summer camp

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Parents Save, Send Kids to 'Camp Granny'

In recession, grandparents replace summer camp for many

(Newser) - The lingering recession is forcing cash-strapped parents to cancel camp for the kids—instead, they're being packed off to their grandparents'. The arrangement shifts the child-care burden to grandparents, many of whom enjoy the extra time with their grandchildren. Mom and dad save money and get some time to themselves,...

Day Camp Rejects Swim Club Invitation, Will Sue

(Newser) - Family members of dozens of black and Hispanic children turned away from a suburban Philadelphia swim club plan to sue the club for discrimination, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. The director of the camp has turned down the club's invitation for the campers to return. "The children are permanently scarred,...

Pool Accused of Racism Will Ask Campers Back

(Newser) - The suburban Philadelphia swim club at the center of a racism controversy will ask the day campers it disinvited to return, the local ABC affiliate reports. "We are very very sorry that this had to happen," the club president tells WPVI-TV. He had sparked the incident by saying...

Pool Bans Black Kids? What Decade Is It?
 Pool Bans Black Kids?  
 What Decade Is It? 

Pool Bans Black Kids? What Decade Is It?

Racial discrimination sends us back to the 1950s

(Newser) - A largely white suburban Philadelphia swim club’s barring of black and Latino campers was so backward “I thought I had fallen into a time warp,” writes Annette John-Hall in the Inquirer. Things like this happened in the 1950s—when singer Dorothy Dandridge booked a room in a...

Black Kids Booted From Swim Club Over 'Complexion'

Suburban pool rejects summer campers, cites 'complexion'

(Newser) - A Philadelphia summer camp says it may take legal action after a suburban swim club rejected its campers, the Inquirer reports. On their first visit to the pool, the children said they’d overheard other poolgoers complaining about black people frequenting the swim club; soon after, management refunded the $1,...

Vick's New Gig: Counselor at Boys & Girls Club

Former quarterback trades in construction work for something more familiar

(Newser) - Michael Vick has begun working at a Virginia summer camp after leaving his job as a construction worker, the Virginian-Pilot reports. The former Atlanta Falcons quarterback is finishing up two months of house arrest after his conviction for abetting dogfighting; he’s required to work a job. Vick began yesterday...

Germany Bans Group Behind Nazi Summer Camps

'Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend' indoctrinated children with racism, minister says

(Newser) - The German government today banned a neo-Nazi youth group it says ran summer camps where children were instructed in racist and National Socialist ideology, Der Spiegel reports. “Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend,” the German Youth Faithful to the Homeland, allegedly included military exercises and “racial science” classes—which discussed...

Summer Camp on the Rocks in Tough Economy

Tradition shaken as families' plans up in the air

(Newser) - As recession hits parents’ wallets, it’s forcing many to debate whether they can afford to send kids to summer camp, the Wall Street Journal reports. Camps are expecting more financial-aid requests, while parents look to day camps and cheaper nonprofit alternatives. “A number of camps say families are...

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