animal rights

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Chinese Protesters: Stop Nabbing, Eating Our Cats

Thousands of strays transported for food: protesters

(Newser) - Several dozen protesters in Beijing today urged an end to the "shameful" and "cruel slaughter" of cats for food as they unfurled banners in a tearful demonstration. Thousands of cats across the country have been rounded up recently by traders and transported to Guangdong province; protesters claim they...

Zoo Elephants Die Much Younger Than Those in Wild

(Newser) - Elephants in the wild live up to three times longer as those in zoos, a new study says. The six-year report by British and Canadian scientists is sure to fire up the debate between animal rights activists and zoos over the well-being of the animals. African and Asian elephants tend...

PETA Video Shows W.Va. Workers Abusing Turkeys

Animal-rights org files criminal complaint; W.Va. company vows to punish workers

(Newser) - Just ahead of Thanksgiving, workers at a West Virginia farm are shown stomping turkeys and twisting their necks to kill them in an undercover video released by PETA, AP reports. The employee who filmed the stomach-turning scenes says the birds are kept in overcrowded barns and that employees brag about...

Animal Rights Lover Goes for the Throat

But Humane Society prez pushes a savvy, mainstream message

(Newser) - The Humane Society has turned into an aggressive political player with a mainstream message, the New York Times reports. The group's head, Wayne Pacelle, just shut down a $100 million slaughterhouse in Chino, Calif., and is pushing for a ballot measure that would require a certain amount of room for...

Teen Has Big Heart, New Name:

(Newser) - A 19-year-old girl in Asheville, NC, has legally changed her name to (call her Cutout for short) to protest animal dissection in the classroom, the Citizen-Times reports. The former Jennifer Thornburg’s name is the address for PETA's web site on the practice. Cutout is now a PETA ...

Newspaper Rejects PETA Ad on Bus Decapitation

Group aimed to use murder to push anti-meat message

(Newser) - A Canadian newspaper has nixed a PETA ad that likened the decapitation of a bus passenger to the killing of animals in slaughterhouses, reports AP. The animal rights group had sought to run the ad, depicting a throat being cut, in a city close to where a man was stabbed,...

32 Research Monkeys Die in Overheated Lab

Animals 'cooked to death' when heating system malfunctioned

(Newser) - Thirty-two research monkeys at a Nevada laboratory died because their human handlers left the room fatally hot, said officials for the drug company that runs the facility. Charles River Laboratories representatives have met with USDA officials to discuss new measures to avoid a repeat of the accident that involved a...

Firebombed Researcher Fears Animal-Rights Activists

UC Santa Cruz biologist speaks out after weekend firebombing of home

(Newser) - A university researcher says he fears for his family’s safety after a weekend firebomb attack, the San Jose Mercury News reports. David Feldheim, who does neuroscience research on mice at the University of California Santa Cruz, was slightly injured. He said he expects a continuining threat from animal-rights activists—...

Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?
 Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?

Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?

Debate over bee explotation risks deluting animal rights message

(Newser) - Although many vegans view buttered toast and milk as sacrilegious snack fare, a growing “flexitarian” attitude could loosen up the menu to include honey, writes Daniel Engber for Slate. Vegan hardliners argue consumption of the beekeeping byproduct amounts to supporting forced labor, while nectarous proponents counter that such logic...

Farm Boy Mulls What's Good for Goose, Gander
Farm Boy Mulls What's Good for Goose, Gander

Farm Boy Mulls What's Good for Goose, Gander

As California considers cage ban, Kristof looks at animal rights

(Newser) - Californians go to the polls in November with a high-profile ballot initiative to decide: whether to ban factory farms from raising livestock in small cages. For Nicholas D. Kristof, it's an apt moment to consider our transforming attitudes toward animal welfare. The Oregon farm boy turned New York Times columnist...

Mass. Puts Rent-a-Dog Firms in Doghouse

Recent laws, bans making pay-as-you-play pets unavailable

(Newser) - Massachusetts lawmakers have put the kibosh on a lucrative pet rental business, which caters to busy urbanites who want to spend time with dogs without the full-time commitment. The state senate passed a bill yesterday prohibiting the renting or leasing of dogs and cats; like previous bans in Boston and...

Battle Rages Over Culling Mustang Herd

Proposed euthanasia of growing wild horse population sparks debate

(Newser) - In the debate over how to deal with America's wild mustang herds, both sides claim to have the animals' best interests at heart. Federal agency officials tasked with protecting the horses say the most humane—and economical—course is to euthanize some so the rest don't starve. But activists see...

Humane Society Finds Its Inner Pit Bull

CEO aims to strike fear into the hearts of animal abusers

(Newser) - The Humane Society may spend a lot of time fighting for cute, furry creatures, but it's been  shedding its mild-mannered, do-gooder image under the direction of CEO Wayne Pacelle, writes the Los Angeles Times. Pacelle, a 42-year-old vegan who admires the NRA's steamroller approach, has turned the organization into a...

Army Pig-Shoot Angers Animal Rights Activists

Porkers shot and revived for medical training

(Newser) - The Army is butting heads with animal rights activists over a planned drill that involves shooting live pigs. As practice for battlefield medical care, soldiers will fire at the pigs, then rush to save them. "It's to teach Army personnel how to manage critically injured patients within the first...

Spain Passes Ape Rights Bill
 Spain Passes Ape Rights Bill 

Spain Passes Ape Rights Bill

Seriously, parliament moves to protect 'non-human hominids'

(Newser) - Spanish Parliament passed a resolution promising fundamental “human” rights to the great apes, the Guardian reports. The bill enjoys wide support and would ban scientific experimentation involving higher-level primates. Zoo exhibition will still be legal, but supporters say living conditions will improve significantly. The legislative body was inspired by...

Mexican-Style Rodeo Riles Activists
Mexican-Style Rodeo Riles Activists

Mexican-Style Rodeo Riles Activists

In Western US, tradition clashes with animal rights

(Newser) - It's about equestrian skill, machismo, tradition, and, of course, sombreros: It's charreria, and it might be endangered. The centuries-old Mexican activity that mixes rodeo and fiesta is coming under fire in the US, where animal-rights activists have rallied for laws against practices like steer tailing and horse tripping. The New ...

PETA Targets Fur-Wearing Olsen Twins
PETA Targets
Fur-Wearing Olsen Twins

PETA Targets Fur-Wearing Olsen Twins

Send the pair some hair for their birthday, group urges

(Newser) - PETA is trying to make life hairy for the Olsen twins, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. The animal rights group, noting that the sisters are still fond of fur, is urging activists to cut off their own locks and send them to the twins for their 22nd birthday today, "...

Facebook Boots Kitty-Eating Kids

Site repulsed by activist dinner party photos

(Newser) - A group of Danish students were kicked off Facebook when they posted photos of themselves cooking and eating a cat, the Copenhagen Post reports. The students intended to point out the hypocrisy in designating some animals pets and others food, but have infuriated the almighty social-networking site and animal rights...

Biology Class Is No Cut-Up for US Kids

More pupils duck dissections by doing them virtually

(Newser) - More biology students are ducking icky frog and fetal pig dissections by doing them on computers, the AP reports. Animal rights activists, thrilled that 14 states let kids skip dissections, are helping get the interactive programs to schools. One West Virginia group donated software to a high school that spends...

Chicago Ducks Foie Gras Ban
 Chicago Ducks Foie Gras Ban 

Chicago Ducks Foie Gras Ban

Squawking Mayor Daley gets controversial pate back on menu

(Newser) - A Chicago restaurant ban on foie gras pate that animal lovers love to hate has been lifted by city legislators after two years. The ban caused widespread derision among foodies, fury in the restaurant industry—and plaudits from animal rights advocates who wanted to save the force-fed ducks and geese...

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