arms race

17 Stories

In '11th Hour' of Nuclear Pact, an Offer From Putin

Russian president wants to extend treaty for one year, but US has a new ask

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin made a strong call on Friday to save the last existing nuclear arms control pact between his country and the United States, proposing to extend it for at least one year. Putin's statement comes amid conflicting signals from Russian and US diplomats about the fate...

Is 'Starting Gun' on the Ready for a New US Nukes Test?

Sources tell 'WaPo' Trump administration is mulling having one to give US leverage with Russia, China

(Newser) - Back in January, as tensions between the US and Iran were rising, some experts feared President Trump might consider turning to nukes to remedy things. Now, sources tell the Washington Post that the Trump administration has broached the subject of holding a nuclear test, the first time the US has...

Hypersonic Weapon Is Now Deployed, Russia Says

Development could renew arms race or restart negotiations with US

(Newser) - Russia said its new, intercontinental weapon that can carry a nuclear warhead, travel at 3,800 mph, and is invulnerable to US missile defense systems is ready to use. US officials said they believe it. The Russian military made the announcement Friday, the New York Times reports, raising the possibility...

Putin: We'll Target US With Missiles If We Have To

Russian leader says he's at the ready, but only if US deploys first anywhere in Europe

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin is seemingly following DC's lead of late, first by announcing that Russia will, like the US, pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and now by threatening another mirroring. The Russian leader gave his annual speech, akin to the State of the Union, to the nation...

Trump's New Nuclear Weapon Is Now in Production

'Battlefield nuke' is designed to counter Russia

(Newser) - One of America's first new nuclear weapons since the Cold War is the product of an arms race for smaller nukes. The W76-2 low-yield nuclear warhead, which is now rolling off production lines, was ordered by the Trump administration to counter equally low-yield Russian warheads, the Guardian reports. The...

A New 'Kraken'? Russians Rush to Name Doomsday Arms

How about 'Sanction'? Wink wink.

(Newser) - In just one day, the suggestions have been pouring in: "Kraken" for a new underwater drone capable of blasting coastlines with a powerful nuclear explosion. "Balalaika" for a futuristic nuclear-powered cruise missile capable of circling the globe. Russians are showering the Defense Ministry with proposed names for the...

As Number of US, Russia Nukes Falls, Lethality Rises

Modernization means countries' arsenals are growing more deadly: Reuters

(Newser) - President Trump's policy goals show he aims to dismantle much of President Obama's legacy, but there's one element of that legacy he's embracing: a nuclear modernization program that Scot Paltrow at Reuters writes is leading to a new arms race. In the lengthy piece, Paltrow explains...

Pakistan Test-Fires Ballistic Missile

Shaheen-1 launch follows Indian test

(Newser) - Pakistan says it has successfully tested a nuclear-capable missile, just days after arch-rival India tested a long-range missile of its own . Military chiefs say the improved version of the medium-range Shaheen-1 missile "will further consolidate and strengthen Pakistan's deterrence abilities," CNN reports. The upgraded missile is believed...

China Copied Russia to Become Major Arms Player

Beijing clones, improves Russian fighter jets

(Newser) - An interesting side to China's ascendancy is its emergence as a major arms innovator, a reputation it's built on the ruins of a former weapons powerhouse—Russia. When the Soviet Union collapsed and left the nation desperate for money, China shrewdly bought $30 billion in cut-rate missiles, tanks, and planes—...

Medvedev: 'New Arms Race' Looms

Russian leader says new missile deal essential

(Newser) - A new arms race will erupt if Russia can't agree with the West about a joint European missile defense program, Dmitry Medvedev warned today in his annual address. A NATO summit this month proposed an alliance missile-shield plan and invited Russia to participate. Questions remain about possible joint command of...

Drug Cartels Winning Mexican Arms Race

Traffickers using military-grade weapons to take on police

(Newser) - Mexican police are finding themselves hopelessly outgunned by drug cartels with military-grade weaponry, the Los Angeles Times reports. Authorities say the arms race is escalating rapidly as the cartels, competing with each other as well as with security forces, acquire grenade launchers, anti-tank rockets and other heavy weaponry of the...

Russia Scraps Plan for Nukes Near Europe

Moscow doesn't need missiles if US ditches own program in region

(Newser) - Russia will abandon its plans to deploy nuclear-capable missiles near Poland, the country's defense ministry said today. The Kremlin pulled back on the plan after President Obama announced a review of the Pentagon's controversial missile defense shield program in the region. The move offers an olive branch to Washington, says...

US Arms Sales Skyrocket
 US Arms Sales Skyrocket 

US Arms Sales Skyrocket

Some fear sparking 'arms race'

(Newser) - Seeking to arm allies and contain countries like Iran and North Korea, the Bush Administration has significantly stepped up international weapons sales, the New York Times reports. The Defense Department will sell or transfer $32 billion in arms this year, particularly in the Middle East, compared to $12 billion two...

Putin: Russia Ready for 'New Arms Race'

Lame-duck prez takes veiled jabs at NATO weapons plans, US Middle East policy

(Newser) - Russian president Vladimir Putin virtually renewed Cold War hostilities today, accusing the West of starting a new arms race and vowing to respond in kind, Reuters reports. “It is already clear that a new arms race is unfolding,” Putin said, citing recent NATO decisions to expand to Russia’...

'Mistrust' Fueling Latin American Arms Race

Venezuela, Brazil lead weapons spending spree

(Newser) - Recent bursts of defense spending from Brazil and Venezuela have experts wondering if Latin America—decades removed from a war between nations—has entered an arms race, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Chile has also invested in weapons recently, and Colombia is rife with war-on-drugs firepower. “There is a...

White House Proposes $43B in Mideast Military Aid

Rice pitches strategy to help contain Iran

(Newser) - More than $43 billion in US military aid is earmarked for the Middle East, Reuters reports, part of a strategy to fight terrorism and counterbalance Iran. The outlays, which require congressional approval, include $13 billion to Egypt, $30 billion to Israel, and an unspecified amount to Saudi Arabia and other...

US Will Share Nuke Fuel, Technology With India

Civilian deal reverses US precedent

(Newser) - The United States unveiled a plan today to share nuclear fuel and technology with India, upending decades of American non-proliferation strictures, the AP reports. The deal allows only civilian uses, but critics are concerned nonetheless about the specter of an Asian  nuclear arms race.

17 Stories
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