immigration reform

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Real Cause of the Border Crisis: Following the Law

A 2008 bill paved the way for this issue

(Newser) - Conservatives like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin have alleged that President Obama's "lawlessness"—in the form of his jury-rigged de facto Dream Act implementation—is to blame for the children currently swarming across the border. But the truth is "that this crisis has actually been brought...

Obama to Ditch Congress, Go It Alone on Immigration

John Boehner has told the president he won't do anything, White House says

(Newser) - President Obama held a Rose Garden press conference today about his plan to act on his own to reform US immigration policy, Fox News reports. "America cannot wait forever for them to act," he said of the House. His plan would "fix as much of our immigration...

Boehner: I Didn't Mean to Mock GOP on Immigration

He likened caucus members to crybabies

(Newser) - John Boehner, saying he can "rib people just a little bit too much sometimes," is trying to defuse tensions with fellow House Republicans after poking fun at them for their stance on immigration reform. In a speech last week, the House speaker likened his colleagues to crybabies who...

Obama to Look Into 'More Humane' Deportation

Jeh Johnson to head review after pressure from immigration rights groups

(Newser) - Just how deportation is handled by the US government will get a fresh look: President Obama yesterday ordered a review of deportations to see if they can be carried out "more humanely within the confines of the law," Politico reports. Though no specifics were given, the review, to...

Boehner: We Can't Trust Obama on Immigration

Speaker's comments appear to kill reform hopes

(Newser) - House Republicans won't take up immigration reform after all, because there's "widespread doubt" about whether President Obama can be trusted to enforce anything they pass, John Boehner said today. "The president seems to change the health-care law on a whim," Boehner said, according to the...

House GOP Leaders Back Legal Status for Immigrants

But not citizenship or a 'special path'; younger illegals could get citizenship

(Newser) - House Republican leaders issued a set of principles today on immigration reform, and the consensus seems to be that they offer enough wiggle room to get a deal done this year. Some highlights:
  • Legal status: Many of the 11 million undocumented immigrants now in the country would be able to

Joe Kennedy to Fast for Immigration Reform

He'll join protest, abstain from food for 24 hours

(Newser) - Joe Kennedy is hungry to see John Boehner take up the Senate's immigration reform bill —and pretty soon, he'll be hungry in a literal sense as well. The rep from Massachusetts has announced that he will join a protest fast to push for reform. A group of...

Boehner: Senate's Immigration Bill Is Toast

House speaker rules out conference compromise

(Newser) - John Boehner threw a massive bucket of cold water on hopes for comprehensive immigration reform today, saying that the Senate bill was a complete non-starter for the House. "We have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill," Boehner said, NBC News reports. Reform advocates...

Undocumented Worker: We&#39;re Not Taking Your Jobs
Undocumented Worker:
We're Not Taking Your Jobs

Undocumented Worker: We're Not Taking Your Jobs

Migrant worker tells her story to 'Modern Farmer'

(Newser) - Odilia Chavez, a 40-year-old undocumented migrant farm worker based in California, is the first person to tell her story in a new Modern Farmer "Farm Confessional" feature, and she has a message for anyone who thinks people like her are stealing American jobs: "We’re not taking their...

Another Big GOP Fight Looms: Immigration

Lobbying blitz next week could raise new tensions

(Newser) - Republicans in Congress might still be smarting over the fallout from the shutdown, but the New York Times reports that another potential "schism" for the party is right around the corner—immigration reform. Conservatives vow to block any legislation from passing the House, while John Boehner and others support...

8 Democratic Reps Arrested at DC Immigration Protest

Lawmakers busted as thousands gather on National Mall to urge reform

(Newser) - After lawmakers supported veterans in flooding DC's WWII memorial last week, the civil disobedience by congress members continued yesterday, with eight Democrats getting arrested at the National Mall during an immigration reform rally. The demonstration was intended to push Congress to pass immigration reform legislation, but also succeeded in...

Some House Democrats Could Bail on Immigration

Especially those from moderate or conservative districts

(Newser) - Don't expect House Democrats to rally unanimously behind immigration reform the way their Senate counterparts did. A whole lot of them sound like anything but a firm "yes" vote, the Wall Street Journal observes. Many hail from swing districts, and are waiting to stake out a hard stance...

McCain: Hillary Vs. Rand Paul Would Be &#39;Tough Choice&#39;
McCain: Hillary Vs. Rand Paul Would Be 'Tough Choice'

McCain: Hillary Vs. Rand Paul Would Be 'Tough Choice'

Says Hillary is a 'rock star'

(Newser) - Who's John McCain voting for in 2016? If it comes down to Hillary Clinton and Rand Paul, "It’s gonna be a tough choice," he jokes in a sizable new interview with the New Republic . Though Paul and McCain have famously butted heads before , McCain was quick...

House GOP Digs In on Resistance to Immigration

Republicans feel out Dems on bite-sized bills

(Newser) - House Republicans had their first full meeting on immigration reform yesterday, and the results were about as discouraging as expected for reform advocates. John Boehner warned his troops that the party would be politically vulnerable if it didn't devise some response to the Senate's bill, but it's...

Top Republicans: No Hope for Immigration Reform

Leaders privately predict bill will die in House

(Newser) - Immigration reform has no chance in the House, top Republicans privately tell Politico . GOP leaders, after many listening sessions, say that even the most popular parts of immigration reform will be difficult to get through; ultimately, they predict what Politico calls "a slow, months-long death." The site compares...

2 Big Conservatives Urge House: Kill Immigration Bill

Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry team up for editorial

(Newser) - As the House GOP meets tomorrow to begin hashing out immigration reform, two prominent conservative voices have some advice: Kill the Senate version that just passed. It "is a comprehensive mistake," write Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard and Rich Lowry of the National Review . "House Republicans...

Bush to Congress: Fix &#39;Broken&#39; Immigration
 Bush to 
 Fix 'Broken' 

Bush to Congress: Fix 'Broken' Immigration

Plus, McCain on Egypt: It was a coup, yank their aid

(Newser) - George W. Bush thinks Congress might actually be chugging toward doing something about a holdover from his days in office: immigration. "Sometimes, it takes time for some of these complex issues to evolve. And it looks like immigration, you know, has a chance to pass," he said today...

Now Bush to Talk Up Immigration Reform

He'll discuss the benefits Wednesday

(Newser) - Immigration reform will get another high-profile backer Wednesday: George W. Bush is expected to talk about how good it will be for America, the Dallas Morning News reports. The former president is giving the opening remarks at a citizenship ceremony at his presidential center in Dallas, followed by a panel...

Big Winner in Immigration Plan: Defense Firms

Calls for specific equipment could bring companies tens of millions

(Newser) - The defense industry must be loving the Senate's highly particular new Mexican border security plan. Under the legislation, the Border Patrol needs to purchase six Northrop Grumman airborne radar systems—each at $9.3 million; 15 Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopters, which go for about $17 million; eight American Eurocopter...

Senate Passes Historic Immigration Bill

Bill succeeds 68 to 32

(Newser) - The Senate passed a historic immigration bill today by a vote of 68 to 32, with every Democrat and 14 Republicans voting in favor, the Washington Post reports. Joe Biden presided over the vote to note its significance, and Marco Rubio gave a stirring final argument in favor for the...

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