animal rights

Stories 161 - 179 | << Prev 

Eight Belles Jockey Defends His Ride

He says the filly gave no sign she was injured during race

(Newser) - The jockey who rode Eight Belles in the Kentucky Derby says the filly seemed to be in fine form during the race and denies pushing her against her will, USA Today reports. "I'm not going to encourage her to run if I know something is wrong because I can...

To Animal Lovers, He's the Cat's Meow

Longtime fondness for felines embraced by fellow Catholic cat fanciers

(Newser) - One group of Catholics who weren't surprised to see Pope Benedict XVI's "softer side" on his visit to the US are devout cat lovers. Benedict harbors a legendary fondness for felines; his house in Germany was filled with them, and in his former Vatican post he looked after cats...

Humane Hunters Hound Foxy Humans

'Drag-hunt' runners are hounds' new prey

(Newser) - England banned fox hunting with hounds three years ago—but riding clubs unwilling to give up centuries of tradition or the thrill of the chase are recruiting human prey, ABC News reports. The runners drag along a dead animal—road kill—to leave a trail for the hounds, and are...

Kangaroo Cull Canceled
 Kangaroo Cull Canceled 

Kangaroo Cull Canceled

Hopping mad protesters win reprieve for Canberra 'roos

(Newser) - Hundreds of kangaroos living on a former Australian naval base have won a stay of execution, the Independent reports. Plans to cull the animals met with a public outcry, and protesters vowed to form a human shield to protect the 'roos. The animals have been grazing heavily on grassland at...

Man Eats Man's Best Friend
 Man Eats Man's Best Friend 

Man Eats Man's Best Friend

Slate's Ted Kerasote protests animal cruelty in China

(Newser) - While you're busy worrying about human rights in China, author and journalist Ted Kerasote argues, add animal rights to the list. After a trip to a ski camp in China where he was befriended by a "dead ringer for Lassie," he was appalled to find his canine pal...

PETA Goes After NYC Carriages
 PETA Goes After NYC Carriages 

PETA Goes After NYC Carriages

Animal-rights activist calls the trade 'disgusting'

(Newser) - Animal-rights activists have long been champing at the bit to ban horse-drawn carriages in New York City, and a PETA publicity strongman is in town to do just that, New York magazine reports. Though Michael Bloomberg and others in City Hall support the trade, PETA's Dan Mathews—legendary for his...

Elephant Bubble Plans Popped
 Elephant Bubble Plans Popped 

Elephant Bubble Plans Popped

Outcry bursts science center's plans to surround elephant with soap bubble

(Newser) - A California science center has ditched plans to surround an elephant with a giant soap bubble, reports the LA Times, after a thousand outraged emailers protested the plan and zoo professionals blasted it as a "Vegas-style sideshow."  A "bubble artist" had planned to break a world...

Animal-Rights Violence Has Schools Turning to Courts

Battle pits free-speech rights against safety

(Newser) - In recent months, animal-rights activists have strapped a firebomb under a UCLA professor’s car and flooded another’s home in a campaign to intimidate the school into ending experiments on primates. A judge has issued several restraining orders as the university tries to protect researchers, Newsweek reports, while protesters...

PETA Bristles at 'Cruel' Aretha
PETA Bristles at 'Cruel' Aretha

PETA Bristles at 'Cruel' Aretha

Queen of Soul joins Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan on group's worst-dressed list

(Newser) - The Queen of Soul's fondness for fur means she isn't getting any R-E-S-P-E-C-T from PETA, Access Hollywood reports. Aretha Franklin has topped the animal rights organization's latest worst-dressed list after wearing a fur coat to the Grammys. "Music lovers may think of you as a 'queen,' but to...

Top Chefs Meet Their Meat
Top Chefs Meet Their Meat

Top Chefs Meet Their Meat

Jamie Oliver and friends work for better treatment of the animals they cook

(Newser) - Top chefs are trying to change the way we eat by calling attention to how animals are raised for meat. In Britain, Jamie Oliver killed a chicken on live television, and supermarkets across the UK sold out of free-range chickens and eggs. The New York Times reports it’s part...

Chimp Not a Person, Court Rules
Chimp Not
a Person,
Court Rules

Chimp Not a Person, Court Rules

Austrian animal-rights group vows to continue fighting on simian's behalf

(Newser) - Matthew Hiasl Pan, a 26-year-old chimp, is not legally a person, the Austrian Supreme Court has ruled. The animal shelter where he lives has declared bankruptcy, and human donors have volunteered to support him. But under Austrian law, only people can receive personal gifts, reports the AP, so the court...

LAPD Gets Cats to Scare Rats
LAPD Gets Cats to Scare Rats

LAPD Gets Cats to Scare Rats

Feral felines spook rodents that were running over desks, digging into bags

(Newser) - The LAPD is using six feral felines to shoo away pesky rats and mice from its lots, the Los Angeles Times reports. The mangy, homeless creatures can't be broken in as house pets, so an animal rescue group placed them with the city’s finest to control its rodent problem....

Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming
Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming

Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming

Hunters look to thin once-endangered population

(Newser) - Hunters take aim at a symbol of the American West today, as Wyoming’s National Elk Refuge opens the first buffalo season in almost a decade. Officials say they need to lower the population from 1,200 to 500 because of overgrazing and disease. But killing the once-endangered species has...

Chrissie Hynde Fuming Over Leather Bag Namesake

Pretenders frontwoman a passionate vegetarian

(Newser) - Rocker Chrissie Hynde is furiously threatening to sue an Italian fashion house after it named a red leather handbag after her. The Pretenders star, whose commitment to animal rights has resulted in her arrest in the past, says she's livid that the designers are putting brass in pocket off a...

Bullfighting Dustup Has France on Guard

Government bans violent protest ad but lets festivals continue

(Newser) - Animal activists and bullfighting fans in France are butting heads over an anti-bullfighting ad that shows bulls being speared and slaughtered. The French government banned the ad as too violent, prompting cries of hypocrisy from a well organized group of celebrities and dignitaries who have been protesting the gruesome "...

Consumers Scramble for Cage-Free Eggs

'Happy' hens can't lay them fast enough to meet demand

(Newser) - The hottest new trend to hit the food industry is the cage-free egg, laid by ostensibly happier chickens allowed the run of large barns, the NY Times reports. Mega-brands like Whole Foods and Ben and Jerry’s now use only cage-free eggs, and even Burger King is switching, but overheated...

Woman Dogged by Staring Charge Gets Arf

Prosecutor cites difficulty of calling police K9 to testify

(Newser) - A Vermont woman charged with cruelty to animals after she stared at a police dog "in a taunting/harassing manner" is free to make faces at any animal that crosses her path. The county prosecutor dropped the charges after finding a big hole in his case: The alleged victim was...

NIH Won't Breed Chimps for Research
NIH Won't Breed Chimps for Research

NIH Won't Breed Chimps for Research

Agency cites financial reasons; rights activists thrilled anyway

(Newser) - The National Institutes of Health will stop breeding chimpanzees for use in medical testing, the agency announced yesterday. The practice is being abandoned for financial reasons, NIH says; because chimpanzees live upwards of 50 years in captivity, their lifelong upkeep costs $500,000.

Police Find Abused Dogs on Vick Property

Discovery of starved animals adds to Atlanta QB's embarrassments

(Newser) - Animal-rights activists are calling for the Falcons to dump superstar Michael Vick after more than 60 starved and injured dogs, presumably kept for fighting, were found at a house Vick owns but does not live in. Smithfield, Va., police discovered the dogs during a raid targeting Vick's cousin Davon Boddie....

Stories 161 - 179 | << Prev 
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