
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

North America No Longer Home to Most Millionaires

The honor now goes to Asia

(Newser) - North America may have retaken one crown from Asia yesterday, but it was forced to relinquish another today: The latter is now officially home to the most millionaires in the world, according to a new report by Capgemini. Its 3.37 million millionaires, a boost of 1.6% over 2010,...

Tech's Richest Hate Showing Off Wealth

From Facebook to Google, Silicon Valley frowns on flashy spending

(Newser) - Facebook's staff may be full of zillionaires, but don't expect Ferraris in the parking lot. Silicon Valley, where almost 14% of homes earn more than $200,000 per year, is deeply opposed to conspicuous consumption—hence Mark Zuckerberg's iconic hoodies and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's underground...

China's 'Princelings' Rolling in Cash, Power

Relatives of top leaders enjoy 'Red Nobility'

(Newser) - The wealth of Bo Xilai's family members was no anomaly. Known as "princelings," close relatives of many Chinese leaders are on a fast track to fortune and power, the New York Times reports. The president's son used to head a company with a security-scanner monopoly; the...

Romney&#39;s Bain Pal: Rich Should Get Richer
 Romney's Bain Pal: 
 Rich Should Get Richer 

Romney's Bain Pal: Rich Should Get Richer

New book 'may be the most hated of the year' New York Times predicts

(Newser) - If you're angry about the growing divide between America's rich and poor, former Bain Capital executive Edward Conard has a message for you: Get over it. Conard is a member of the 0.1%, a top Mitt Romney donor, and the author of Unintended Consequences, a book arguing...

Richest Counties in US
 Richest Counties in US 

Richest Counties in US

Suburbs of Washington, DC, lead the way

(Newser) - Forbes rounds up the richest counties in the US, with the DC suburbs in northern Virginia again dominating. The top five:
  1. Loudoun County, Virginia: $115,574 median household income
  2. Falls Church City, Virginia: $114,409
  3. Fairfax County, Virginia: $105,416
  4. Los Alamos County, New Mexico: $103,643
  5. Howard County,

More Women &#39;Marrying Down&#39;
 More Women 'Marrying Down' 

More Women 'Marrying Down'

College degrees, bigger paychecks mean women can marry 'beneath them'

(Newser) - Kate Middleton's rags-to-riches marriage may seem weirdly anachronistic to future generations, the Daily Mail reports. According to a British study, women are not only more likely to get a higher education , they're less likely to "marry up" and more likely to "marry down." Brides born...

What It's Like to Be a Billionaire —for a Day

New York Times reporter Kevin Roose conducts lifestyle experiment

(Newser) - Driving in a Rolls Royce, getting a bodyguard, flying on a private plane: These aren't normally things that New York Times financial reporter Kevin Roose gets to do. But as a guy who writes about billionaires, he wanted a chance to live like one for 24 hours, he explains...

Slim Still World&#39;s No.1 Fat Cat
 Slim Still World's No.1 Fat Cat  

Slim Still World's No.1 Fat Cat

Forbes counts a record 1,226 billionaires

(Newser) - There are more billionaires than ever in Forbes' annual list , but no surprises at the top. Mexican telecom tycoon Carlos Slim heads up the list for the third year in a row, with an estimated net worth of $69 billion. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and French luxury-goods magnate Bernard Arnault...

Majors That May Get You Into the 1%

Definitely consider pre-med

(Newser) - Want your kid to make it into the 1%? Then the New York Times ' Economix blog knows which majors you might want to steer him or her toward. In an analysis of census data, it found that the majors with the best chance of making it into that coveted...

Congress Is Increasingly Richer Than You

Figures show widening wealth gap, and with it polarization

(Newser) - Before he ran for Congress in 1974, Gary Myers was a steel mill worker. His campaign set him back $33,000. Today, Myers’ seat is occupied by Mike Kelly, a wealthy car dealer who married into the Phillips oil fortune. His campaign cost $1.2 million. That contrast is emblematic...

Middle-Class Neighborhoods Dying Off

Stanford study says numbers have dropped sharply since 1970

(Newser) - A major new study from Stanford finds that America's middle class is shrinking in a big way, reports the New York Times . The researchers looked at 117 of the nation's biggest metropolitan areas and discovered that 44% of families live in areas defined as middle class, down from...

Older Americans Have 47 Times More Wealth Than the Young

Gap has widened in past 25 years: Pew

(Newser) - A new analysis by the Pew Research Center shows a widening age gap when it comes to wealth: In 2009, a typical household headed by an adult aged 65 or older had 47 times more net wealth than its counterpart headed by someone younger than 35. That’s a median...

US Becoming &#39;Democracy in Name Only&#39;
US Becoming 'Democracy
in Name Only'
paul krugman

US Becoming 'Democracy in Name Only'

Income inequality threatens 'whole nature of our society': Paul Krugman

(Newser) - A new CBO report tells the same old story, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times : The very rich are getting much richer at the expense of everyone else. Cue the think tanks and "obfuscators" who say it ain't so for all kinds of reasons. They're...

Madonna's Bro Homeless, Living Under Bridge

Anthony Ciccone not living in material world

(Newser) - Madonna might be a material girl, but her big brother isn't. He's homeless, living under a bridge in MIchigan—and complains he's been deserted by his famous sis and the rest of his kin. "My family turned their back on me when I was having a...

America&#39;s 5 Priciest Zip Codes
 America's 5 Priciest Zip Codes 

America's 5 Priciest Zip Codes

New Jersey, California, and New York neighborhoods top the list

(Newser) - 90210's claim to fame extends beyond Tori Spelling and Shannen Doherty. The zip code is also one of the five priciest in America. With the help of Altos Research, Forbes crunched 20,000 zip codes' worth of real estate listings to zero in on the poshest geographic areas in...

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, George Soros Among Richest Americans on Forbes List
 Bill Gates  

forbes rankings

Bill Gates Richest American Again

His $59B tops Warren Buffett's $39B

(Newser) - Forbes is out with its annual ranking of the richest Americans, with some familiar names up top. Highlights from the magazine and MSNBC :
  1. Bill Gates, $59 billion
  2. Warren Buffett, $39 billion
  3. Larry Ellison (Oracle), $33 billion
  4. (tie) Charles Koch, $25 billion
  5. (tie) David Koch, $25 billion

Why Money Actually Isn&#39;t the &#39;Root of All Evil&#39;
Why Money Actually Isn't
the 'Root of All Evil'

Why Money Actually Isn't the 'Root of All Evil'

Common warning is actually a misquote: Trent Hamm

(Newser) - “Money is the root of all evil,” a concerned friend recently wrote to Christian Science Monitor financial blogger Trent Hamm, wondering why Hamm would devote his blog to helping people accumulate wealth. But that phrase, which you’ve probably heard or even said yourself, is actually a misquote,...

Now Rich Germans Want to Pay More Taxes

Wealthy folks worldwide take Buffett's lead

(Newser) - Warren Buffett’s plea for raised taxes seems to have caused a chain reaction: A French group followed suit , and the head of Ferrari said he should pay more. A group of wealthy Germans is the latest to seek higher rates, the Guardian reports. The 50-member alliance has asked...

What It's Like to Have Your Own Private Island

Apparently, it's quite a bit of work

(Newser) - The latest Rich Person Trend: Buying your own private island in the Exuma Cays, a little-known cluster of 365 small and mostly uninhabited islands in the Bahamas. Tyler Perry, Tim McGraw, and Faith Hill are among the newer buyers, joining older purchasers including Johnny Depp and David Copperfield. But what...

Wealth Gap Between Whites, Minorities Widest in 25 Years

Census data show ratio is 20 to 1 between whites, blacks

(Newser) - Thanks to the recession, the wealth gap between whites and minorities is at its widest level in 25 years. Census data show that the median wealth of white US households was $113,149 in 2009: That's 20 times that of black households ($5,677) and 18 times that of...

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