Columbia University

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Columbia Wrestlers Benched Over Racist Texts

They include use of n-word, homophobic slurs

(Newser) - Columbia University is investigating racist and homophobic group text messages reportedly sent by members of its men's wrestling team just days after similar incidents at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania . According to student-run news site Bwog , which received screenshots of GroupMe messages sent over the past three...

The Mice Have Spoken: Taste Is an Illusion

Scientists turn sense of taste on and off by manipulating brain cells: study

(Newser) - That bitter tincture a bunch of mice in a Columbia University lab recently gagged on could have been sweet nectar, or even just plain water. Why they took issue with the taste: For a study published in the journal Nature , scientists fiddled with their brain cells to make them think...

Rape Accuser Brings Mattress to Graduation

Emma Sulkowicz of Columbia carries her symbolic mattress

(Newser) - A Columbia student who has been carrying a dorm mattress around campus all year as a symbolic gesture against her alleged rapist has kept that gesture going until the very end: Emma Sulkowicz today brought her mattress to graduation, reports the Columbia Spectator . When her name was called, she brought...

Student Accused of Rape Sues Columbia

His accuser turned the case into a very public senior thesis

(Newser) - A high-profile case involving rape allegations at Columbia University has taken another unusual turn. The accused student, Paul Nungesser, has sued the school and accused it of allowing his accuser to publicly ruin his name, reports the Guardian . The suit is referring to the senior thesis of Emma Sulkowicz, who...

Dr. Oz to 'Aggressively' Go After Critics

In his sights Thursday: doctors with links to genetically modified food industry

(Newser) - Last week a group of doctors penned a complaint to Columbia University about Dr. Mehmet Oz, griping he shouldn't be vice chair of the college's surgery department due to his questionable medical advice and "outrageous conflicts of interest." Now Oz is planning to "aggressively" take...

Dr. Oz to Critics: I Am Not a Quack

It's all about 'multiple points of view,' he explains

(Newser) - A group of his fellow physicians thinks that TV's Dr. Oz is a money-hungry quack who has no business being on the medical faculty of Columbia. Dr. Oz himself, aka cardiothoracic surgeon Mehmet Oz, begs to differ. "I bring the public information that will help them on their...

Doctors to University: Fire That 'Quack' Dr. Oz

His presence on faculty is 'unacceptable,' they tell Columbia

(Newser) - Celebrity TV doctor and magic bean salesman Dr. Mehmet Oz also has a prestigious post at Columbia University, which some esteemed colleagues in the medical world find absurd. In a letter to the dean of the Columbia University medical school, where Oz is vice chairman of the surgery department, 10...

DeflateGate Inquiry Goes Ivy League

NFL lawyers seek science help from Columbia physicists

(Newser) - The investigation into DeflateGate has gone Ivy League. Lawyers working for the NFL are seeking help from Columbia University physicists, hoping to learn whether the weather could have played a role in the deflation of footballs during the AFC championship game, the New York Times reports. A lawyer in the...

Student Accused of Columbia Rape: I'm a Feminist

Paul Nungesser holds that sex was consensual

(Newser) - A Columbia University senior is drawing attention to the issue of rape on campus by carrying a mattress with her, saying she'll keep bearing the load until her rapist is kicked out of school. Now, the man she accuses of the attack is speaking publicly for the first time,...

Columbia Student: I'll Carry Mattress Until My Rapist Is Expelled

Emma Sulkowicz turns her senior thesis into a statement

(Newser) - Columbia senior Emma Sulkowicz says school authorities have ignored her allegations that a fellow student raped her in her dorm room on the first day of sophomore year. It's going to be tough to ignore this, however: The visual arts major plans to carry a mattress with her everywhere...

E-Cigs the New Gateway Drug
 E-Cigs the New Gateway Drug 

E-Cigs the New Gateway Drug

Columbia University study showed cocaine addiction in rats with nicotine habit

(Newser) - E-cigarettes might spare the heart and lungs, but not so much the brain. Columbia University researchers who theorized in the 1970s that nicotine can lead to drug addiction are reiterating that point in light of the e-cigarette's popularity, Reuters reports. Though tobacco-free, "they are pure nicotine-delivery devices,"...

Campus Vigilante Posting Names of Columbia 'Rapists'

School keeps scrubbing the lists from bathrooms

(Newser) - There's at least one graffiti vigilante on the loose at Columbia University. Over the past week, lists have been appearing in bathrooms across the school's campus, with titles like "Rapists on Campus" and "Sexual Assault Violators on Campus," according to student media reports. The first...

NYC Mob Attacks Sikh Prof, Thinking He's Muslim

Attackers shouted 'get Osama' before fracturing man's jaw

(Newser) - In what police are investigating as a hate crime, a Columbia University professor was badly beaten on a New York City street Saturday by a mob that apparently believed he was a Muslim. Police say Prabjot Singh, a 31-year-old Sikh, was attacked just blocks from his home by a group...

The Schools Most Likely to Produce Rich People

US dominates the list

(Newser) - Most of the world's richest people have something in common: They went to school in the US. Wealth-X has compiled a report on which universities worldwide boast the most "ultra high net worth" alumni—defined here as those with $30 million or more—and US universities dominate the...

Welcome to Physics, Class; Now, I Strip

Columbia professor's bizarre stunt gets his students' attention

(Newser) - Turns out, it is possible for a video of a quantum mechanics professor welcoming his freshman students to go viral. But as the Columbia Spectator explains, it requires said professor to strip to his skivvies to the backbeat of a Lil Wayne song while a montage of images of 9/11,...

Student: I Was Hospitalized for Calling My Prof a Bitch

Oren Ungerleider sues Columbia over forced hospitalization

(Newser) - A student is suing Columbia University after he was hospitalized against his will for 30 days—apparently for cussing out his Spanish professor, the Columbia Spectator reports. In his lawsuit , Oren Ungerleider admits to calling his professor a bitch in front of the class over a low grade. But he...

After 40 Years, ROTC Back at Harvard

Ivy League universities reinstating military program

(Newser) - Yesterday morning, Army ROTC cadets reported for duty at Harvard University—for the first time in 40 years. The ROTC left Harvard, along with three other Ivy League schools, after campus protests during the Vietnam War; in the decades following, relations between the military and Harvard remained tense due to...

Columbia Frosh Leaps to Death From Dorm

Orientation week takes horrifying turn

(Newser) - A Columbia University freshman leaped to her death from a window of her 14th-story dorm before classes even began. Martha Corey-Ochoa, valedictorian of a Westchester high school and the daughter of a graduate of the Ivy League school, died just two hours after a meet-and-greet at the dorm, officials told...

Ex-Girlfriends' Letters Recall Younger Obama

Vanity Fair excerpts new biography

(Newser) - President Obama must be just thrilled his old girlfriends kept their letters. Vanity Fair today publishes an excerpt of Barack Obama: The Story, a biography written by Washington Post reporter David Mariniss. The excerpt focuses on the 20-something Obama's relationships with Alex McNear and, later, Genevieve Cook, when he...

Top Colleges Steer Grads Away from Wall Street

Students, staff encourage grads to expand horizons

(Newser) - For many seniors at elite US universities, Wall Street provides a straightforward path to a job—particularly since big banks often dominate campus recruiting. But recently, fellow students and staff alike have urged graduating classes to consider a wider array of options, the Los Angeles Times reports. A nationwide campaign...

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