war crimes

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Mariupol Officials Say New Mass Grave Found

Russia says fire at oil depot near Ukraine border won't cause shortages

(Newser) - Officials in the embattled Ukrainian city of Mariupol say a new mass grave has been identified north of the city. Mayor Vadym Boychenko said authorities are trying to estimate the number of victims in the grave about 6 miles north of the city, the AP reports. Satellite photos released over...

Mayor: Grave Site Is Proof of 'Century's Biggest War Crime'

Mariupol officials say there could be up to 9K civilians in mass graves

(Newser) - The mayor of Mariupol says 20,000 or more civilians could have died during Russia's long siege of the Ukrainian city—but Russia has been hiding evidence of war crimes and the true death toll may never be known. The Washington Post reports that satellite images show more than...

Putin Rewards the 'Butchers of Bucha'

Russian president gives the 64th Motor Rifle Brigade an honorary title

(Newser) - The Russian infantry unit suspected in the mass killings that filled mass graves in Bucha, Ukraine have now been hailed by Putin for their "mass heroism and valor," per the Independent . The Russian president awarded the honorary title of "Guards" to the 64th Motor Rifle Brigade for...

In Bucha, a Summer Camp Became a Torture Chamber

'Time' journalist visits crime scene in Kyiv suburb

(Newser) - Bucha, once considered one of Kyiv's most attractive suburbs, is now a "byword for war crimes, like Srebrenica or My Lai," writes Simon Shuster at Time , who viewed chilling evidence of atrocities at what used to be a children's summer camp. Residents say the Russian troops...

He Played Dead to Survive Summary Execution

Ukrainian man says unit was captured, tortured by Russian soldiers in Bucha

(Newser) - A Ukrainian man says he was shot in the side and played dead to survive after Russian troops executed the other members of his defense unit. The Economist says it has verified reports of the summary execution, one of countless horrific stories emerging from towns formerly occupied by Russian troops....

Zelensky Calls for 'Firm Global Response' to Train Station Attack

Kremlin must be held accountable, he says

(Newser) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is calling for a "firm global response" to what he says was another Russian war crime—an attack on a crowded train station in eastern Ukraine that killed at least 52 civilians and injured around 100 more on Friday. Zelensky said an international tribunal should...

France, Germany Expel Dozens of Russian Diplomats

Zelensky visits scene of atrocities

(Newser) - Moscow faced global revulsion and dozens of Russian diplomats were expelled from European countries Monday after the Russian pullout from the outskirts of Kyiv r evealed streets strewn with the corpses of civilians and other evidence of apparent war crimes . The French foreign ministry announced Monday that France has decided...

'Brutality Against Civilians' Europe Hasn't Seen in Decades

International outrage grows as mass graves found around Kyiv region

(Newser) - President Biden calls it a "war crime," while Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky uses the term "genocide." Both are referring to reports and images emerging from areas around Kyiv after Russian soldiers pulled back. Ukraine authorities say they have so far counted the bodies of more than...

Biden on Putin's Tactics: 'I Think It Is a War Crime'

'What's happening in Bucha is outrageous,' he says

(Newser) - President Biden is again escalating his public condemnation of Vladimir Putin. As evidence emerges of mass atrocities against civilians in areas around Kyiv, Biden on Monday doubled down on his branding of Putin as a "war criminal" and said the US is gathering information about alleged war crimes, reports...

Amnesty Accuses Russia of War Crimes in Mariupol

'That is the reality of Ukraine right now'

(Newser) - Amnesty International is accusing Russia of committing war crimes in the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol. The human rights organization will soon release an in-depth report on the devastation caused by Russia's assault on the city on the Sea of Azov, Amnesty's Secretary-General Agnes Callamard said at a...

US Now Unequivocal: Russia Has Committed War Crimes

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the formal determination

(Newser) - The Biden administration on Wednesday made a formal determination that Russian troops have committed war crimes in Ukraine and said it would work with others to prosecute offenders. "Today, I can announce that, based on information currently available, the US government assesses that members of Russia’s forces have...

He Dug a Mass Grave. Then an Ice Cream Truck Showed Up

'NYT' reports on 2 mass gravesites in Syria, which could hold evidence of war crimes

(Newser) - The murdered dissidents of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad ended up in mass graves, which could hold evidence of war crimes, the New York Times reports after speaking with four men who claim to have worked around two mass gravesites near Damascus, which the Times located using satellite images. Each one...

Ukraine, US Collect Evidence of War Crimes

Teams go to sites of bombings to build a case for International Criminal Court

(Newser) - The US has joined the effort to build a case that Russia is committing war crimes in its attack on Ukraine, officials said Monday. "We will support accountability using every tool available, including criminal prosecutions where appropriate," a National Security Council spokesperson said, per NBC News . That includes...

Ex-Secret Police Officer Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

Syrian man was convicted in German court

(Newser) - A German court has convicted a former Syrian secret police officer of crimes against humanity for overseeing the abuse of detainees at a jail near Damascus a decade ago. The verdict Thursday in the landmark trial has been keenly anticipated by Syrians who suffered abuse or lost relatives at the...

Concentration Camp Secretary, 96, Flees Before Trial Begins

Irmgard Furchner was detained hours later

(Newser) - Some 76 years after the end of World War II, an alleged Nazi war criminal made one last effort to escape justice Thursday. A warrant was issued for the arrest of 96-year-old Irmgard Furchner and she was declared a fugitive after she failed to appear at her trial for aiding...

Brutality in Ethiopia Is 'Absolutely Shocking'

Amnesty International says government is using rape as weapon of war

(Newser) - Ethiopia's military is guilty of war crimes, including using rape as a weapon of war, according to Amnesty International, which shares horrific accounts from victims in a new report . The group says "overwhelming evidence" shows rape has been rampant in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region since fighting between...

In Photos, Soldiers Drink From Dead Man's Prosthetic Leg

Lawyers say hundreds of photos exist

(Newser) - Images of of Australian soldiers drinking from what was allegedly a dead Afghan's prosthetic leg in an unauthorized bar called the Fat Lady's Arms may play a big role in an upcoming trial. Lawyers for former soldier Ben Roberts-Smith say they are still working to process hundreds of...

Former Child Soldier Learns His Fate

Uganda's Dominic Ongwen is convicted of war crimes, but says he was a victim, too

(Newser) - This war crimes conviction came with a unique defense. Former warlord Dominic Ongwen says he should be considered a victim, too, because he was abducted as a boy and turned into a child soldier, reports the Guardian . However, the argument didn't wash with the International Criminal Court at the...

War Criminals Set to Leave Embassy After 29 Years

Regime officials fled to Italian embassy as rebels seized Ethiopian capital

(Newser) - As rebels entered Addis Ababa on May 27, 1991, ending 17 years of Marxist rule in Ethiopia, four senior officials in the Communist regime fled to the Italian embassy. The two surviving ones might finally be leaving soon. Berhanu Bayeh and Addis Tedla, who were sentenced to death for war...

Report: Elite Australian Troops Killed Dozens of Civilians

19 soldiers could face charges in Afghanistan killings

(Newser) - A shocking Australian military report into war crimes has found evidence that elite Australian troops unlawfully killed 39 Afghan prisoners, farmers, and civilians. Australian Defence Force Chief Gen. Angus Campbell said Thursday the shameful record included alleged instances in which new patrol members would shoot a prisoner in order to...

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