green energy

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'Earth Hour' Won't Solve Our Energy, Climate Change Troubles: Bjorn Lomborg

 'Earth Hour' Is a Joke 

Bjorn Lomborg

'Earth Hour' Is a Joke

We need real green solutions, not just 'feel-good' movements: Bjorn Lomborg

(Newser) - This Saturday night, environmental activists are calling on the world to dim the lights for “Earth Hour”—a nice idea, but one that may actually be counterproductive. Look at it this way: "If everyone in the world participated in this year's Earth Hour, the result would be...

Google Funding Wind Power 'Superhighway'

$5B project will clear the way for future wind farms

(Newser) - Google is kicking in a major portion of the funding for a massive wind power project off the mid-Atlantic coast. The search king is investing in a 350-mile underwater cable network that will serve as a backbone for future wind farms, the New York Times reports. Google and renewable energy...

Advice to Tea Party: Go Green
 Advice to Tea Party: 
 Go Green 
thomas friedman

Advice to Tea Party: Go Green

We could impose a 'patriot fee' on foreign oil

(Newser) - Thomas Friedman figures the Tea Party, like similar protest movements, is good for 10% to 20% of the vote. But if it wants to truly change America, he suggests a change in focus by going green. He's even got the manifesto written: “We, the Green Tea Party, believe that...

Nissan's Electric 'Leaf' Will Be $33K

Car will be cheapest all-electric on the market

(Newser) - Nissan has announced a price for the Leaf, its all-electric car due at the end of the year. The Leaf will be available for $32,780, meaning most US citizens can get one for $25,280 after applying the Obama administration's $7,500 tax credit for electric cars. That puts...

Five More Lindsey Grahams, and We Have an Energy Bill
 Five More Lindsey Grahams, 
 and We Have an Energy Bill 
Thomas Friedman

Five More Lindsey Grahams, and We Have an Energy Bill

GOP senator says party will lose country's youth if it doesn't green up

(Newser) - There's more to the GOP energy policy than just "Drill, baby, drill"—or at least there will be if Lindsey Graham has anything to do with it. The South Carolina Republican is teaming with Joe Lieberman and John Kerry to push hefty carbon-cutting legislation, and he tells Thomas...

Here Come Electric Cars— But Cities Aren't Ready

People without driveways or garages have nowhere to charge

(Newser) - If electric cars are ever going to put a meaningful dent in America's fuel habits, cities must start getting proactive now, writes Robert Gammon. Automakers are busy preparing plug-ins for the road, but the logistics of keeping them charged will leave many buyers out of the loop. Specifically, apartment and...

Here Comes Cash for Caulkers
 Here Comes Cash for Caulkers 

Here Comes Cash for Caulkers

Obama gets behind incentives for weatherizing, energy efficiency

(Newser) - Gentlemen, start your weatherizing. Cash for Caulkers, a program to provide financial incentives to homeowners to make their abodes more energy-efficient, looks like a go. The stimulus proposal has been kicking around Washington for a few weeks, but President Obama has taken a shine to it, reports the New York ...

Google Earth, Al Gore Detail Climate Change

Al Gore narrates intro to new feature detailing perils, and solutions

(Newser) - Google—with the help of Al Gore—has introduced new “layers” to its Earth application that detail the possible effects of climate change in the next century. The Nobel laureate narrates an intro to a series of virtual tours that highlight terrifying scenarios and solutions. The upgrade allows users...

China Plans Massive Push for Green Power

Country could be world's leader in clean energy by 2020

(Newser) - China is on course to obtain 20% of its energy from wind and solar sources by 2020—a transformation that would make the country the world leader in renewables. Beijing is ramping up its targets for clean energy, helped by the $590 billion stimulus package passed last year, a senior...

Exercisers Boost Power Grid
 Exercisers Boost Power Grid 

Exercisers Boost Power Grid

Green tweak captures energy from popular gym equipment

(Newser) - Exercise buffs who hop on an elliptical machine for half an hour can power a laptop for an hour with the generated energy, thanks to a tweak made by a young Florida entrepreneur. The technique takes advantage of a generator already built into a popular model of the cross-trainers. About...

Next 100 Days Promise Real Test
 Next 100 Days 
 Promise Real Test 

Next 100 Days Promise Real Test

(Newser) - President Obama’s efforts to reach out domestically and internationally in his administration’s infancy “have paid off remarkably,” Howard Fineman writes in Newsweek, but there are tough times ahead. “To make good on the promise of days 1-100,” Fineman writes, “Obama will have to...

Gingrich, Gore Clash on Climate
 Gingrich, Gore Clash on Climate 

Gingrich, Gore Clash on Climate

(Newser) - Al Gore and Newt Gingrich both appeared on Capitol Hill today, arguing for and against Democratic legislation that would shape US policy on energy and the environment, MSNBC reports. Gore said the legislation, which would mandate a sweeping changeover to a green economy in the next 50 years, “has...

Obama's Earth Day Pitch: 'New Energy Economy'

America must choose a 'new energy economy,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama returned to Iowa—his crucial campaign battleground win—for Earth Day, hailing the “new, clean energy economy” and unveiling an offshore wind project. “It is time for us to lay a new foundation for economic growth by beginning a new era of energy exploration,” he...

Biogas-Farting Bugs Can Aid Green Power

(Newser) - Single-celled organisms that absorb electricity and emit methane can help people store energy from green power sources, New Scientist reports. Researchers have found that certain microorganisms, when fed surplus power, mix it with carbon dioxide to create methane, which can be saved and burned any time—perfect for storing power...

'Crazy Green Idea' Video Wins Students $25K

Clip challenges techies to create long-term power-storage device

(Newser) - Two California film students won $25,000 for a YouTube video challenging the tech community to develop a rechargeable device far more eco-friendly than standard batteries, BusinessGreen reports. The clip was one of 133 entries in a contest to create a challenge to be met for a future environmental prize....

New Power Source Catches a Wave: Ocean Tides

(Newser) - In the search for renewable energy, Europe and the US are turning to one of the earth’s most abundant resources—the tides, Bloomberg reports. Technology developed three decades ago to turn tidal energy into electricity in developing countries is finally finding traction in the West. The largest grid-connected turbine,...

US Choice: Put Money in Startups or Big Three

Tesla needs aid for new electric sedan

(Newser) - Small upstart Tesla wants to build on the success of its bold electric sports car—the pricey Roadster—by building a tamer sedan for the masses. But to do so, it needs a big infusion of cash from the Obama administration, which is looking to boost clean energy. The situation,...

Winter Chills Green Energy
 Winter Chills Green Energy 

Winter Chills Green Energy

Renewable energy industry works to deal with seasonal variations

(Newser) - Winter weather is cooling newfound enthusiasm for renewable energy, the New York Times reports. Solar panels get snowed up or suffer from lack of sunlight on short winter days, and biodiesel sometimes congeals in cold weather. Wintry weather is a plus for wind power, but turbines can get iced up...

Fliers Ease Carbon Guilt Via Donations

San Fran airport to offer pollution offsets at new kiosks

(Newser) - Guilty about the carbon footprint of your frequent flights? Have a few bucks to spare and time to kill at San Francisco's airport? The firm 3Degrees is banking on such a combination as it prepares to roll out the nation's first fleet of kiosks offering carbon offsets. No one is...

One Man's Coffee Grounds Are Another's Biodiesel

Waste can be turned into cheap fuel

(Newser) - If lattes seem overpriced now, wait until coffee becomes a precious commodity. An engineering professor spied an opportunity in the layer of oil he found floating in an old cup of coffee one morning. He extracted what was left in some used grounds—about 10%-15% oil by weight—with simple...

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