Rhine River

4 Stories

Tourists, Would-Be Rescuer Killed in Rhine Boat Sinking

One child among the dead, another is missing

(Newser) - Three people were killed and a child is missing after a motorized rubber boat capsized Thursday in the Rhine River between Germany and France, the AP reports. Deutsche Welle describes the victims as members of a group of German and Romanian tourists. The boat, which left the German bank of...

Hang On: Dramatic Rescue Saves Cable Car Passengers

Dozens safely rescued in Germany; only 2 slight injuries

(Newser) - About a week ago, firefighters in Germany drilled for an unlikely event: the rescue of cable car passengers. Over the weekend, that training paid off, reports the Guardian . Firefighters had to rescue about 75 people in Cologne on Sunday after one of the cars crashed into a support pillar. The...

Germany Defusing WWII-Era Bomb
 Germany Defuses
 WWII-Era Bomb 

Germany Defuses WWII-Era Bomb

Thousands evacuated from city of Koblenz

(Newser) - Germany today successfully defused a massive unexploded World War II-era bomb it found in a depleted riverbed in Koblenz, reports the AP , after having evacuated some 45,000 residents. The 1.8-ton bomb could have wreaked serious damage if it exploded. Experts also defused a 275-pound American bomb found alongside...

WWII Bomb Forces 45K to Evacuate Town

Experts prepare to defuse aerial explosive spotted in Rhine

(Newser) - Half of the German city of Koblenz is being evacuated so experts can defuse a 1.8 ton World War II bomb. The aerial explosive, believed dropped by the RAF, was spotted in the Rhine River as dry conditions lowered water levels. Some 45,000 residents are leaving the area...

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