Rick Santorum

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Only 3 Years to Go: GOP Hopefuls Hitting Iowa

Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump make appearances

(Newser) - The campaign season, it seems, has already begun—for 2016. With a scant three years to win over voters, Rick Santorum, Sen. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump , and other potential GOP presidential hopefuls have been making themselves known in Iowa, the Wall Street Journal reports. Santorum, Cruz, and Trump all dropped...

Santorum's New Career: Movie Mogul

He's the new boss of Christian film company

(Newser) - Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum has launched a new career in show business. The conservative Republican is the new CEO of Dallas-based Christian film company EchoLight Studios, reports the AP . Santorum, who has invested in the company and has been on its board for a year, says he believes entertainment...

School: Kids Need Permission Slip for Santorum Talk

Michigan high school cancels, then un-cancels controversial speech

(Newser) - Listening to Rick Santorum is the kind of activity that requires parental permission. That's the conclusion a Michigan high school has come to, after a planned speech by the former presidential candidate inspired massive backlash. On Monday, Grosse Pointe High School decided to just cancel the event, but that...

Gingrich-Santorum Ticket? It Almost Happened

But they couldn't settle on who'd be No. 1, reports Josh Green

(Newser) - Another coda to the 2012 presidential race, and it's a doozy: Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum came this close to mounting a Romney mutiny in the form of a Gingrich-Santorum ticket, reports Josh Green at Bloomberg Businessweek . Or maybe Santorum-Gingrich: The secret talks broke down because the two couldn'...

Santorum: GOP Right to Block Disability Treaty
Santorum: GOP Right to Block Disability Treaty

Santorum: GOP Right to Block Disability Treaty

Other pundits: GOP embracing weird conspiracy theories

(Newser) - When the GOP blocked the UN's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities last night, Rick Santorum sent out a tweet proclaiming, "We did it." Santorum was one of the foremost voices calling for Republicans to reject the treaty, and in the Daily Beast today he...

Santorum, DeMint Throw Weight Behind Todd Akin

'Simply put, we cannot afford six more years of Senator McCaskill.'

(Newser) - Seems like only last month that Republicans were fighting each other over who got to throw Todd Akin under the bus first, but today the embattled Senate candidate has picked up endorsements from Jim DeMint and Rick Santorum. The über-conservatives are throwing their support to Akin, urging supporters to...

Ann: My Mitt Will Lift Up America

'I love you, women, I hear your voices,' says convention darling

(Newser) - Ann Romney had the Republican National Convention in the palm of her hand tonight when she took the stage to woo women voters and paint her hubby as loving, humble, and the best man to lead the nation. She began her speech by hailing love, mothers, and families. "I...

What to Watch at RNC Tonight
 What to Watch at RNC Tonight 

What to Watch at RNC Tonight

Ann Romney, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum the highlights

(Newser) - After a rained-out Day 1 , Republicans will finally get to speechifying today at their national convention in Tampa, with things officially kicking off at 2pm. Here are the biggest names on the docket today, according to USA Today :
  • The star will be Ann Romney, who has the perhaps unenviable job

Dems Start Shoveling Dirt on VP Contenders

Super PAC preps 1,651 pages of attack material

(Newser) - No matter who Mitt Romney picks as a running mate, Democrats are already working to convince voters there's a problem with said potential veep. The Obama campaign has gathered plenty of what it considers to be dirt on each name that's been floated, and isn't wasting any...

Colbert Causes Wikipedia VP Lockdown

He urged viewers to edit pages of Mitt's potential picks

(Newser) - Wikipedia banned new users from editing the pages of close to a dozen of Mitt Romney's potential running mates after Stephen Colbert urged his viewers to get edit-happy. Colbert was responding to a report that suggested edits could hint at Romney's choice, reports the Hill . A tech analyst...

Santorum, Jeb Bush Will Speak at Convention

Latest round of speakers includes Rand Paul, Mary Fallin

(Newser) - Another round of Republican National Convention speakers has been announced, and leading the pack is former Mitt Romney arch-rival Rick Santorum. Some top Romney aides had hoped Santorum wouldn't speak after he offered some bruising primary attacks against the former governor, Reuters notes. Also speaking will be Kentucky Sen....

Palin Thanks God for ObamaCare Ruling

Ruling 'fires up the troops,' she says

(Newser) - One of the loudest cheers for yesterday's Supreme Court ruling upholding ObamaCare came from none other than Sarah Palin, who described it as a heaven-sent gift to the Republican Party. "Thank you, SCOTUS,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “This ObamaCare ruling fires up the troops...

True Blood's Muse: Rick Santorum

Former candidate inspired Season 5: creator Alan Ball

(Newser) - True Blood's just-begun Season 5 has its roots in the Republican primaries. No, there weren't any known vampires running for office—but the policies of Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum were scary enough, says show creator Alan Ball. While watching the primaries, Ball found himself "asking what...

Romney Ducks on Immigration &mdash;5 Times
 Ducks on 
 —5 Times 


Romney Ducks on Immigration —5 Times

Plus, a ton of reaction to Obama's shift

(Newser) - As Republicans pounced on President Obama's immigration shift , Mitt Romney was surprisingly noncommittal when asked today no fewer than five times whether he'd repeal the policy. Instead, Romney, who needs to make tracks with lukewarm Latino voters, called for a "long-term solution." He further blasted Obama'...

Walker to Romney: Channel Reagan

 Walker to Romney: 
 Channel Reagan 

Walker to Romney: Channel Reagan

Mitt needs to get serious about reform to win in November

(Newser) - Scott Walker, who's had to win a couple of elections in short order, has a little advice for the man who wants to abscond with the Oval Office come November: Win one with the Gipper . “I just hope he takes a page out of President Reagan’s playbook...

Which GOP Losers Are Drowning in Debt?

Santorum, Gingrich deeply in red, Ron Paul is debt-free

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum may hate the US national debt, but for now they have a much more local spending fight on their hands—their personal campaign costs. As of the end of April, Santorum had $2.3 million in debt versus just $1.3 million in cash reserves,...

Santorum: Romney Endorsement Wasn&#39;t Wimpy

 Santorum: Romney 
 Wasn't Wimpy 

Santorum: Romney Endorsement Wasn't Wimpy

Late night email wasn't meant to be tepid, he says

(Newser) - Rick Santorum donned his trademark sweater vest for an appearance on the Tonight Show last night, where Jay Leno wondered why his endorsement of Mitt Romney ended up buried in the 13th paragraph of an email sent late at night. "We decided to put it out late at night...

Santorum Endorses Romney via Email

'We agree that Obama must be defeated,' he tells supporters

(Newser) - Nearly a month after he dropped out of the race, Rick Santorum has formally endorsed the former rival he once described as the worst Republican in the country to challenge Obama. Santorum made the endorsement in an email to supporters after a one-on-one meeting with Mitt Romney that lasted more...

Santorum Almost Endorses Romney

Ex-candidate knocks Newt into 4th place in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Rick Santorum, in his first interview since dropping out of the GOP race, had some words of praise for Mitt Romney but stopped just short of a full endorsement, despite pressure from CNN's Piers Morgan. Romney gave a "good speech" after his 5-state primary sweep , Santorum said, saying...

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
new report

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28

Even though Santorum didn't bow out until April 10

(Newser) - No one's been nominated yet—but the media crowned Mitt Romney the winner of the GOP primaries after he took Michigan on Feb. 28, a Pew report finds. Of course, Romney didn't essentially seal the deal until Rick Santorum dropped out. That happened on April 10, weeks after...

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