
2 Stories

16-Year-Old Has Shocked the World of Darts
16-Year-Old Has
Shocked the World of Darts

16-Year-Old Has Shocked the World of Darts

Luke Littler almost became youngest-ever world champion

(Newser) - This story has been updated with the result of Wednesday night's game. A 16-year-old player from Warrington in northern England has become a major celebrity thanks to his darts skills. Luke Littler had an amazing run over the course of the World Darts Championship, which began in London on...

'Fantastic Achievement' at World Darts Championship

Fallon Sherrock becomes first woman ever to win match against a guy

(Newser) - History was made at the world darts championship Tuesday as, for the first time, a woman beat a man. Only two spots in the 96-player tournament, played in London, are reserved for women. Mikuru Suzuki of Japan, winner of the women's world championship, lost her first-round match against James...

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