Columbia University

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Derided Goldman Boss Backs Out of Barnard Speech

Scheduling conflict cited as protests loomed

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein has pulled out of a controversial lecture at Manhattan's Barnard College. Students at the Columbia University-affiliated institution had planned protests and workshops to coincide with Blankfein's visit, declaring the week to be "School the Squid" week, in reference to Rolling Stone writer...

Cops 'Stood Back' After Threats to Malcolm X: Book

Columbia's Manning Marable dies just before release of major biography

(Newser) - Columbia professor Manning Marable spent 20 years working on a groundbreaking biography of Malcolm X but died yesterday, just three days before its release. Scholars who have read Marable's Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention say it presents the most definitive look yet at the black nationalist leader's legacy, reports...

Chicago, Honolulu Battle to Host Obama Library

White House hasn't given it 'a second' of thought

(Newser) - President Obama is far more concerned about a second term than his legacy—but two cities are duking it out to host his presidential library, Politico reports. Four groups at the University of Hawaii, in the state where Obama was born, are already hard at work on the matter, hoping...

Columbia Professor Charged With Incest

David Epstein accused of having 3-year relationship with adult daughter

(Newser) - A well-known Columbia University professor has been charged with having an incestuous relationship with his daughter. Court papers allege that political science professor David Epstein had an apparently consensual 3-year relationship with the woman, who was over 18 when it began, the Columbia Spectator reports. Epstein, who's married to a...

Ivy League Drug Bust Had Bizarre Kidnapping Twist

Five Columbia students, three alleged suppliers are charged

(Newser) - This is not your run-of-the-mill Ivy League drug raid—this one has a torture-by-LSD component. When police gave details today about the five Columbia students arrested and charged with distributing everything from LSD to Adderall to fellow students, they also told of a crazy scheme by one of their alleged...

Columbia to Students: OK, You Can Discuss WikiLeaks

Oh yeah, we are for freedom of speech, school clarifies

(Newser) - Columbia University has apparently remembered it's supposed to be a defender of free speech and has dropped its warning to students not to discuss WikiLeaks on Facebook or Twitter. Following a warning from an alumnus at the State Department, the career counseling office of the university's School of International and...

America's 10 Priciest Colleges
 America's 10 Priciest Colleges 

America's 10 Priciest Colleges

...that we definitely haven't saved enough for

(Newser) - Oh, sweet journalistic irony: Forbes releases its list of the country's most expensive colleges, and MarketWatch reports on a Sallie Mae survey released today that finds that, on average, families have saved $48,367 for school by the time their kid leaves for college. (Though, disturbingly, 24% of parents use...

The Site That Could Have Been Facebook

A look at Zuckerberg's early competition

(Newser) - If things had shaken out differently, Adam Goldberg might have been the troubled genius protagonist of The Social Network. When Facebook first launched back in 2004, Goldberg’s CU Community, a Columbia-based version of the same concept, was already up and running. “At first I was like, Oh my ...

Ranking America's Most Stressful Schools

These colleges might just drive you to suicide

(Newser) - This month, lots of high school overachievers will be anxiously awaiting acceptances from the halls of Ivy—even as concerns mount that these schools might not be great for your mental health. Cornell University, for example, had two suicides in as many days last month. So the Daily Beast decided...

Ivy Tweeter Dogs Emma at Brown

Witch way to turn, Hermione wonders

(Newser) - Too bad Hermione can't make technology disappear. It seems Twitter is one more irritation for Emma Watson as she begins school in the hallowed halls of Rhode Island's Brown University, CNN reports. First, a dad annoyed Emma last week when he snapped her photo as she walked around school grounds...

Virus Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Connection may lead to better diagnosis, customized treatment

(Newser) - Aggressive human prostate cancer cells contain a virus associated with cancer in animals, a discovery that raises hopes for more accurate diagnosis and treatment of the disease, the Salt Lake Tribune reports. "We're not saying this virus causes cancer," cautioned the lead researcher. "The best we can...

Turlington Models a More Charitable Path

At 40, she's earning a master's and educating the world on maternity risks

(Newser) - Christy Turlington still considers modeling her work—“It’s the only thing that pays me; everything else is school or volunteerism,” the Columbia masters candidate, often described as one of the world’s most beautiful people, tells Vogue. “My face is a dime a dozen in many...

Shriveled Sports Scene Irks Some Ivy Alums

(Newser) - The Ivy League has a reputation for excellence in all things, but the consignment of its sports programs—particularly the more visible ones like football and basketball—to college athletics’ second tier has alumni clamoring for change, the Wall Street Journal reports. Academic standards limit the pool of top student-athletes...

Fired 'Noose' Prof Sues Columbia for $200M

Plagiarism allegation was 'cooked up,' lawyer says

(Newser) - The Columbia University professor fired for plagiarism shortly after a noose was found hanging on her office door is suing her former school for $200 million. Madonna Constantine’s reputation was ruined by the “baseless” allegation, her lawyer tells CNN. The black professor has previously charged that the noose...

Sorry, Recession Won't Get You Into Harvard

Top schools see no application shortage despite economy

(Newser) - Sure, a lot of people are cash-strapped, but don’t get your hopes up that the recession will boost your shot at an Ivy League school. Harvard got a record number of applications this year—29,112, a 6% jump from last year. And pricey universities like Yale, Dartmouth, Brown,...

Bong Owner Tried to Get $100K on eBay

Eight partygoers have been arrested; Phelps not among them

(Newser) - The bong case grows. Eight people in Columbia, SC, have been arrested on drug charges stemming from the infamous frat party that Michael Phelps attended, WIS-TV reports. Those eight do not include Phelps himself, but they do include the bong's owner, who reportedly tried to sell it on eBay for...

Meet Obama's New Old 'Radical' Pal

(Newser) - Ever since an April story in the LA Times linked him with Barack Obama, friends say Rashid Khalidi has expected to be vilified along the lines of Bill Ayers. The Manhattan-born Columbia professor is an advocate for Palestinian rights and once likened Israeli policies to apartheid. This week John McCain...

10 Most-Buzzed-About Schools
 10 Most-Buzzed-About Schools 

10 Most-Buzzed-About Schools

Harvard beats out Columbia for most internet references

(Newser) - Institutions of higher learning care about their brand as much as any business, so the Global Language Monitor has ranked universities and colleges for the amount of buzz they command on the internet. The winners:
  1. Harvard University
  2. Columbia University
  3. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  4. University of California, Berkeley
  5. Stanford University

Libertarian Bets $1M His GPA Tops Obama's

VP candidate says skin color helped senator get into Harvard

(Newser) - One of Barack Obama’s election opponents is putting his millions where his grades are. Wayne Allyn Root, the Las Vegas handicapper running for vice president on the Libertarian ticket with Bob Barr, has bet $1 million that he had a better GPA at Columbia University than classmate Obama. Root...

New Study Finds No Vaccine Link to Autism

MMR shot not guilty, say researchers

(Newser) - A new study concludes that a childhood vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella is not linked to autism, reports the Washington Post. Researchers studied bowel biopsies from 38 autistic children and found no link between the vaccine and the digestive problems often associated with autism. The results, which contradict the...

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