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NASA Releases 'Stunning' Images of a Jupiter Moon

It's been more than 20 years since we got this close to the volcanic Io

(Newser) - A NASA spacecraft paid a rare visit to an old friend over the holiday weekend—the volcanic Jupiter moon of Io, reports NPR . The Juno craft made a close flyby, at just under 1,000 miles, for the first time in 20 years and captured new photos that NASA is...

Trip to Moon to Include International Astronaut

NASA plan calls for mission to take place this decade

(Newser) - An international astronaut will join US astronauts on the moon by decade's end under an agreement announced Wednesday by NASA and the White House. The news came as Vice President Kamala Harris convened a meeting in Washington of the National Space Council, the third such gathering under the Biden...

NASA's Surprise Find: This Asteroid's 'Dinky Sidekick'

Lucy spacecraft discovers 'mini moon' during flyby of Dinkinesh space hunk

(Newser) - The little asteroid visited by NASA's Lucy spacecraft this week had a big surprise for scientists. It turns out that the asteroid Dinkinesh has a dinky sidekick—a mini moon. The discovery was made during Wednesday's flyby of Dinkinesh, 300 million miles away in the main asteroid belt...

This Is How Roads Could Be Built on the Moon
This Is How Roads Could
Be Built on the Moon

This Is How Roads Could Be Built on the Moon

Researchers suggest manipulating solar rays to melt moon dust into smooth 'tiles'

(Newser) - Building roads on the moon will not be like building roads on Earth. Since the moon has no atmosphere and lower gravity compared to our planet, dust is a big problem. It gets everywhere, "erodes space suits, clogs machinery, interferes with scientific instruments and makes moving around difficult,"...

This Year's Harvest Moon Will Be Spectacular

It's the last supermoon of the year

(Newser) - This has been a banner year for moon-watchers, and there are four full moons still to go, including the last supermoon of the year. The harvest moon, the last of four supermoons in a row, will appear full Thursday evening and reach its peak around 6am ET on Friday, NPR...

India Can&#39;t Rouse Its Moon Lander
India Can't Rouse
Its Moon Rover

India Can't Rouse Its Moon Rover

Lander and rover are dormant at the frigid south pole after a 2-week nap

(Newser) - India's mission to the moon can already be counted as a historic success, but this might put a damper on how it ends: The nation's space agency can't rouse its lunar lander or lunar rover after a two-week nap, reports New Scientist . The machines deliberately went into...

Moonquakes Traced to a Human-Made Source
Traced to a

Moonquakes Traced to a Human-Made Source

Apollo 17 lunar module base 'starts popping off' every lunar morning as it warms, researchers find

(Newser) - Sensors placed on the lunar surface during the Apollo 17 mission listened for vibrations over a period of several months and helped establish four types of moonquakes: those triggered by meteorite impacts; shallow quakes, possibly triggered by shrinkage due to a cooling interior ; deep quakes, tidal in origin ; and thermal...

There's a Celestial Event Tonight You Won't See Again Till 2037

August gets itself a super blue moon, which doesn't come around all the time

(Newser) - If you're midway through another boring Wednesday, here's how to jazz things up: Go outside tonight and gawk at a celestial sight that won't be seen again for another 14 years. As reports, a pretty rare super blue moon will be dangling in the skies...

India's Lunar Rover Keeps Doing Its Moon Walk

No glitches so far after historic touch-down earlier this week

(Newser) - India's lunar rover continued its walk on the moon Friday after the historic touch-down of India's spacecraft near the moon's south pole earlier this week, the country's space agency said. The rover's data collection and experiments could help determine if there is oxygen and hydrogen...

Russia's First Moon Mission in Decades Ends in a Crash

Luna-25 lander rams into the moon while preparing to land

(Newser) - Russia's first attempt to return to the moon since 1976 has ended in an explosion. The nation's Luna-25 lander spun out of control while preparing to land and rammed into the moon's surface, reports CNN . "The apparatus moved into an unpredictable orbit and ceased to exist...

This Is a Pretty Rare Month for Moon Watchers

We'll get 2 full moons, and both are 'supermoons,' with the first on Tuesday evening

(Newser) - August will be a marvelous month for a moon watch, two times over. As NPR explains, August not only has two full moons, it has two supermoons—full moons that appear bigger than usual because they occur when the moon is closest to Earth during its orbit around us. August...

India Tries Again to Nail Moon Landing

After failed 2019 mission, country launches Chandrayaan-3 with a rover and lander

(Newser) - An Indian spacecraft blazed its way to the far side of the moon Friday in a follow-up mission to its failed effort nearly four years ago to land a rover softly on the lunar surface, the country's space agency said. Chandrayaan-3, the word for "moon craft" in Sanskrit,...

4B-Year-Old Punch Formed Man in the Moon&#39;s Right Eye
'Man in the Moon' Is More
Ancient Than We Thought

'Man in the Moon' Is More Ancient Than We Thought

New dating indicates parts of lunar crust are 200M years older than previously thought

(Newser) - Scientists believe the moon formed 4.5 billion years ago based on studies of lunar rocks. But dating the lunar surface is less cut and dried. As only so many lunar samples are returned to Earth, scientists have traditionally counted craters as a way of dating sections of the lunar...

Break Out the Lawn Chairs— It's Strawberry Moon Time

Saturday night, just before midnight, is when last full moon of spring will be at its peak

(Newser) - The last full moon of spring has arrived. CBS News reports that the so-called strawberry moon will grace the skies this weekend, with peak illumination on Saturday at 11:42pm ET, per NASA . notes that this particular incarnation of the moon often gives off a "warmer" light...

NASA Finds Japan's Moon Lander—and Its Dent

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter snaps photos of impact site in Atlas crater

(Newser) - The Japanese spacecraft that crashed on the moon earlier this year left a scar that's reportedly at least 200 feet across. Scientists used NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to zoom in on the site where ispace's Hakuto-R lunar lander crash-landed in the Atlas crater after its rocket engines...

Japanese Spacecraft's Moon Landing Appears to Fail

Ground control loses contact as unmanned spacecraft attempts to touch down

(Newser) - A Japanese company lost contact with its spacecraft moments before touchdown on the moon Wednesday, and the lunar lander is presumed to have crashed, per the AP . Contact was lost as the lander descended the final 33 feet while traveling around 16 mph. Controllers peered at their screens in Tokyo,...

'White Rabbit' Moon Landing Will Be a Big First

Hakuto lander from Japan firm ispace will be first spacecraft from private company to land on moon

(Newser) - A Japanese company is about to attempt what no other private business has done: land on the moon. Tokyo's ispace company put its own spacecraft into orbit around the moon a month ago. On Tuesday, flight controllers will direct the craft, named Hakuto (Japanese for "white rabbit")...

NASA's First Moon Crew in 50 Years Has 3 Big Firsts

Artemis team includes Black, female, Canadian astronauts

(Newser) - NASA on Monday named the four astronauts who will fly to the moon by the end of next year, including one woman and three men. The three Americans and one Canadian were introduced during a ceremony in Houston, home to the nation's astronauts as well as Mission Control, the...

There&#39;s Water All Over the Moon
There's Water
All Over the Moon

There's Water All Over the Moon

Researchers in China find H2O can be pulled from heated impact beads

(Newser) - New research suggests trillions of gallons of water are spread across the moon—which should be great news for those planning a lunar colony. Though NASA plans to search for water ice at the lunar south pole, there are signs that water isn't restricted to the poles but is...

Buildings on the Moon, Mars Could Be Made From This
Here's the New
Concrete for Mars

Here's the New Concrete for Mars

StarCrete, twice as strong as ordinary concrete, uses dirt, potato starch, and salt

(Newser) - Future buildings on the moon and Mars may be built from potato starch. A team at the University of Manchester has come up with a building material, twice as strong as concrete, that can be made in a microwave with a little extra-terrestrial dust, potato starch, and a pinch of...

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