Rodrigo Duterte

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Duterte Makes Unlikely Joke About Drug Use

The drug war waged by the leader of the Philippines has killed thousands

(Newser) - President Rodrigo Duterte has waged a controversially bloody war on drug dealers in the Philippines, but that didn't stop the leader from cracking wise Monday about his own use of illicit substances. Per Reuters , Duterte said in a speech that he used marijuana to stay awake at the...

Duterte: God Is &#39;Stupid&#39;
Duterte: God Is 'Stupid'

Duterte: God Is 'Stupid'

His country, the Philippines, is 90% Christian

(Newser) - Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is in yet another controversy, but this time it's not about his alleged mass killing of drug suspects , or throwing people out of helicopters , or threats to shoot women in the vagina , or even to eat terrorists' livers . This time, it's that he called...

Duterte Called 'Really Sick' for Kissing Woman on Stage

Exchange happened before a crowd of overseas Filipino workers

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is no stranger to controversy , especially with women , though it's not generally in relation to a kiss. While speaking to overseas Filipino workers in South Korea on Sunday night he invited two Filipino women to the stage. He gave them a book, and the BBC...

Philippines Move Being Called a Threat to Democracy

Maria Lourdes Sereno, a frequent critic of Duterte, ousted from Supreme Court

(Newser) - The Philippine Supreme Court ousted its chief justice, a critic of the country's authoritarian president, in an unprecedented vote Friday by fellow magistrates that she and hundreds of protesters called unconstitutional and a threat to democracy. Court spokesman Theodore Te said eight of 14 justices voted to grant a...

In Philippines, 'Ludicrous' Claims From Government in Drug War

Human rights groups push back at Duterte rep's claim that they're assisting drug lords

(Newser) - Human rights groups shining a spotlight on mounting deaths in the Philippines' drug war now have the added chore of denying the government's claims they're involved. Following one of the bloodiest weeks in President Rodrigo Duterte's crackdown on drugs—13 people were killed in a single night,...

ICC Is Investigating Duterte, Who Suddenly Wants Out

He says Philippines is withdrawing from the ICC, 'effective immediately'

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has had a bumpy relationship with the International Criminal Court. He once described it as "bulls---," then in February said he welcomed its preliminary investigation into allegations of crimes against humanity during Duterte's war on drugs. Now, he says he'll pull the...

Duterte Boasts of Order to Shoot Women 'in the Vagina'

Critic calls him 'the epitome of misogyny and fascism'

(Newser) - In addition to saying he "should have been first" to assault a "beautiful" rape victim , Rodrigo Duterte once told soldiers he'd protect them if they raped women. His misogynistic rhetoric only continued with comments last week, drawing outrage even as a spokesman claims the Philippine president shouldn'...

ICC Looks Into Claims Duterte Ordered Mass Murder

He welcomes preliminary investigation into crimes against humanity, rep says

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte welcomes a preliminary investigation into allegations of crimes against humanity now underway by the International Criminal Court, a spokesman said Thursday, marking an about-face for a man who once described the ICC as "bulls---." Duterte is "sick and tired of being accused" and...

Trump: 'It's Been a Really Great 12 Days'

He says Asia trip was 'tremendously succesful'

(Newser) - President Trump headed for home Tuesday following an extensive tour of Asia that he said had been "tremendously successful" and had put the world on notice that the "rules have changed" for countries that want to trade with the US. Trump also teased a "major statement" on...

Trump Hails 'Great Relationship' With Duterte

Accounts differ on whether they talked about human rights in Philippines

(Newser) - His lengthy Asia trip nearing its end, President Trump once more pushed for equitable trade deals and opted to publicly prioritize strategic interests over human rights, declining to shine a spotlight on the violent drug war overseen by his Philippine host, reports the AP . Trump repeatedly praised Philippine President Rodrigo...

Last Stop in Asia: Trump Meets Duterte

Leaders dine, to hold more formal talks on Monday

(Newser) - President Trump arrived at the final stop on his five-country tour of Asia, attending a gala in the Philippines celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte greeted Trump and other leaders one by one as they arrived at a convention center in...

Duterte Says He Killed Someone as a Teen Over a Look

A rep says the Philippines president was speaking 'in jest'

(Newser) - Will President Trump meet face-to-face with a killer while in Asia? Depends on how literally you take the word of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, who on Thursday said, "At the age of 16, I already killed someone. A real person, a rumble, a stabbing. I was just 16 years...

Duterte: US 'Toned Down' Its Human Rights Concerns

Pentagon may begin airstrikes in the Philippines against ISIS

(Newser) - The US already has a small military force in the Philippines to help in the fight against ISIS, but NBC News reports that the Pentagon might ramp things up by allowing US drones to conduct airstrikes. The strikes would be part of an official military mission that could be unveiled...

Tillerson: We&#39;ll Have Response for Russia by Sept. 1
Had 'Clarifying'
Questions for Russia
the rundown

Tillerson Had 'Clarifying' Questions for Russia

Regarding the expulsion of US diplomats, embassy staff

(Newser) - Mark your calendars: The US will make up its mind by Sept. 1 on how to respond to Russia's expulsion of 755 diplomats , Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Monday. The news followed a meeting between Tillerson and Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in the Philippines, during which Tillerson says...

Duterte's Comeback to Chelsea Clinton Jab: Monica Lewinsky

Former first daughter went after leader of Philippines after his comment about rape

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has denounced the daughter of former President Clinton after she criticized a comment he made about rapes committed by soldiers, the AP reports. Chelsea Clinton had reacted to Duterte's rape comment last week, in which he told troops he would take responsibility for any crimes...

21 Killed as Militants Besiege Philippine City

Thousands flee as military sends in tanks

(Newser) - Army tanks packed with soldiers have rolled into a southern Philippine city to try to restore control after militants linked to ISIS launched a violent siege. Thousands of civilians have been fleeing Marawi, a city of some 200,000 people, the AP reports. At least 21 people have died in...

Things Poised to Get Crazier in Duterte&#39;s Philippines
Transcript of Trump's Call
to Duterte Is Leaked
the rundown

Transcript of Trump's Call to Duterte Is Leaked

Praises 'unbelievable job' on drugs, calls Kim a 'madman,' talks about nuclear subs

(Newser) - The Philippines is making headlines on two fronts: First, somebody leaked a transcript of President Trump's phone call to Filipino counterpart Rodrigo Duterte last month. Second, Duterte, already renowned for his brutal crackdown on drugs, is considering imposing martial law nationwide as his troops battle militants linked to ISIS....

Duterte Aims to Wipe Out Smoking in Philippines

25% of the population smokes, but it's now illegal in public

(Newser) - Smokers in the Philippines, look out. President Rodrigo Duterte, notorious for his brutal crackdown on drug users, now wants to wipe out smoking, too. Duterte issued a nationwide executive order Thursday banning smoking in all public places, including sidewalks. CNN reports that smoking was previously banned in schools, clinics, and...

After Trump's Surprise Invite, Duterte Hedges: 'I'm Tied Up'

Philippines leader accused of human rights abuses weighs invitation to White House

(Newser) - President Trump generated controversy over the weekend when he invited a world leader condemned for human rights abuses to the White House. But it turns out that Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines may not be coming anyway. "I'm tied up," he told reporters Monday, per the AP...

Trump, Duterte Cozying Up

Trump, Duterte
Cozying Up

Trump, Duterte Cozying Up

Leaders want 'warm, working relationship,' in stark contrast to Obama frostiness

(Newser) - President Trump called Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte and expressed his commitment to their alliance and in developing "a warm, working relationship," a Filipino official said Sunday. Presidential spokesman Ernie Abella said Trump mentioned he was looking forward to visiting the Philippines in November to attend an East Asia...

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