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Motherhood May Bring On Interesting Quirk
May Bring On
Interesting Quirk
new study

Motherhood May Bring On Interesting Quirk

Study finds that new moms see faces in inanimate objects more than others

(Newser) - All those Instagram posts of wall sockets that look like faces might have a target audience, according to a study in Biology Letters . Researchers from Australia's University of Queensland and the University of the Sunshine Coast investigated whether the human tendency to perceive faces in inanimate objects, known as...

NASA Explains Giant Bear Face on Mars

Hey there, Pooh?

(Newser) - There's a giant bear on Mars—or rather a rock formation that looks remarkably like one. NASA shared the intriguing image, captured last month by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, in a Wednesday release . Taken from 156 miles above Mars' southern hemisphere, it shows two circular craters above a muzzle-shaped...

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