
14 Stories

Meet Scooter, New 'World's Ugliest Dog'

7-year-old pooch crowned in competition is a Chinese crested with reversed hind legs

(Newser) - "From the second he sits his hairless little booty and backward legs on your lap, you feel his warm, huggable power to change the meaning of the word 'ugly.'" The hairless booty in question belongs to a pooch named Scooter, and the description comes via a...

Ugly Fish in More Danger of Extinction Than Beautiful Ones

Conservation bias based on physical attractiveness is a thing, researchers say

(Newser) - A new study in the PLOS Biology journal makes a rather academic-sounding proclamation in its headline: "The aesthetic value of reef fishes is globally mismatched to their conservation priorities." Translating that into more layman-friendly terms: We have to look out for the ugly fish, or they might die...

We're Ignoring 'Lookism,' and It Isn't Right
We're Ignoring 'Lookism,'
and It Isn't Right

We're Ignoring 'Lookism,' and It Isn't Right

Writing for the 'NYT,' David Brooks takes on discrimination against the unattractive

(Newser) - Sexism and racism are bad, but there's another "ism" that David Brooks is concerned about, and one for which there doesn't seem to be much legal recourse: "lookism," the term Brooks uses in his newest op-ed for the New York Times to describe "prejudice...

He Was Adopted From the Streets. He Just Won a Big Prize

Scamp the Tramp took home top honors in World's Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma, Calif.

(Newser) - Scamp the Tramp's looks have made him a winner—but it wasn't a beauty contest. The snaggle-haired, bug-eyed pooch took the top prize Friday at the 31st annual World's Ugliest Dog contest in Petaluma, Calif., the AP reports. Owner Yvonne Morones of Santa Rosa won an appearance...

How the World's 'Ugliest Color' Is Being Used to Save Lives

'Opaque couché' was found to remind people of death

(Newser) - In 2012, a marketing research company determined Pantone 448 C (aka "opaque couché") was the world's ugliest color —and it's been used to try to save lives ever since. Per the Guardian , GfK surveyed 1,000 smokers back then to find out which hue...

'Mister Ugly' Gets Really Ugly Amid Shoving, Alleged Cheating

The darnedest things can stoke controversy, like a contest to be the ugliest

(Newser) - Pageant judges have crowned a new winner of Zimbabwe's 4th annual "Mister Ugly" contest, upsetting supporters of the crowd favorite and prompting rioting. Judges on Saturday chose 42-year-old Milton Sere, citing his numerous missing front teeth and a wide range of grotesque facial expressions, over William Masvinu, who...

Woman Once Called 'World's Ugliest' Shows True Beauty

'A Brave Heart' tells Lizzie Velasquez's story—and how she's fighting bullying

(Newser) - "I thought everyone looked like me." That's how Lizzie Velasquez viewed herself growing up—until she was 17 and accidentally found a terrible video on YouTube. It was an eight-second clip of her entitled "The World's Ugliest Woman," and to her horror it had...

World's Ugliest Dog Dies
 World's Ugliest Dog Dies 

World's Ugliest Dog Dies

Yoda, 15, passes away in California

(Newser) - When a beloved pet dies, good manners usually dictate saying something nice about the departed companion. And for Yoda, it was a compliment to say she sure was ugly. Yoda won the 2011 World's Ugliest Dog contest at the Sonoma Marin Fair for her short tufts of hair, protruding...

World's Ugliest Dog: Chinese Crested Yoda Wins Prize
 Meet the World's Ugliest Dog 

Meet the World's Ugliest Dog

She's a Chinese Crested mix named Yoda

(Newser) - At two pounds, Yoda once looked so mangy that her owner mistook her for a rat. She's come not such a long way since, last night winning the dubious title of World's Ugliest Dog at a Northern California Fair. Yoda is a 14-year-old Chinese Crested—a homely breed...

10 Celebs Who Used to Be Ugly
 10 Celebs Who Used to Be Ugly 

10 Celebs Who Used to Be Ugly

Well, 'ugly' is a relative term

(Newser) - Bradley Cooper is the most recent celebrity to cause the world to say, “Pshaw!” with a claim of childhood ugliness. The heartthrob says, thanks to his bowl cut, he was constantly mistaken for a girl. The Frisky lists nine others with similarly sad stories:
  • Beyoncé: The singer claims

World's Ugliest Dog Dies
 World's Ugliest Dog Dies 

World's Ugliest Dog Dies

Miss Ellie won competitions, performed in comedy shows

(Newser) - Miss Ellie, the hideous-yet-strangely-adorable Chinese Crested hairless dog that won the hearts of millions (or thousands? Will you give me hundreds?) when she won the 2009 World's Ugliest Dog Competition, has died peacefully at age 17. Ellie was a a star performer at the Comedy Barn Theater in Pigeon Forge,...

New Ads: Condoms Are for Ugly People

Well at least, that's what Olla appears to be saying...

(Newser) - Condoms: They help prevent pregnancy, STDs, and…ugly babies? That’s what South American condom company Olla seems to be implying in its new ads begging you—and the unfortunate-looking people in the ads—to “please use condom.” Hey, Olla: “No matter how cartoonish you make the...

Ugliest Dog Fetches Owner Cash Prize

(Newser) - He may not look like much, but boxer-mix Pabst dug up $1,600 for his owner by winning the annual World's Ugliest Dog contest. Rescued from an animal shelter by Californian Miles Egstad, Pabst and his remarkable looks—a pronounced under-bite, crumpled face, and floppy ears—took first prize in...

Top Sexiest Ugly People
 Top Sexiest Ugly People 

Top Sexiest Ugly People

(Newser) - There's pretty, and there's ugly, but there's also sexy ugly. Nerve runs down the "sexiest ugly people alive." The top 5, in reverse order:
  • Paul Giamatti: "Somebody's got to say no to firm jaw lines and six-pack abs, and no one does it with Giamatti's panache."

14 Stories
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