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Talking to a Shrink May Not Work as Well as You Think

Publication bias keeps out negative results in efficacy calculations: researchers

(Newser) - No one is denying that talking things out with a therapist can be helpful for those with depression. But, like antidepressants, psychotherapy's usefulness may be overstated, researchers say, per the New York Times —by as much as 25%, finds a study in PLOS One . "This doesn't...

How 10 Happy Friends Can Alter Your Depression

Researchers say depression doesn't spread

(Newser) - Happiness is contagious, but depression doesn't rub off on you, according to a new study out of England. Researchers examined data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health to study the moods of some 2,000 American high school students, according to a press release . By...

Former NFL QB Erik Kramer Attempts Suicide

Ex-wife blames attempt on 'brain injury'

(Newser) - Former NFL quarterback Erik Kramer was wounded on Tuesday night after shooting himself in an LA-area motel room, NBC News reports, in what Los Angles County sheriff's deputies and Kramer's ex-wife are characterizing as a suicide attempt. Kramer, 50, was discovered with a reportedly self-inflicted gunshot wound to...

Study: Certain Carbs Can Up Your Risk of Depression

Added sugars, refined grains boost women's depression risk by 23%

(Newser) - Feeling depressed? Don't turn to PB&J on white bread in an attempt to make yourself feel better, especially if you're a woman. A diet high in certain carbohydrates—highly refined ones, like that bread, for instance—may bump up the risk of depression in postmenopausal women, per...

Your Phone Can Actually Tell If You're Depressed

Small study finds usage, geographical patterns are revealing

(Newser) - If you lose your smartphone and it happens to fall into the hands of Northwestern University scientists, they'd likely be able to figure out how depressed you are. Those researchers are reporting on the results of a small study in which they used smartphone "sensor data" to discern...

The Sad Conclusions of a Suicide Study—of Kids

Researchers looked at 657 suicides in two decades, of kids 5 to 11

(Newser) - It has to rank among the saddest of studies: a new look at suicides among young children. Researchers reviewed two decades of CDC data, from 1993 to 2012. Though they write in JAMA Pediatrics that "suicide is a leading cause of death among school-aged children younger than 12 years,...

What the Recession Was Good for: Our Mental Health
What the Recession Was Good for: Our Mental Health

What the Recession Was Good for: Our Mental Health

Researchers say it could be result of fewer doc visits or more leisure time

(Newser) - Americans appear to have experienced better mental health during the recent recession than during the years leading up to it. So say researchers out of the University of Maryland who crunched data on depression, anxiety, and psychological disorders in a study published this week in PLoS ONE . The reason remains...

Key to Mountain States' 'Suicide Belt': Thin Air?

Researchers say hypoxia is a 'distinct risk factor' for depression

(Newser) - The suicide rate in the American West—Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming—is roughly 1.5 times higher than in the rest of the nation (18-plus suicides per 100,000 people compared to 12.5), earning it the morbid moniker "the Suicide Belt."...

Hallucinogenic Brew May Help Depression
 Hallucinogenic Brew 
 May Help Depression 
study says

Hallucinogenic Brew May Help Depression

Results from first human clinical trial of ayahuasca are promising

(Newser) - A psychedelic brew from the jungles of Brazil shows promise as a treatment for depression—in fact, as a treatment for those who don't respond to more traditional medication. Researchers at the University of Sao Paulo have just published the results of the first clinical trial involving the anti-depressant...

Lubitz Was 'Depressed'? Now, Wait a Second

Homicidal behavior may signify another problem: Anne Skomorowsky

(Newser) - When Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz killed himself and 149 other people, was he depressed or just "depressed"? That distinction is key to grasping his state of mind and helping lonely, difficult, and angry people around the world, writes Anne Skomorowsky at Slate . At the hospital where she practices...

Vet Freezes to Death Days After VA Hospital Visit

'I need help,' admitting records at Iowa facility show Richard Miles said

(Newser) - When Richard Miles went to a VA hospital in Des Moines on Feb. 15, he told the admitting staff that he needed help. After the 40-year-old Iraq war veteran was diagnosed with "worsened PTSD," as well as insomnia and anxiety, the hospital gave him meds and told him...

Study Finds Powerful, Simple Way to Reduce Suicide

Talk therapy helped those most at risk, study says

(Newser) - Talk therapy is a simple but powerful way to stop people at high risk of suicide from harming themselves, according to new research. In a study published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal, researchers who tracked tens of thousands of Danes over an 18-year period found that suicides were down 26%...

Report: Newtown Shooter Could Have Been Helped

Instead, parents, school sheltered and 'appeased' Adam Lanza

(Newser) - Parental denial and stunning breakdowns in his educational and medical treatment led to plenty of missed opportunities to get Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza the help he needed and perhaps avoid the 2012 tragedy, a report released today by the Office of the Child Advocate reveals. Lanza had "'...

America's Most Popular Drug Is... (You Won't Know)

...Abilify, an anti-psychotic that curbs severe mental illness

(Newser) - America's best-selling drug is ... Viagra? Prozac? Nah, it's actually an anti-psychotic called Abilify that comes with two surprising factoids: It's designed to treat severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder but is now also widely prescribed for depression, and the FDA can't explain how it...

Parents Eye Brain Trauma in Teen Hockey Star's Suicide

A year after Zander Thomas killed self, multiple concussions suspected

(Newser) - A year ago today, 17-year-old Willy Alexander Thomas left his girlfriend's home, drove to the George Washington Bridge, sent goodbye texts to his parents and girlfriend, then jumped. Known as Zander, he had been treated for "mild depression," the New York Times reports, but his friends, family,...

Scientists Turn Bad Memories to Happy Ones

Research could mean more effective treatment for human disorders

(Newser) - Scared to death of spiders after you found one crawling in your bed? Scientists may have discovered a way for you to find them positively cuddly. After identifying the neurons powered by positive and negative memories in mice, MIT neuroscientists found a way to use light to essentially rewrite a...

Early Parkinson's Disease Doubles Depression Risk

Insight into Robin Williams' mental health?

(Newser) - A study is linking new cases of Parkinson's to depression and anxiety—shortly after it emerged that Robin Williams was in the early stages of the disease . In a look at 423 patients who'd recently been diagnosed, researchers found that the incidence of depression and anxiety was twice...

Gene Simmons: Sorry About That Depression Screed

'I deeply regret any offhand remarks'

(Newser) - Remember that time when Gene Simmons not-so-charmingly said depressed people should just kill themselves ? Well, after Robin Williams— a depressed person — really did kill himself , people took exception to Simmons' screed, a #BanGene hashtag got going, and some radio stations stopped playing KISS' music. Now, as E! Online...

Gene Simmons: If You're Depressed, 'Then Kill Yourself'

Comments made July 31 picking up steam now

(Newser) - In the wake of Robin Williams' suicide, a controversial exchange with Gene Simmons in an interview last month is getting a bit of attention. Asked whether he gets along with the original members of KISS, Simmons told :
  • "I don't get along with anybody who's a

Maybe We Need a Better Name for Depression
Maybe We Need a Better Name for Depression

Maybe We Need a Better Name for Depression

It's too easily dismissed by the ignorant, say experts

(Newser) - Given the number of people calling Robin Williams "selfish" or even cowardly in the wake of his suicide, it's clear that the clinical condition of depression remains widely misunderstood, writes Dean Burnett at the Guardian . It "could really use a different name," he writes, because lots...

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