bear market

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Dow Keeps Sliding After Entering Bear Market
Dow Keeps Sliding After
Entering Bear Market

Dow Keeps Sliding After Entering Bear Market

S&P 500 also dropped Tuesday

(Newser) - Stocks ended a wobbly day with mixed results on Wall Street as markets continue to be unstable amid worries about a possible recession. The volatile trading came a day after the Dow Jones Industrial Average followed other major US indexes into a bear market. The S&P 500 fell 7....

What to Do, and Not to Do, as a Recession Looms
What to Do, and Not to Do,
as a Recession Looms
the rundown

What to Do, and Not to Do, as a Recession Looms

Dow drops below 30K as bear market deepens

(Newser) - The stock market actually rose Wednesday in the immediate aftermath of the Fed's decision to raise rates by a whopping 0.75% . Thursday, not so much. Major indexes fell more than 2% in early trading and sent the Dow below 30,000, its lowest level in more than a...

You Might Want to Brace for 401(k) Trouble in Near Future

Most fund managers say this current rally is too much, too fast, see turbulence ahead

(Newser) - Just because stocks have scrambled nearly all the way back to their record heights doesn't necessarily mean the market is in the clear, per the AP . Stocks have a long history of making big gains within long-term down markets, only for the bottom to give out again. Such mini-,...

Stocks Diving for Bear Market Levels
 Stocks Diving to 
 Bear Market Levels 

Stocks Diving to Bear Market Levels

S&P slips below threshold at this morning's open

(Newser) - Wall Street is getting nervous, and not because of protesters. Stocks have been plummeting hard, and are now just inches above the threshold for what traders consider a bear market. The Dow dove 240 points on Friday and another 258 yesterday, leaving it perilously close to the bear market threshold...

Congressmen Bet Against Stocks Amid Crisis

All while some were decrying short selling

(Newser) - You know those evil short-sellers at Goldman Sachs and elsewhere that lawmakers have been railing against since around the start of the financial crisis? Well pot, meet kettle. The Wall Street Journal has identified 13 members of Congress who in some way bet against the market during the 2008 financial...

Fizzle Alert: Market Rallies This Good Don't Hold

(Newser) - It's good news, bad news time for investors. The good news: In the last 100 years, only five other rallies have matched the 46% leap the Dow’s taken over the past six months. The bad news: None of those other extraordinary rallies, which came in the 1930s and 1970s,...

This Rally Is for Suckers, Courtesy of the Fed
This Rally Is for Suckers, Courtesy of the Fed

This Rally Is for Suckers, Courtesy of the Fed

(Newser) - The Dow has soared a whopping 30% since March 9, but Andy Kessler doesn’t think the good times are here again. “This sure smells to me like a sucker’s rally,” he writes in the Wall Street Journal. Earnings aren’t up. The market is just responding...

Don't Celebrate Yet, Stock Market
 Don't Celebrate Yet, 
 Stock Market 

Don't Celebrate Yet, Stock Market

(Newser) - Don’t get too excited by the stock market’s recent rally. Stocks may go up another 10%-20% this year, says analyst Jeremy Grantham, but after that the market will crash again, and stay that way for years. “We've lost our shirts and we feel poor,” explains Henry...

Dr. Doom Still Gloomy on Economy
Dr. Doom
Still Gloomy
on Economy

Dr. Doom Still Gloomy on Economy

NYU's Roubini thinks more rough times lie ahead

(Newser) - Dr. Doom isn't ready to ditch his nickname. Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economist who predicted much of the current malaise, says he doesn't see a happy ending any time soon, Reuters reports. Although the stock market has generally performed well of late, he thinks it will be a...

Bears Lurk in Markets' Bounce: Analysts

(Newser) - The ongoing rally in global financial markets could be setting investors up for another crash, analysts tell the Financial Times, warning that it could be a so-called “bear market bounce.” The fact that financial stocks, which took a beating as markets tumbled, are leading the uptick is particularly...

Firms Reprice Employees' Worthless Stock Options

Repricing plans toss lifeline to 'underwater' stock option holders

(Newser) - Major firms are trying to boost morale by giving workers another chance to profit on stock options made worthless by the stock market dive, the Washington Post reports. Many employees—especially execs—are currently stuck with "underwater" options with a strike price above the trading price. Close to...

Stocks Plummet; Dow Falls 281
 Stocks Plummet; Dow Falls 281 

Stocks Plummet; Dow Falls 281

Dow blows by Tuesday low

(Newser) - Stocks fell today, with the Dow passing the bear-market low it set Tuesday, and two giants of US banking and manufacturing trading at less than $2, MarketWatch reports. Mounting problems at Citigroup and General Motors drove their shares to $1.02, and $1.95, respectively. The Dow dropped 281.40...

Politicos' Loose Lips Sink Stocks

Pols still don't know their own strength on Wall St.

(Newser) - DC and New York usually keep a healthy distance. These days, though, Wall Street has no choice but to hang on every word of key politicians. For the pols themselves, Politico reports, that takes some getting used to. When Sen. Chris Dodd publicly toyed Friday with the idea of bank...

Bear With It: Stock Market Has Seen Worse Than 2008

Dow lost 14.1% in Oct., but that pales against 30.7% in Sept. 1931

(Newser) - It would be hard to overstate the impact of the past 2 months on those who work and invest in the stock market, Ben Steverman writes for BusinessWeek. The crisis has surely spurred many investors to reevaluate the risks, but is it a game-changer, historically speaking? Although it was steep,...

Cratering Dow Sinks Cramer Cred (but Doubles Ratings)

'It’s just a bear trying to do a show in this environment,' Mad Money host says

(Newser) - Jim Cramer was long Wall Street’s most reliable cheerleader, psyching up investors on his high-octane CNBC show. He’s insisted several times this year that the worst was over—only to tell viewers this month to forsake stocks entirely. “It is harder to get it right than any...

Why Midafternoon Brings Out the Bears
 Why Midafternoon 
 Brings Out the Bears 

Why Midafternoon Brings Out the Bears

Wall Street is facing one of its worst bear markets since World War II

(Newser) - An increasingly familiar Wall Street phenomenon—a three-digit swing in the Dow, usually down, in the final hour of trading—is a direct result of population growth in one species: bears. Margin calls are forcing panicked sell-offs, it's true, but the situation is more complicated than that, experts tell...

Stocks Reverse Gains, Dive
 Stocks Reverse Gains, Dive 

Stocks Reverse Gains, Dive

After early surge, Dow drops 300

(Newser) - Stocks reversed their early gains to plunge downward today, with the Dow dropping as much as 324 points, the Wall Street Journal reports, after being up 140 earlier in the morning. The S&P was down 1.9%, thanks largely to a 6% slide in its consumer-staples sector, while the...

Economic Crisis Turned McCain Into a Bystander
Economic Crisis Turned McCain Into a Bystander

Economic Crisis Turned McCain Into a Bystander

This election ended when economy tanked; the rest is shouting

(Newser) - John McCain isn’t losing because he’s running an incompetent campaign, Michael Gerson writes in the Washington Post. Rather, his campaign only looks incompetent because the economy doomed him to lose. When a campaign is sinking, pundits weigh in with their pet suggestions, while insisting that “the candidate...

Euro Stocks Follow Asia Plunge
 Euro Stocks Follow Asia Plunge 

Euro Stocks Follow Asia Plunge

London, Paris, Frankfurt all dive at opening

(Newser) - Stock markets across Europe took a pounding this morning, following a dramatic market dive in Asia that saw the Tokyo exchange suffer its worst loss in 20 years. In London the FTSE opened down 10%, with similar losses in Paris and Frankfurt. Banking stocks were among the biggest losers in...

Is a Bull Market on the Horizon?

Lower rates and commodity prices and stocks that looks cheap could trigger a run

(Newser) - Apocalyptic attitudes abound, but weed through the financial doom and gloom and you'll find a few economists who think we've bottomed out, and that a bull market is up next, writes Michael Hiltzik in the Los Angeles Times. The Dow has dropped 34.6% in the last year, but recent...

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