
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Shepard Smith: Sorry I Called Robin Williams a 'Coward'

Fox News host says remark 'just came out of my mouth'

(Newser) - Robin Williams killed himself because he was ... a "coward"? Fox News host Shepard Smith suggested as much on the air yesterday, and later issued an apology "to the core of my being" once Twitter lashed out at him, Mediaite reports. As reported by Raw Story , Shepard talked...

Inside Robin Williams' Addiction Battle

He fought alcohol, drugs, depression for years

(Newser) - Robin Williams often joked about his addiction to cocaine and alcohol—a lifelong struggle that saw him visit a treatment facility just weeks before his suspected suicide yesterday, according to the Hollywood Reporter . Williams, 63, talked openly about 30 years of addiction to drugs and alcohol that began in the...

Fitness May Fight Depression in Girls
 Fitness May Fight 
 Depression in Girls 
study says

Fitness May Fight Depression in Girls

Fit sixth-graders less likely to be depressed seventh-graders

(Newser) - The more fit a child is, the less likely he or she is to suffer from depression, a new study suggests. That's especially true for girls, according to researchers from the University of North Texas, who found a link among middle schoolers. The findings, which have yet to appear...

'Just Being Awake at Night' May Be Suicide Risk Factor

Study finds suicide rate peaks at 2am hour

(Newser) - People are more likely to commit suicide after midnight, and the suicide rate peaks between 2am and 3am, according to a new study. Using data from the American Time Use Survey, which calculates the proportion of Americans who are awake at any given hour, as well as the National Violent...

Shrink: Sadness Is Normal, Don't Medicate

Canadian psychiatrist advises against taking pills

(Newser) - "That's why they call it the blues"? Not in Canada, apparently, where a top psychiatrist says people refuse to accept life's normal emotional downturns and hope doctors will make their lives better—with drugs. "We’re not always happy, and there are often good reasons...

US Denies Woman Entry Over Her Depression

Toronto vacationer was turned back at Pearson airport

(Newser) - So much for that $6,000 vacation: A Canadian woman was denied entry into the US this week due to her history of mental illness, the CBC reports. Ellen Richardson had planned to fly to New York and from there go on a 10-day cruise, but US customs officials at...

Depressed? Tackling Your Insomnia First Could Help
Depressed? Tackling Your Insomnia First Could Help
study says

Depressed? Tackling Your Insomnia First Could Help

New study could lead to major shift in treatment

(Newser) - We might be on the verge of what the New York Times calls "the most significant [advance] in the treatment of depression since the introduction of Prozac in 1987": a new way of looking at treatment for depression and insomnia. More than half of Americans who suffer from depression...

Krugman: This Looks Like a Permanent Depression
Krugman: This Looks Like
a Permanent Depression

Krugman: This Looks Like a Permanent Depression

Evidence suggests economy may never fully recover

(Newser) - When it comes to the economy, you hear a lot of talk about "exit strategies," with monetary officials resigned to the fact that, for now, "credit must be easy and interest rates low"—just until the US gets back on its feet. "But what if...

Depression Might Take Years Off Your Life

Study finds that cells age faster in those with the condition

(Newser) - Depression isn't just making life miserable for those afflicted, it's actually making life shorter, a new study suggests. Dutch researchers found that people with depression seem to be aging faster, with the upshot being that they lose four to six years, reports CBS News . They reached the conclusion...

Women's Depression Linked to ... Pasta

Harvard study finds those with carb-rich diets at 29% to 41% greater risk

(Newser) - A Harvard study that followed 43,000 women over 12 years has found that some of your favorite foods may not just be hurting your physical health, but your mental health, too. The research team looked at the women's diets and discovered those who consumed more red meat, soda,...

Guys, You&#39;re Just as Depressed as Women

 Guys, You're Just 
 as Depressed 
 as Women 

Guys, You're Just as Depressed as Women

When symptoms like rage and substance abuse are factored in

(Newser) - Depression might be known more as a women's disease, but new research shows men suffer just as much—only differently. When rage, risk-taking, and substance abuse are taken into account, men are just as likely to be diagnosed with depression as women, the study says. In fact, if nontraditional...

Questions Arise About Swedish-Speaking Amnesia Patient

Some friends say Michael Boatman is just escaping his past

(Newser) - The incredible story of the Florida man who awoke in a hospital with amnesia and speaking only Swedish made headlines around the world this week. But as more details about the life of Michael Boatman—who believes his name is Johan Ek—emerge, some have been left wondering whether it'...

Club Drug 'Special K' Could Treat Depression

Study suggests drug for physical pain could treat psychological pain too

(Newser) - Doctors use it as an anesthetic and ravers use it to hallucinate, but a new study indicates that ketamine might have another trick up its sleeve: treating depression. A new study found that the drug the kids call "Special K" is effective at treating major depression compared to an...

Son of Pastor Rick Warren Kills Himself

Matthew Warren succumbed to 'wave of despair'

(Newser) - The Southern California church headed by popular evangelical Pastor Rick Warren said his 27-year-old son committed suicide today. Warren's Saddleback Valley Community Church near Los Angeles said in a statement that Matthew Warren had struggled with mental illness and deep depression. "Matthew was an incredibly kind, gentle and...

Jail for Coach Who Tripped Peewee Hockey Player

Player fractured wrists; judge says trip like 'sucker punch'

(Newser) - Tripping another player in a hockey game will get you a two-minute penalty. But tripping after the game earned Martin Tremblay 15 days in jail. The thing is, Tremblay is a 48-year-old coach, and the opposing player he tripped was a 13-year-old who fractured his wrists in the fall. The...

Is Today Really the Saddest Day of the Year?

'Blue Monday' probably doesn't exist

(Newser) - Back in 2005, a psychologist named Dr. Cliff Arnall dubbed the third Monday in January "Blue Monday" and declared that he had determined it to be the most miserable day of the year. Since then, companies have found ways to hawk their products to this supposedly dismal day, while...

I Have Depression: Take Away My Right to a Gun
I Have Depression: Take
Away My Right to a Gun

I Have Depression: Take Away My Right to a Gun

Wendy Button says government needs to protect people from themselves

(Newser) - Wendy Button once considered getting a gun after a scare with an intruder. But "then I remembered who I am," she writes in the New York Times . Button suffers from depression, and when it comes on, sometimes her "fight against the urge to die is so tough...

Diet Soda Linked to Depression
 Diet Soda Linked 
 to Depression 
study says

Diet Soda Linked to Depression

But coffee linked to a decreased risk: study

(Newser) - Yet another reason diet soda may not be as good a choice as you assumed: A new study links it to an increased risk of depression, LiveScience reports. More than 263,900 US adults answered questions about their beverage consumption between 1995 and 1996, and about 10 years later,...

Gaga's Gift to Fans: Free Therapy at Concerts

'BornBrave Bus' will have therapists available

(Newser) - Tailgating at a Lady Gaga concert will be just a little bit different from tailgating at a football game: The pop star has announced that pre-show festivities for the next leg of her tour will include free counseling for concertgoers, Vulture reports. Gaga's "BornBrave Bus" will have therapists...

Jesse Jackson Jr. Home After Depression Treatment

It's not clear when congressman will return to work

(Newser) - Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has returned to his home in Washington after treatment for depression at Mayo Clinic. "He's at home in Washington convalescing with his wife and children," said aide Rick Bryant. "Let's hope he returns to work on Monday." The congressman went...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>