Black Friday

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Stores Turn Black Friday Into Black Midnight

Target, Macy's kicking off holiday shopping season earlier than ever

(Newser) - This year's Black Friday probably won't be the most lucrative for big American retailers—but for some, it will be the longest. For the first time, Macy's and Target are planning to open their doors and kick off the holiday shopping season at midnight on Thanksgiving night,...

Record Numbers Shopped on Black Friday

But they're cautious in their purchases

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but America might be getting its spending groove back. A record 212 million shoppers hit up physical and online stores over the weekend, the Huffington Post reports, an 8.7% jump from last year. Their spending rose, too, to an average $365.34, up 6.4%...

Welcome to Cyber Sunday
 Welcome to Cyber Sunday 

Welcome to Cyber Sunday

Deals are getting earlier, going later

(Newser) - If Black Friday wasn't enough for you, and Cyber Monday seems just too far away, say hello to Cyber Sunday, reports MSNBC. While one Best Buy marketing honcho thinks Cyber Monday remains a "really viable marketing concept," chains including his are getting an early start today, seeking to...

Black Friday: Marine Stabbed While Collecting Toys for Tots

Alleged shoplifter stabbed him while trying to get away

(Newser) - Black Friday always seems to bring out a few ne’er-do-wells, and yesterday was no exception: An alleged shoplifter is accused of stabbing a Marine—who was collecting Toys for Tots donations, no less—at a Georgia Best Buy. Cpl. Phillip Duggan, 24, was attempting to stop Tracey Attaway, 39,...

Shopper Cuts Line, Says She'll Shoot Grumblers

Black Friday madness in Madison!

(Newser) - Not a recommended Black Friday shopping strategy: cutting to the front of the line of patiently waiting shoppers ... then threatening to shoot them after they complain. A 21-year-old Wisconsin woman was arrested last night after making just such threats. The incident happened outside a Toys 'R' Us store in Madison...

Who's Spending the Most Today?

People in Austin, Texas, most likely

(Newser) - It's Black Friday, so Americans are out spending money in droves—but who's spending the most? In the Daily Beast , Anneli Rufus gets us a little closer to an answer, by way of 15 spending stats:
  • If you're an online shopper ... you spend 24.6% more than a brick-and-mortar shopper.

How to Survive Black Friday
 How to Survive Black Friday 

How to Survive Black Friday

If you're serious about it, start doing your research this very second

(Newser) - For some, Black Friday will actually begin tonight. "I leave the house at 9:30pm on Thanksgiving," one serious shopper tells the New York Daily News . "Everything used to open at 6am, but every year it gets even earlier." With 138 million Americans expected to be...

15 Best Stores to Hit on Black Friday

One will even give you free breakfast

(Newser) - Planning your Black Friday shopping agenda? The Daily Beast rounds up the 15 stores you should definitely hit up, having ranked the largest national retailers based on prices, hours, and extra perks offered. The ones that scored the highest:
  1. Sam's Club: Opens at 5am and offers a free breakfast of

On Black Friday, $89 Kindles
 On Black Friday, $89 Kindles 

On Black Friday, $89 Kindles announces deal on Facebook

(Newser) - There's no need to leave your house to snag a killer Black Friday deal, like the one Amazon just announced: a Kindle e-reader for $89. The site disclosed the deal on its Facebook page, David Carnoy reports for CNET . The only catch: You can only get the previous generation (Amazon's...

Must We Shop on Thanksgiving?
 Must We Shop 
 on Thanksgiving? 

Must We Shop on Thanksgiving?

Sears and Kmart will be open, moans Francine Kiefer

(Newser) - Forget the Grinch, or Scrooge: This year's holiday-spoiling honors go to Sears, writes Francine Kiefer. Last year the title went to Kmart, which kept its doors open all day long on Thanksgiving. Sears will join it this year, tempting not-yet-stuffed shoppers from 7am until noon—and it's "enough to...

Holiday Shoppers Ditched Credit Cards

Most used cash or debit cards to snag bargains

(Newser) - Recession-strapped Americans may have developed a plastic allergy—only 26% of Thanksgiving weekend shoppers used credit cards. Though consumers proved willing to spend over the holiday weekend, they seem to be changing how they spend: a whopping 39% used old-fashioned greenbacks, with debit cards making up the rest, according to...

Sales Rise Even Though Shoppers Spend Less
 Sales Rise Even Though 
 Shoppers Spend Less 
thanksgiving weekend

Sales Rise Even Though Shoppers Spend Less

$41.2B weekend total beats 2008 haul by $1.2B

(Newser) - Thanksgiving weekend retail sales totaled $41.2 billion, a .5% jump over last year's $41 billion, but the average shopper spent 8% less than in 2008, $343.31 against $372.57. Discounts, especially on electronics and toys, were the overwhelming attraction as cautious consumers pried open their wallets, Bloomberg reports....

Black Friday Sees Strong Crowds, Picky Shoppers

Early reports suggest a decent start to the holiday retail season

(Newser) - It will take a few days for the Black Friday sales numbers to be crunched, but early indications show a decent, if unspectacular, shopping day. A retailer trade group reported "strong crowds" across the board, notes Bloomberg , with high-def TVs, laptops, winter coats, and those ubiquitous Zhu Zhu hamsters...

Smartphones Become Essential Tools for Shoppers

Retailers scramble to establish presence in mobile marketplace

(Newser) - Today's Black Friday finds about 1 in 5 shoppers—double that for the 18-to-29 age set— using a smartphone to track bargains and compare prices. While the number of those who actually buy using a mobile device is relatively small—at $750 million, such transactions account for only .5% of...

Black Friday Brings Out the Shoppers

Consumers not too downtrodden for 5am campouts

(Newser) - Economic woes didn’t prevent shoppers from camping out outside stores across the country this morning, as retailers offered especially deep Black Friday discounts. Most opened early as well, with some, including Wal-Mart and many Old Navy stores, opening yesterday to get a jump on things. Toys R Us opened...

Sleep in Tomorrow; Better Bargains Begin Sunday

Cyber Sunday joins Cyber Monday as deals shift online

(Newser) - Black Friday ain’t what it used to be. “Stay at home and shop online,” a Saks exec advises, as retailers shift away from the traditional after-Thanksgiving bargain stampede to discounts spread throughout the holiday season. Most in-store deals tomorrow, especially in electronics, will be on lower-end products...

What Not to Buy on Black Friday
 What Not to Buy on Black Friday 
Farhad Manjoo

What Not to Buy on Black Friday

Netbooks, e-books and other bad deals

(Newser) - Step away from the gizmos. Even if you make it through the Black Friday crowds unharmed, you may do serious damage to your wallet, writes Farhad Manjoo in Slate , who runs down what to buy and bypass at the big box store: Don't Buy:
  • E-book readers: The market is heating

Wal-Mart Will Push TVs, Laptops on Black Friday
Wal-Mart Will Push TVs, Laptops on Black Friday

Wal-Mart Will Push TVs, Laptops on Black Friday

Discount circular leaks ahead of schedule

(Newser) - Details of Wal-Mart's Black Friday deals—normally kept under wraps until Thanksgiving week—have been obtained by CNNMoney and partially confirmed by the retailer. The day after Thanksgiving will see deep discounts on high-def TVs, laptops, and Blu-ray players. Some specifics:
  • Sanyo 50-inch plasma TVs will be available for $598.

iPhone Users Get Leg Up on Black Friday

App lets shoppers check deals, and rumored deals

(Newser) - If you’re already getting your Black Friday game face on, consider making the Black Friday app the first thing on your shopping list. The free program from dealnews can keep you up to date on both officially announced bargains and deals that have “leaked,” and lets you...

Trampled Worker's Family Sues Wal-Mart

And more lawsuits coming over Black Friday trampling on Long Island

(Newser) - The family of the Wal-Mart temp worker who was trampled to death by a Black Friday stampede has filed a wrongful death lawsuit in New York's state Supreme Court against the retailer and the Long Island mall where the store is located. The family also filed notice that Nassau County,...

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