John McCain

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Alaska Paper Picks Obama
 Alaska Paper Picks Obama 

Alaska Paper Picks Obama

Anchorage Daily News is wary of both McCain and Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has accomplished a lot and has brought unexpected recognition to Alaska, but for the presidency, Barack Obama is "a clear choice" for the Anchorage Daily News. John McCain has abandoned his maverick positions to curry conservative favor, and the demands of the White House would "stretch...

Obama's Haul Spurs Concern About Faceless Donors

But it paves way for new standard in political fundraising system

(Newser) - The huge success of Barack Obama’s Internet fundraising campaign has sparked concerns about the regulation of campaign finance. Some worry that the faceless system allows for easy abuse, particularly in light of donations from anonymous or clearly fake names such as "Osama bin Laden," the Washington Post...

McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory
McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory

McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory

Va. governor Kaine says Mac can't win without his state

(Newser) - A confident John McCain “guaranteed” today that election night will be a nail-biter, but that he will win. “We're going to do well in this campaign, my friend,” McCain told Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Meet the Press. The prediction comes as polls show the GOP hopeful...

John McCain, Here's How You Can Still Win This Election

Forget about Pa.; focus on Virginia, Florida, FiveThirtyEight says

(Newser) - John McCain, the polls aren’t looking good and your running mate is being accused of going “rogue,” but Nate Silver has some advice on how you can still eke out a victory. “No razzle-dazzle here,” Silver writes for FiveThirtyEight, “McCain simply has to pick...

'Real' America's Not Racist
 'Real' America's Not Racist 

'Real' America's Not Racist

Image of rural whites distorted by McCain, media

(Newser) - The media focus on the “Bradley effect" and the notion of a divided nation—"real" vs. "elite"—hyped by the McCain campaign suggests that racism among small-town whites will prove a stumbling block for Barack Obama, Frank Rich writes. But the alleged racism is nowhere near...

Spectre of Dem Landslide Sparking GOP Civil War

Wins for Obama, Dem lawmakers could spell Republican collapse

(Newser) - As polls continue to give the election edge to Barack Obama, GOP leaders are fearing the Democrat could win in a landslide, reports the Telegraph. Second-guessing of John McCain's campaign and deep fears for the GOP are already triggering a battle among Republican faithful for control of the party's future....

Obama Up by 8 Points in Polls

But new Reuters poll finds lead shrinking as McCain hammers on economy

(Newser) - As John McCain's campaign appears to be foundering, Barack Obama's lead continues to grow, reports Bloomberg. The Democratic candidate was up 8 points over McCain in an average of 16 polls released during the last week. The previous week, Obama was up about 6 points. A single new poll released...

Angry Palin Aims to &#39;Go More Rogue&#39;
Angry Palin Aims to 'Go More Rogue'

Angry Palin Aims to 'Go More Rogue'

Candidate gets testy with handlers as blame game builds

(Newser) - As Barack Obama holds his lead in the polls and pundits hand Sarah Palin her share of the blame, the VP candidate is getting testy with her handlers, Politico reports. "She's lost confidence in most of the people on the plane," a senior Republican said. "I...

Multiple Storylines Muddle Mac's Message

(Newser) - President Bush once taught a top John McCain adviser how to sell a candidate: by telling a story. The problem for Steve Schmidt, now McCain's main strategist, was finding the right tale to sell "a stubborn patriot" to voters, Robert Draper writes in the New York Times. While...

Kristol: Don't Abandon McCain
 Kristol: Don't Abandon McCain  

Kristol: Don't Abandon McCain

(Newser) - “With 10 days to go before the election, it's getting pretty dark out there” for John McCain, William Kristol writes in the Weekly Standard. All the more reason for true conservatives to stand behind him "for the sake of the country," says Kristol, who's proud to stay...

Obama Brings Dems Historic White Support

Polls show 44% back Barack, most since Carter

(Newser) - Barack Obama has gained more support among whites than any Democrat since Jimmy Carter, Politico reports. Some 44% of non-Hispanic whites back the Illinois senator, Gallup and Pew polls over the last 2 weeks suggest; 47% supported Carter in 1976. In the same period John McCain has pulled between 48%...

US Election Captivates Iran
 US Election Captivates Iran 

US Election Captivates Iran

Some Iranians pro-McCain, some pro-Obama, for strange and different reasons

(Newser) - Though isolated and remote, Iran is understandably interested in the outcome of the US presidential election. Iranian papers are covering every aspect, publishing extensive biographies and transcripts of the debates. Opinions run the gamut, but one consensus seems to be that it doesn't matter who wins because the US has...

From Sickbed, Kennedy Crafts Health Plan

Bipartisan effort includes industry; goal is universal coverage

(Newser) - Even as he undergoes cancer treatment, Ted Kennedy is coordinating bipartisan meetings with colleagues and lobbyists in an effort to produce health care legislation that includes universal coverage, the Washington Times reports. The meetings—involving labor unions, insurers, drug companies, and hospitals—“are a testament to how people feel...

McCain's Final Strokes Paint Obama With Lefty Brush

Democrat's tax plans amount to 'welfare,' Republican charges

(Newser) - John McCain criticized Barack Obama’s economic plans yesterday as the Republican focuses on portraying his opponent as a tax-and-spend liberal with a socialist vision for America, the Los Angeles Times reports. McCain had hoped to iconic plumber Joe on his tour of central Florida, but Joe Wurzelbacher refused. Instead,...

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP
 Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP 

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP

Republicans try to distance themselves from McCain's campaign strategy

(Newser) - Republicans inside John McCain’s campaign and out are pointing fingers at one another, striking a surprisingly past-tense tone about their efforts, Politico reports. The recriminations go to the top: senior Bush advisers criticized McCain for a poorly run campaign on the heels of an interview in which the candidate...

Mac's Brother Calls 911 Over Traffic Troubles

'(Bleep) you!' Joe McCain replies to operator's query

(Newser) - Power corrupts, especially if you're stuck in traffic. A man believed to be John McCain’s brother called 911 to complain about being caught in gridlock in suburban Washington, WJLA-TV reports. "Sir, are you calling 911 to complain about traffic?" asks the operator on the tape. After a pause,...

Woman Admits Making Up Tale of Carved 'B'

McCain volunteer told police that mugger cut one onto her face

(Newser) - The blogosphere smelled a rat, and they were apparently right. The woman who claimed that an Obama-supporting mugger carved a "B" into her cheek has confessed to making up the tale, KDKA-TV (Pittsburgh) reports. The 20-year-old told police that her black mugger got ticked when he saw her McCain...

Paris for President: Campaign Music Vid

Watch video preview for Hilton's spoof White House bid

(Newser) - It may look like the presidential race is over, but Paris Hilton wants you to know she's still in the running. The would-be "commander in bikini" has a new music vid, "Paris for President," coming out on Sunday. In the meantime, People's web site has...

Makeup Artist Highest Paid McCain Campaign Staffer

According to campaign's payroll, $11k per week

(Newser) - While no more Saks and Barney's charges have surfaced, records for the first 2 weeks of October indicate that Sarah Palin's makeup artist was the highest paid individual contributor to the McCain campaign effort, pulling in $23,000. Amy Strozzi easily beat out McCain's foreign policy adviser (just $12,500)...

Looks Over, but Don't Count Out Conservatives: Noonan

McCain's 43% or more of the vote isn't nothing

(Newser) - For all of Barack Obama’s skill and John McCain’s clumsiness, the Republican can still count on at least 43% of the vote, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. McCain might come back (there's still an awful lot of undecideds), but even if he doesn’t, more...

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