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No More Hospitals in East Aleppo After 'Catastrophic Day'

Airstrikes have left 250K residents with very little access to medical care

(Newser) - On Friday, airstrikes led by Russia and the Syrian government, ostensibly meant to target rebel-held areas in Aleppo, caused enough damage to force four hospitals in the city to close, the Guardian reports. And then the final blow: The Omar bin Abdul Aziz facility, the last remaining hospital in East...

Syria's President Says This Iconic Photo Is Fake

Interviewer confronts Assad with haunting image

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad apparently believes there's such a big shortage of injured children in his country that people have to forge photos of them. In an interview with a Swiss television station this week, the leader was confronted with a haunting photo of 5-year-old Omran Daqneesh , who was...

4-Year-Old Girl Found a Silver Ball; It Was a Bomb

Iman, 4, died of her injuries after finding a cluster bomb in the streets of Aleppo

(Newser) - Children in war zones are still wont to play, and when 4-year-old Iman spotted what she thought was a silver ball, she picked it up—only to become the latest victim in the savage civil war raging in the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo. The "ball" was a cluster...

US Threatens Russia Over Syria as UN Decries 'Slaughterhouse'

John Kerry decries Russian and Syrian attacks, says US will cut off all contact

(Newser) - Secretary of State John Kerry is threatening to cut off all contact with Moscow over Syria, unless Russian and Syrian government attacks on Aleppo end, the AP reports. The State Department says Kerry issued the ultimatum in a Wednesday telephone call to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Kerry's spokesperson,...

Gary Johnson Doesn't Know What Aleppo Is


(Newser) - The city of Aleppo has long been at the center of Syria's civil war—most recently in claims that the Syrian regime dropped chlorine gas bombs on its own people—so one might think presidential candidates would be pretty familiar with it. Not Gary Johnson. "What would you...

Syrian Regime Accused of Chlorine Gas Attack

Rescue workers say 80 hurt in Aleppo

(Newser) - The Syrian regime has once again been accused of using poison gas on civilians, this time in an attack on a rebel-held area of Aleppo. Reuters reports that the Syrian Civil Defense rescue group says barrel bombs containing chlorine gas were dropped on the shattered city's Sukkari neighborhood, causing...

Brother of Aleppo Boy in Ambulance Dies

10-year-old succumbs to injuries days after airstrike that destroyed family home

(Newser) - Five-year-old Omran Daqneesh sat in the back of an ambulance, dirty, dazed, and bloodied on Wednesday night after an airstrike hit his family's home in Aleppo, his haunted expression going viral to put a new face on the boundless suffering of the Syrian civil war that's as old...

In Russia&#39;s Strikes on Syria, a Surprising First
In Russia's Strikes on
Syria, a Surprising First
the rundown

In Russia's Strikes on Syria, a Surprising First

Bombers take off from Iran

(Newser) - Russia has been dropping bombs on Syria for nearly a year now in its bid to help President Bashar al-Assad win his civil war, but Tuesday marked an important first in the fighting: Russian bombers took off from a base in Iran for strikes on Aleppo and two other provinces....

Syrian Doctors' Plea to Obama: Help Us

Besieged Aleppo nearly out of hospitals, medical care, they write

(Newser) - The last 15 doctors in war-ravaged Aleppo in eastern Syria are calling on President Obama to help bring an end to the bombardment of hospitals there, the BBC reports. If no action is taken, the doctors warned, there won’t be any medical facilities left within a month. "We...

3 Chicago Doctors Survive 'Hell' in Syria

'I have no words to describe the fear and horror': Dr. Samer Attar

(Newser) - Dr. Samer Attar, an orthopedic surgeon from Chicago who recently volunteered his time and skills in Aleppo, Syria, paints a dismal picture of what he encountered there. "I have no words to describe the fear and horror," the Syrian-American doctor tells the Los Angeles Times in an email....

Aleppo's Last Pediatrician Killed in Airstrikes

At least 27 dead in nighttime attack

(Newser) - A wave of overnight airstrikes hit a hospital in Syria supported by Doctors Without Borders and nearby buildings in the rebel-held part of the contested city of Aleppo, killing at least 27 people. The strikes hit the well-known al-Quds field hospital, according to opposition activists and rescue workers, and the...

Syria: Foreign Troops Will Go Home in Coffins

Minister warns Saudis as Aleppo offensive intensifies

(Newser) - Syria Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem warned Saturday that Saudi or other foreign ground troops entering Syria would "return home in wooden coffins," and called on rebel groups fighting a massive government offensive in the north to "come to their senses" and lay down their weapons. His comments...

UN: Sites From 'Dawn of Civilization' Ruined in Syria

Satellite images show war devastation of 290 cultural heritage sites

(Newser) - Insurgents camping inside the 900-year-old Crac des Chevaliers Crusader medieval castle and snipers firing from atop Aleppo's Citadel illustrate the sad plight of Syria's oldest cultural heritage sites—some of them dating back to what Reuters calls the "dawn of civilization." Satellite images have revealed that...

Militants Tunnel Under Syria Hotel, Destroy It

No official word yet on casualties in Aleppo attack

(Newser) - Islamic militants destroyed an Aleppo hotel used by Syrian government troops today by tunneling underneath the building and planting explosives there, the New York Times reports. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the government soldiers suffered casualties in the attack on the Carlton Citadel, where they had been based...

Activists: Syrian Airstrike Kills 33 at Market

It's second straight day of mass casualties in Aleppo

(Newser) - Syrian government aircraft struck a busy market today in a rebel-held district of Aleppo, killing at least 33 people in the latest deadly attack targeting mainly civilians in the city, opposition activists said. Several activists said a government helicopter dropped three barrel bombs that exploded in the Hillok district, which...

Opposition: Syria School Bombing Kills 25 Kids

As another chemical weapons deadline comes and goes

(Newser) - Twenty-five children were killed when an elementary school in Syria's largest city was bombed today, opposition activists say. Regime forces dropped barrel bombs—barrels containing a combination of explosives and items like nails—in the opposition stronghold of Aleppo, according to an opposition group; CNN describes gruesome video but...

Volunteer Surgeon Held by Syria Is Dead

UK's Abbas Khan was due to be released this week

(Newser) - A young British doctor who traveled to Syria as a volunteer to treat civilians is dead under suspicious circumstances after more than a year in custody, reports the Daily Mail . The official story is that surgeon Abbas Khan, 32, hanged himself in his cell with his pajama bottoms, reports the...

'Very, Very Important' Syrian Rebel Leader Killed

Abdulkader al-Saleh led Qatar-backed force

(Newser) - The New York Times describes Abdulkader al-Saleh as a Syrian rebel leader "who brought together one of the most effective and organized factions" against Bashar al-Assad. No wonder, then, that his death is being described as a major setback for the rebels. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights today...

Syria Chemical Weapons Team Can't Reach 2 Key Sites

First weapons deadline may be missed

(Newser) - The Nobel Peace Prize-winning group tasked with inspecting Syrian chemical weapons sites and destroying production equipment may miss the first major deadline of its mission. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons says it has visited 21 of 23 sites disclosed by the Syrian government, but security concerns have...

Satellite Pics Show Destruction of Aleppo

Amnesty International: Photos reveal 'relentless bombardment'

(Newser) - Death, from above: Satellite photos of a city at the heart of the Syrian uprising are "emblematic of the relentless bombardment" by government forces, says Amnesty International. Taken earlier this year, the images make destroyed houses in Aleppo look like piles of white powder amid a gray mass—but...

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