Reeva Steenkamp

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Pistorius to Be Indicted Tomorrow—on Victim's Birthday

Trial date set for March 2014

(Newser) - Olympian sprinter Oscar Pistorius will be served with an indictment for premeditated murder in a South African court tomorrow—the same day his late girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp would have turned 30 years old. Prosecutors say it's also "possible" the double-amputee will face additional charges, reports the AP . Local...

Pistorius Makes First Appearance Since February

Magistrate agrees to delay runner's murder trial until Aug. 19

(Newser) - Oscar Pistorius was back in the public eye today for the first time since he was bailed in February on charges of murdering girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. The double-amputee Olympian appeared at a brief court hearing in Pretoria, where a magistrate agreed to a request from both the prosecution and defense...

Leaked Bloody Pics Shock Pistorius Family

Crime scene photos broadcast as court date looms

(Newser) - Days ahead of Oscar Pistorius' first court date since February, his family says they are "shaken" by leaked pictures of the bathroom where girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp was shot dead. The photos obtained by Sky News ( which are here and graphic ) appear to show the blood-stained cubicle where...

Inside the Angry World of Oscar Pistorius
 The Angry World 
 of Oscar Pistorius 

The Angry World of Oscar Pistorius

'Vanity Fair' profiles main players, night of killing, ahead of trial

(Newser) - Oscar Pistorius returns to court next month for his murder trial, notes the Huffington Post , and anyone interested in the case should make a new Vanity Fair piece required reading. The article by Mark Seal doesn't have any bombshell revelations on the main question—did the amputee Olympian murder...

Reeva Steenkamp Met With Ex 2 Days Before Killing

Pistorius called her 'every 20 minutes' during rendezvous

(Newser) - Reeva Steenkamp met with her ex-boyfriend only two days before Oscar Pistorius killed her—and received two phone calls from the Olympic athlete during the coffee date, according to a new BBC documentary . "I mean he’s phoned twice already, every 20 minutes," her ex, Warren Lahoud, says...

Pistorius Fights Bail Restrictions

Say he should keep his passports, along with the right to drink booze

(Newser) - Lawyers for Oscar Pistorius on Friday filed an appeal in a South African court against bail restrictions imposed on the Olympian, according to papers emailed to the AP by the Pistorius family today. His lawyers object to the following conditions as "unwarranted and not substantiated by the facts":
  • They

Pistorius Is 'Broken,' Suicidal: Pal

Sprinter has to sell off his horses, is despondent

(Newser) - Faced with having to sell off his racehorses to pay for mounting legal bills in the death of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, Oscar Pistorius is despondent, a family friend tells the BBC in an upcoming special , as picked up by ITV . "I would say that, just speaking to him, that...

Pistorius Dad Hit for 'Racist' Gun Comment

Seems Henke Pistorius didn't clear interview with 'media liaison team'

(Newser) - The Pistorius family has a "media liaison team," but Oscar's dad apparently didn't check in with said experts before talking to the Telegraph . The family is today distancing itself from Henke Pistorius' statement that some of the 55 guns owned by his family are used for...

If Pistorius Is Telling Truth, He's Still a 'Dangerous Killer'

William Saletan: Actions begin to make sense when you consider he's violent, paranoid

(Newser) - So many parts of Oscar Pistorius' story of what happened the night he shot Reeva Steenkamp defy rational explanation that it's tough to give him the benefit of the doubt, writes William Saletan at Slate . (For one thing, Pistorius assumes it's a burglar in his high-security apartment, instead...

Cops Tell Steenkamp Family: He Beat Her Skull

And friend says she 'felt caged in'

(Newser) - Police have told Reeva Steenkamp's family that Oscar Pistorius bashed in her skull with a cricket bat before fatally shooting her, the Daily Mail reports. Police withheld that information at Pistorius' bail hearing last week, preferring to conceal their case, but did brief the South African model's family...

Pistorius Bro Also Faces Murder Charge

'Carl is innocent,' family lawyer says of 2008 road death

(Newser) - Not a good month for the Pistorius clan: On the heels of Oscar Pistorius' murder charge in the death of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp comes the news that brother Carl Pistorius is facing a murder charge of his own. The culpable homicide charge isn't new, reports the BBC , and stems...

Steenkamp Dad: If He's Telling the Truth, I'll Try to Forgive Him

Pistorius may resume training next week

(Newser) - Oscar Pistorius is staying with an uncle in a Pretoria suburb today after being released on bail yesterday, reports the Guardian . The father of the woman he killed, meanwhile, offers this assessment to a German newspaper:
  • "If it didn't happen the way he says it did, he must

Pistorius Bail Decision Could Be Delayed
 Pistorius Is Granted Bail 

Pistorius Is Granted Bail

Judge says he's not a flight risk

(Newser) - Oscar Pistorius has been granted bail, CNN reports. The judge said he found fault with arguments on both sides but ultimately decided that the double-amputee Olympian is not a flight risk. He set bail at about $113,000 and demanded that Pistorius hand over his passports. In closing arguments before...

OJ Cop, Attorney Weigh In on Pistorius

Mark Fuhrman, for one, says it's clear to him the athlete is guilty

(Newser) - If the Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa didn't call to mind the OJ trial before the latest drama with the ( now-ousted ) lead detective, allow Gawker to draw the parallels between South African cop Hilton Botha and former LAPD cop Mark Fuhrman. But what does Furhman himself...

Lead Cop Still on Pistorius Case&mdash;for Now
Lead Cop Dropped From Pistorius Case

Lead Cop Dropped From Pistorius Case

After attempted murder charges from 2011 reinstated

(Newser) - Lead detective Hilton Botha is now off the Oscar Pistorius murder case now that he's facing his own attempted murder charges , the police commissioner announced today. A new detective has been brought in, the BBC reports. A spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority had earlier told Reuters that the...

Suddenly, Case Against Pistorius Looks a Little Shaky

Lead detective admits mistakes under tough questioning

(Newser) - Oscar Pistorius will likely learn tomorrow whether he will be released on bail, and what seemed like a certain "no" a few days ago is anything but certain now. The AP says the case against the double-amputee Olympian "began to unravel" today as the athlete's attorney picked...

Pistorius Case: Witness Heard Woman Scream, More Gunshots

Prosecution sets out case as bail hearing resumes

(Newser) - Police labeled Oscar Pistorius a flight risk as his bail hearing resumed in South Africa today, reports the AP . Prosecutors, who accuse the athlete of premeditated murder, told the court that a witness heard "nonstop talking, like fighting" from 2am to 3am on the night girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp was...

Pistorius Put Legs on to Shoot Reeva: Prosecutor

Argues Steenkamp's death was premeditated as she's cremated in hometown

(Newser) - Oscar Pistorius put on his artificial legs to walk to the bathroom where girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp had fled after an argument and then fired into the locked door, hitting her three times, a prosecutor said at a dramatic court hearing today. Pistorius sobbed at the bail hearing as the prosecutor...

Pistorius: I Thought Reeva Was in Bed When I Fired

Says he wanted to protect 'deeply' loved girlfriend

(Newser) - As Reeva Steenkamp's family paid their final respects today, Oscar Pistorius doubled down on his claim that he thought he was shooting a burglar through his bathroom door, reports the AP . "We were in our bedroom. She was doing her yoga exercises. I was watching television," he...

Pistorius Nearly Shot a Friend Once by Mistake

Runner's website yanks ad calling him 'the bullet in the chamber'

(Newser) - Unsurprisingly, a series of much more minor "Oscar + guns" stories are coming out of the woodwork. Today's entry: Not long before killing his girlfriend, Oscar Pistorius nearly shot a friend in an upscale restaurant by mistake, AFP reports. Pistorius was checking out a friend's revolver when...

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