
Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev 

Philly Voters, Do You Know Where Your DA Candidate Is?

Check his site: He's got an ankle monitor

(Newser) - Would-be Philadelphia District Attorney Michael Untermeyer has outfitted himself with a stylish new accessory—an electronic ankle monitor, of the kind he’d like to slap on the city’s criminals, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. For the next 30 days, curious voters will be able to keep tabs on him...

Dems' 'Monopoly' Helps GOP Hopefuls Raise Cash

(Newser) - As the 2010 election nears, GOP senatorial candidates are seeing a bump in campaign donations, the Washington Post reports. FEC filings show that in Florida, for instance, Charlie Crist pulled in $4.3 million in the second quarter, almost 4 times as much as his leading Democratic rival. Roy Blunt...

How Palin Can Get the 2012 Nod

 How Palin Can 
 Get the 2012 Nod 

How Palin Can Get the 2012 Nod

Leave Alaska, grab a good staff, and be yourself

(Newser) - Don’t write off Sarah Palin as the 2012 Republican nominee: Roger Simon says she’s got what it takes to get there, with a little fine-tuning. He offers her seven steps in Politico:
  • Leave Alaska behind. Don’t run for governor in 2010; instead, hang out in the Lower

Seeking Talks, US May Allow Taliban Political Party

Some could run for office, but power-sharing impossible: diplomat

(Newser) - In an effort to establish a dialogue with the Taliban, the US may allow the militant group to create a political party or be represented by election candidates, the Guardian reports. Other options include removing Taliban leaders from UN blacklists, releasing prisoners, and revising Afghanistan’s constitution. But there’s...

Treasury Pick Withdraws After Vetting 'Issue'

Cohen, tabbed as deputy, is third to pull out in less than a week

(Newser) - Staffing the Treasury Department is proving to be a pickle for the Obama administration, with the third candidate in less than a week withdrawing from consideration today, ABC News reports. H. Rodgin Cohen, a partner with law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, was considered the top choice for Deputy Treasury Secretary...

This Time, Iraq Gets Politics With Its Elections

Stability gives candidates chance to compete more in Western democratic style

(Newser) - If Iraq’s tumultuous 2005 elections were a trial run at democracy, the current provincial race has main-event flavor, the Washington Post reports. Greater stability has allowed town-hall gatherings, where voters grill some 14,000 candidates running for 440 seats on everything from housing to militarization. And campaign posters, T-shirts...

Obama Inspires Young Black Pols to Take Risks for 2010

Candidates to abandon sure wins for ambitious positions

(Newser) - Young black politicians inspired by Barack Obama’s astonishingly quick ascent are pursuing riskier, more ambitious strategies for the 2010 elections, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post. Florida Rep. Kendrick Meek, for example, a 42-year-old African-American, is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Mel Martinez, though Meek...

If You Don't Know Who This Is, Don't Vote

Uninformed citizens should stay home, unpopular as the sentiment might be

(Newser) - Countless actors, musicians and other celebrities have volunteered their time encouraging young people to vote. But should they? ABC News anchor John Stossel quizzed voters on basic political knowledge at a registration-drive concert and in the nation’s capital. A shockingly high number of uninformed answers led Stossel to the...

Black Politicians' Rise Signals Changing Electorate

More white voters may be growing comfortable with black officials

(Newser) - A change in the electorate may be under way as a growing number of blacks are winning local elections nationwide—more and more often across color lines, the New York Times reports. Some 16% of black legislators represented mainly white districts in 2001; by 2007, that figure had nearly doubled....

Evangelical Dobson Softens on McCain

Given Obama 'threat,' Republican appears to be lesser of two evils

(Newser) - James Dobson still won’t formally endorse John McCain, but the evangelical leader voiced support for the Republican candidate in a radio broadcast today, the AP reports. “Barack Obama contradicts and threatens everything I believe about the institution of the family and what is best for the nation,”...

Anchorage Mayor to Run for Ted Stevens' Senate Seat

40-year veteran faces corruption probe

(Newser) - The Democratic mayor of Anchorage will throw his hat in the ring today for the Alaska Senate seat Ted Stevens has held for 4 decades, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Stevens, one of the Senate's most notorious pork producers, has been reelected easily 7 times, but is now under federal...

Nader Chooses Former SF Pol as Running Mate

Green Party stalwart Matt Gonzalez rounds out independent ticket

(Newser) - Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader today selected Matt Gonzalez as his running mate, the San Francisco Business Times reports. Gonzalez, 42, was elected San Francisco supervisor on the Green Party ticket in 2000, with the famously hippy Haight-Ashbury neighborhood part of his district. A last-minute campaign for mayor in 2003...

Fred Dominates in Absentia
Fred Dominates in Absentia

Fred Dominates in Absentia

Thompson scored in abstentia, says Spectator's Talbin

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's campaign counter-programming last night—announcing his candidacy on Jay Leno instead of debating GOP rivals in New Hampshire—scored with the American Spectator’s John Tabin, who notes that he dominated the debate without being there. The forum’s first question was a contest to see who could...

Obama Has GOP Crossover Appeal
Obama Has
GOP Crossover Appeal

Obama Has GOP Crossover Appeal

Dem came in third in recent poll of Iowa Republicans

(Newser) - Here's one race where Barack isn't trailing Hillary: the one for GOP defectors. In a recent poll, Iowa Republicans chose the freshman senator as their third-favored presidential candidate (after Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani), Salon reports. And in recent GOP focus groups, Obama’s crossover appeal was more than twice...

Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid
Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid

Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid

New York mayor vows he won't run for VP position either

(Newser) - Bloomberg’s billions aren’t going to propel him on a bid for president in 2008, Reuters reports. The New York City mayor told Dan Rather that "The answer is 'no.’ If somebody asks me where I stand, I tell them. And that's not a way to get...

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev