Ronan Farrow

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Ronan Farrow: What Weinstein's Appeal Could Mean for Trump

Admission of evidence unrelated to the charges also factors into Trump's hush-money case

(Newser) - As shocking as the overturning of Harvey Weinstein's sex crimes conviction appears to the public, legal experts are not surprised, journalist Ronan Farrow writes at the New Yorker , noting the appeal rested on an issue that could open up a path of appeal for former President Trump should he...

There Is Little Precedent for Elon Musk's World Sway

Ronan Farrow suggests in 'New Yorker' that he has what amounts to 'shadow rule' in US government

(Newser) - "The meddling of oligarchs and other monied interests in the fate of nations is not new," observes Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker . But Elon Musk is in a league of his own, he adds. Farrow's deep dive into Musk's life and career begins with a...

Ronan Farrow's New Target: Andrew Cuomo
Ronan Farrow: Phone Call
by Cuomo Raises Legal Issues
the rundown

Ronan Farrow: Phone Call by Cuomo Raises Legal Issues

Governor called White House in 2014 to complain about a federal prosecutor

(Newser) - The potential trouble for Andrew Cuomo keeps mounting . The latest arrives via an investigative piece about the New York governor by Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker . Farrow doesn't recount more allegations of sexual harassment, however. Instead, he reports that Cuomo made a highly improper, possibly illegal call to...

Woody Allen Takes a Swing at His Son's Work

The filmmaker calls Farrow's reporting 'shoddy'

(Newser) - With Ronan Farrow on the ropes, his dad is taking a shot of his own. "People are beginning to realize that it isn't just in relation to me that his journalism has been kind of shoddy," Woody Allen tells the Telegraph . "And I'm not so...

Matt Lauer Debuts Arm Tattoo About Hatred

'Hatred corrodes the container it’s carried in'

(Newser) - Matt Lauer, perhaps emboldened by the act of going public with his long list of complaints about Ronan Farrow, on Wednesday let his new tattoo show. In a photo obtained by Us , the former Today co-anchor is seen driving in New York with the phrase "Hatred corrodes the container...

Matt Lauer Goes to Town on Ronan Farrow

Takes massive issue with Farrow's reporting about him in 'Catch and Kill'

(Newser) - In an extensive piece published on Mediaite , Matt Lauer says that yes, "Ronan Farrow Is Indeed Too Good to Be True." That headline references the headline of a recent New York Times piece criticizing Farrow's journalism, a piece with which Lauer, the subject of two chapters in...

This Time, Ronan Farrow Is the Subject of Scrutiny

Ben Smith of 'New York Times' sees fundamental flaws in Farrow's reporting

(Newser) - Pulitzer-winning journalist Ronan Farrow is usually the one writing critical stories of his subjects, as Harvey Weinstein can attest. This time, though, the tables are turned. Media writer Ben Smith of the New York Times has written a lengthy critical analysis of Farrow's reporting and finds that it comes...

Publisher Drops Woody Allen's Book
Woody Allen's
Memoir Gets
the Ax

Woody Allen's Memoir Gets the Ax

Hachette drops memoir after Dylan, Ronan Farrow uproar, staff walkout

(Newser) - Woody Allen's upcoming memoir is apparently no longer upcoming. According to the Hollywood Reporter , publisher Hachette Book Group has decided to pull the director's book, Apropos of Nothing, a month before it was to hit shelves after outcry over child molestation allegations . Hachette said it would "return...

Ronan to Woody Allen Publisher: 'Imagine This Were Your Sister'

Hachette, which is publishing Allen's new memoir, also published Farrow's 'Catch and Kill'

(Newser) - Ronan Farrow and Woody Allen share the same book publisher, but Farrow wasn't happy to recently find out about this bond with his estranged father. Apropos of Nothing, Allen's new memoir due out April 7, is being published by Hachette, also the publisher for Farrow's Catch and ...

Ronan Farrow: Let's Revisit Bill Clinton Rape Claim

Remember Juanita Broaddrick?

(Newser) - Ronan Farrow brought up an old rape accusation Friday on Real Time with Bill Maher—one against a former president. It came up after Maher asked how Bill Clinton would have weathered the Monica Lewinsky scandal in today's #MeToo culture, Fox News reports. "Could Bill Clinton, if he...

Maddow Gets Emotional Over 'Silence' at NBC

The MSNBC host speaks up about sexual harassment and NDAs

(Newser) - Activists called upon NBC Universal on Saturday to allow former employees to speak out freely on sexual harassment in the workplace without restriction, rather than having to come to the company first to be released from non-disclosure agreements, the AP reports. The company said Saturday that any former employee who...

Ronan Farrow's Catch and Kill Also Caught Him a Fiance

Journalist popped the question to now-fiance Jon Lovett in a draft of his new book

(Newser) - Ronan Farrow has been making headlines again surrounding the release of his new book, Catch and Kill, and its allegations on Harvey Weinstein and NBC News . But the 31-year-old investigative journalist is garnering buzz for another reason, though Catch and Kill is peripherally involved: He's engaged, and he proposed...

NBC Exec Comes Out Fighting After Farrow Accusations

Network's president says ex-employee has 'an ax to grind'

(Newser) - Ronan Farrow's name is spread across headlines Tuesday as his new expose hits bookshelves. From Catch and Kill, CNN pulls the claim that National Enquirer Editor-in-Chief Dylan Howard directed staffers to shred "a Trump-related document" held in a safe as reporters investigated the tabloid's "catch and...

After Rape Claim, Lauer Releases 1,400-Word Letter

Brooke Nevils sat for interview with Ronan Farrow, provided full account of her allegations

(Newser) - Ronan Farrow's new book drops Tuesday, but an explosive allegation is out now. Variety obtained a copy of Catch and Kill and reports that in it, Farrow reveals the identity of the woman whose allegations against Matt Lauer led to his 2017 ouster from the Today show. Her name...

Ronan Farrow Says AMI Tried to Blackmail Him

Jeff Bezos wasn't the only one, he says

(Newser) - Hours after Jeff Bezos accused the National Enquirer's parent company of blackmail , Ronan Farrow said American Media Inc. had done the same thing to him and at least one other journalist. Farrow tweeted Thursday night that after breaking stories on the Enquirer's "catch and kill" arrangement with...

After Decades of Silence, Soon-Yi Previn Speaks
After Decades of Silence,
Soon-Yi Previn Speaks

After Decades of Silence, Soon-Yi Previn Speaks

Woody Allen's wife blasts Mia Farrow in controversial 'New York' interview

(Newser) - One person we haven't heard from in decades "as controversies tumbled around her": Soon-Yi Previn, wife of Woody Allen and adopted daughter of Mia Farrow. "No more," writes Daphne Merkin in a piece in New York that's attracting plenty of attention—and backlash. Previn details...

As NBC Defends Itself, Ronan Farrow Takes a Shot

Journalist says network is being misleading about how it handled the Weinstein story

(Newser) - The Harvey Weinstein scandal is leading to another controversy that just keeps growing: how NBC News handled the investigation. Network exec Andy Lack defended NBC in a memo to employees Monday, but reporter Ronan Farrow then accused Lack of fudging the facts, reports CNN . It all centers on a serious...

Accusations Fly Over How NBC News' Weinstein Story Died
Accusations Fly
Over NBC News and
a Bombshell Story
the rundown

Accusations Fly Over NBC News and a Bombshell Story

Producer who worked with Ronan Farrow speaks out

(Newser) - Soon after Ronan Farrow's Pulitzer Prize-winning expose on Harvey Weinstein ran in the New Yorker came word that he had originally been working on the piece for NBC News. Farrow said the network dropped the story, and when initially asked why , he said, "You would have to ask...

Six Feet Under Star Among Those Accusing CBS' Moonves

Total of 6 women allege sexual misconduct against CEO in 'New Yorker' story

(Newser) - It's out. The expected exposé from the New Yorker about CBS CEO Leslie Moonves has landed, and it could be big trouble for the Hollywood giant. In the lengthy story by Ronan Farrow, six women accuse the 68-year-old of sexual misconduct that stretches from the 1980s to more recent...

CBS Honcho Leslie Moonves May Be Next 'MeToo' Casualty

'New Yorker' to publish allegations of sexual misconduct regarding the CEO

(Newser) - Ronan Farrow, the journalist whose work helped bring down Harvey Weinstein , has another powerful figure in his sights: Leslie Moonves, the CEO of CBS. To be clear, the story in the New Yorker isn't out yet, but it's expected to be published Friday afternoon, per the Hollywood Reporter...

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