off the Bay Area coast, reports the...

Lobsters Going Cannibal, Eating the Little Ones

Infrared cameras record the attacks in Gulf of Maine

(Newser) - Lobsters are so overpopulating the Gulf of Maine that they've discovered a tasty new meal: each other. Researchers from the University of Maine have found that young lobsters tethered by rope to the ocean floor—and watched with an infrared camera—are almost always eaten by bigger lobsters rather...

Wendy's Debuts $16 Caviar Burgers

Sorry, they're only in Japan

(Newser) - Bacon and cheese too old-hat for you? Wendy's has a solution: Its new burger toppings include caviar and lobster. Unfortunately, you'll have to head to Japan to sample the offerings, and you'll have to do it quickly—the burgers are part of a limited-time offer. They follow...

Maine Reels in Record-Size Lobster

But don't worry: 27-lb 'Rocky' doesn't end up on a dinner plate

(Newser) - A big catch in Maine: a 40-inch, 27-pound lobster was trapped in a shrimp net two weeks ago, and it turns out that "Rocky" is the largest crustacean ever landed in the state. "All the weight is in the claws," said a Department of Marine Resources official....

6 Ridiculous Celeb Crimes
 6 Ridiculous Celeb Crimes 
dina lohan: ice cream thief

6 Ridiculous Celeb Crimes

Freeing lobsters, spraying hair glue, and more...

(Newser) - Dina Lohan almost got herself arrested over an ice cream cake. Lohan apparently attempted to use her daughter’s free ice cream card, and a Carvel employee asked for ID. They both freaked out, resulting somehow in police helicopters arriving. Inspired by this insane incident—Lohan actually said, “It...

Thieves Snatch Lobsters From LA Aquarium

Crooks target educational facility's outdoor tanks

(Newser) - Two 30-pound halibut and 20 lobsters from an educational aquarium in Los Angeles are missing and presumed lunch. Officials at SEA Lab, which is visited by 20,000 schoolchildren a year, say thieves broke in and raided the tanks over the weekend, the Los Angeles Times reports. They suspect the...

70-Year-Old Lobster Deserves Freedom
 70-Year-Old Lobster 
 Deserves Freedom 
food critic's lament

70-Year-Old Lobster Deserves Freedom

Larry's plight stirs conscience of restaurant writer

(Newser) - Restaurant writer Ryan Sutton has dined on his share of lobsters, but the plight of one venerable crustacean has left him without an appetite. "Larry" is a 70-year-old lobster at New York's Oceana restaurant awaiting its fate as a $275 entree. Sutton admits he's never given much thought to...

In Search of a Good Death for Lobsters

Lobsters' bubbling execution is the latest claws celebre in animals rights battle

(Newser) - The debate is growing heated over killing lobsters by boiling them alive, reports the Atlantic. Experiments earlier this year that purported to prove that shellfish feel pain have given momentum to efforts to ban the scalding death sentence. Shellfish are already covered by animals rights laws in New Zealand, and...

Lobster 'Fiona' Is 1-in 30-Million Phenomenon

Fiona is a 1-in-30-million genetic mutation

(Newser) - The one-in-30-million special at one Boston eatery isn’t on the menu. Caught off the Canadian coast, “Fiona” is believed to be a rare yellow lobster. The spotted 7-year-old (the coloring is actually closer to orange) is fed sushi-quality tuna and will eventually be sent to live at a...

In Uncertain Economy, Maine Lobstermen Stew

(Newser) - Maine lobster prices are uncharacteristically low, leaving the industry unsettled on the eve of the all-important summer tourist season, the Portland Press Herald reports. Wholesale prices are as low as $3.25, and retail prices start at $5.50. But some aren’t worried by the mercurial interplay of supply,...

Top Recession Bargains
 Top Recession Bargains 

Top Recession Bargains

Buy these 10 items and make Keynes proud

(Newser) - Recessions typically are the worst of times, but they can be the best of times if you know what to buy at discounted rates. Time unveils its list of top recession buys:
  • Stores have a glut of fancy duds like cashmere sweaters and formalwear (discounted about 75%), meaning now you,

No Wonder They're Crabby: Crabs Feel Pain

Laws should consider the suffering of crustaceans, scientist says

(Newser) - Before you drop another crab into a boiling pot of water, take note: Crabs feel pain. Scientists don’t fully understand pain in humans, but do now know that crustaceans respond to discomfort and keep a memory of it, LiveScience reports. Hermit crabs that were shocked fled their shells, “...

140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated
 140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated 

140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated

Restaurant heeds PETA call to let old-timer return to the sea

(Newser) - A lobster almost as old as the Lincoln presidency will return to the ocean today after being freed by PETA, the Village Voice reports. The animal rights group persuaded a New York City seafood restaurant to release George, estimated to be 140 years old, and plans to free the old-timer...

At Deep-Sixed Prices, Consider the Lobster

Cost of crustaceans hits 25-year low

(Newser) - Prices are dropping on all sorts of luxury goods—and lobster, now less than $10 a pound, is no exception. It’s the lowest price in 25 years, and might not last as fishermen give up on the trade. Spending $30 for the star of a weeknight dinner at home...

As Food Prices Rise, Lobster Treads Water
 As Food Prices Rise,
 Lobster Treads Water

As Food Prices Rise, Lobster Treads Water

In Maine at least, local economies dodge the perils of globalization

(Newser) - As global demand drives food prices to new highs, there’s one high-end food item whose price is in decline, Daniel Gross points out in Slate: lobster. In Portland, Maine, a pound of lobster costs slightly more than a gallon of gasoline, a ratio that historically was more like 4-to-1....

Step Away From the Green Lobster Goop

Crustaceans' guts may contain toxins: FDA

(Newser) - Many people consider tomalley, the green substance inside lobsters, a delicacy—but the FDA doesn't. The agency is warning tomalley fans that the crustaceans' internal organs can contain dangerous levels of a specific toxin, the Boston Globe reports. Eating tomalley from Atlantic lobsters can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, which can...

Dear Lobster, I Hardly Knew Ye
 Dear Lobster,
 I Hardly Knew Ye 

Dear Lobster, I Hardly Knew Ye

A conscience-clearing letter to the author's slain-in-the-name-of-succulence dinner

(Newser) - Francis Lam eases his guilt about chowing down on a certain tasty crustacean by creating an unlikely enemy on his dinner plate, writing an open-ended letter to “Lobster” in Gourmet. He's not sorry for chowing down, "for your meat was like butter and nuts," but his conscience...

Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev