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Angered by Netanyahu Warrant, House Hits Back at ICC

Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act passes 247-155, despite White House opposition

(Newser) - House Republicans led a push to impose sanctions against the International Criminal Court on Tuesday in response to arrest warrants for Israeli leaders , including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Lawmakers voted 247-155 to pass the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act introduced by GOP Rep. Chip Roy with nearly all Republicans and 42...

Columbia Alum Donates $260M ... to Another School

That would be Israel's Bar-Ilan University, which felt the need to mention the Columbia connection

(Newser) - A wealthy alumnus of Columbia University has chosen to donate $260 million to a university that is, notably, not his alma mater. Indeed, it's in Israel. Bar-Ilan University, situated in a Tel Aviv suburb, made the announcement in a Monday statement , saying it was "the largest bequest ever...

Maldives Just Banned Israelis From Entering

The Maldives says it won't be letting in Israel passport holders amid war against Hamas in Gaza

(Newser) - As some countries are increasingly expressing support for the Palestinian people in Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas war , one nation has taken things in a new direction. Per the AP , the Maldives has now banned individuals holding Israeli passports from entering the archipelago in the Indian Ocean, with the office of...

Hostages' Families Push for Biden's Ceasefire Plan

'This might be the last chance to save lives,' says one relative advocating for proposal on Gaza

(Newser) - Families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas called for all parties to immediately accept a proposal detailed by US President Biden to end the nearly eight-month-long war and bring their relatives home, but Israel's government said conditions for a ceasefire still must be met. Biden outlined a three-phase deal...

Israel: We Found Hamas Stockpile in Central Rafah

Military confirms it's expanding its incursion into the central part of southern Gaza city

(Newser) - The Israeli military has confirmed that its forces are operating in central parts of Rafah in its expanding offensive in the southern Gaza city. The military said in a statement Friday that its troops in central Rafah had uncovered Hamas rocket launchers and tunnels and dismantled a weapons storage facility...

Israel Threatened, Spied on ICC Chief Prosecutor: Report

Fatou Bensouda reportedly feared for her safety amid intimidation campaign

(Newser) - Israel's foreign intelligence agency led a nearly decade-long covert "war" against the International Criminal Court, which included threatening the chief prosecutor in a failed effort to keep her from investigating alleged war crimes in Palestinian territories, according to a joint investigation by the Guardian , +972 Magazine , and the...

Palestine Medics: Israeli Strikes Kill Dozens in Rafah
Netanyahu Admits
'Tragic Mistake' in Rafah

Netanyahu Admits 'Tragic Mistake' in Rafah

US says images from strike that killed dozens of Palestinians are 'heartbreaking'

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged Monday that a "tragic mistake" had been made after an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah set fire to a tent camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people. Netanyahu did not elaborate on...

Families of Israeli Hostages Share Disturbing Video

Footage shows female soldiers being abducted by Hamas

(Newser) - In an effort to increase pressure on Israel, the families of hostages taken by Hamas during its October 7 attacks on the country have released disturbing video of some of the abductions. The footage was recorded via bodycam worn by Hamas captors and was previously released by Hamas. The Hostages...

Nations Supporting Palestinian State Grow by 3

Israel recalls ambassadors after announcement from Ireland, Spain, and Norway

(Newser) - Another three countries say they will officially recognize a Palestinian state amid outrage over Israel's war in Gaza. Ireland, Norway, and Spain announced Wednesday that they would formally recognize the Palestinian state on May 28. Israel immediately recalled its ambassadors to Oslo and Dublin in response to what it...

Israel Gets Into Scuffle With the AP, Shuts Down Live Video

Says news org is violating foreign media law by giving images to Al Jazeera, confiscates equipment

(Newser) - Israeli officials seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to the AP in southern Israel on Tuesday, accusing the news organization of violating a new media law by providing images to Al Jazeera. The Qatari satellite channel is among thousands of clients that receive live video feeds from the AP...

ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas Leaders

Karim Khan says he's seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Israel defense chief, Hamas leaders

(Newser) - The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said Monday he's seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in connection with their actions during the seven-month war. Karim Khan said that he believes Netanyahu, his defense minister Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas...

Netanyahu: 'We Have No Other Choice' on Rafah

In sit-down with Dr. Phil, PM says Israel 'will do what we have to do to protect our country'

(Newser) - After President Biden warned earlier this week that the US would halt weapons shipments to Israel if it carried out a ground invasion into the Gaza city of Rafah, Benjamin Netanyahu said he wouldn't be deterred in his mission, noting, "If we have to stand alone, we will...

Netanyahu Responds Defiantly to Biden's Warning

Israel 'will stand alone' if necessary, he says

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu is responding with defiance to a warning from President Biden about an expected invasion of Rafah. After Biden said the US would halt the shipment of offensive weapons to Israel should it go ahead with the ground invasion, Netanyahu issued a video message :
  • "If we have to stand

Ceasefire Hopes Fade as Israel Seizes Control of Rafah

Israeli tank brigade takes control of Gaza Strip side of Rafah border crossing with Egypt

(Newser) - An Israeli tank brigade has seized control of the Gaza Strip side of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, authorities say, moving forward with an offensive in the southern city even as ceasefire negotiations with Hamas remain on a knife's edge. The move comes after hours of whiplash in...

Israel to Palestinians in Rafah: Get Out

Directive suggests that a ground invasion in southern Gaza city is imminent

(Newser) - The Israeli army on Monday ordered tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza's southern city of Rafah to start evacuating from the area, signaling that a long-promised ground invasion there could be imminent. The announcement complicates last-ditch efforts by international mediators, including the director of the CIA, to broker...

Israel Moves to Suspend 'the Hamas Mouthpiece'

Cabinet's decision can shut down Al Jazeera for 45 days

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that his government has voted unanimously to shut down the local offices of Qatar-owned broadcaster Al Jazeera, escalating Israel's long-running feud with the channel at a time when cease-fire negotiations with Hamas—mediated by Qatar—are gaining steam. According to a...

Netanyahu: Israel Will Invade Rafah

Israeli PM promises to do so 'with or without' a ceasefire deal

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged Tuesday to launch an incursion into the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are sheltering from the almost 7-month-long war, just as ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas appear to be gaining steam, the AP reports. Netanyahu said Israel...

Hamas: We're Looking Over Israel's Latest Ceasefire Plan

Senior official for militant group says offer was in response to Hamas proposal from 2 weeks ago

(Newser) - Hamas said Saturday it was reviewing a new Israeli proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza, as Egypt intensified efforts to broker a deal to end the monthslong war and stave off a possible Israeli ground offensive into the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya said the...

Israeli Military Intel Chief Resigns: 'I Carry That Black Day'

Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva is first senior Israeli official to step down over Oct. 7

(Newser) - The head of Israeli military intelligence resigned on Monday over the failures surrounding Hamas' unprecedented Oct. 7 attack, the military said, becoming the first senior figure to step down over his role in the deadliest assault in Israel's history. Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva's resignation could set the stage...

Israel, Iran Step Back From Brink, but Risk of War Rises

Experts say next phase means uncertainty, chance of miscalculations

(Newser) - Iran appears to have indicated Israel's strike on Friday won't lead to a major escalation, and both nations apparently want to return to the shadow war they've fought for years instead of launching more direct attacks. But analysts and government officials say that doesn't mean the...

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