Tulsi Gabbard 2020

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Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out, Backs Joe Biden
Tulsi Gabbard
Calls It Quits

Tulsi Gabbard Calls It Quits

Hawaii congresswoman drops out, endorses Joe Biden

(Newser) - Tulsi Gabbard is out. The Hawaii congresswoman dropped from the 2020 race on Thursday and endorsed Joe Biden, reports USA Today . Gabbard had barely been registering in the polls, and she had failed to qualify for any of the recent debates. She did, however, manage to win two delegates from...

New DNC Rules on Debates Leave Tulsi Gabbard Out

Presidential candidate is still on the campaign trail

(Newser) - Rep. Tulsi Gabbard hasn't been onstage for the past five Democratic presidential debates. She faces long odds for the next one, too. The Democratic National Committee announced Friday that to qualify, candidates will need to have won at least 20 percent of the pledged delegates by March 15, when...

Joe Biden Racks Up Wins; Sanders Gets Biggest Prize

Senator wins California after former VP sweeps the South

(Newser) - The Super Tuesday polls are closed, and it's shaping up to be a good night for Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, not so much for Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg. Biden came out strong, particularly in the South, but Sanders took the night's biggest prize, California, as expected....

Tulsi Gabbard's Lonely Delegate Win May Qualify Her for Debate
Tulsi Gabbard's
Single Delegate
May Be a Big Deal
super tuesday

Tulsi Gabbard's Single Delegate May Be a Big Deal

She got one in American Samoa, and it might earn her a debate invite

(Newser) - She's getting lost in the headlines, but Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is still running for the Democratic nomination. And on Tuesday, Gabbard won her very first delegate , from the territory of American Samoa, where she was born, reports the Washington Post . That lone delegate is no small thing: Unless...

Hillary Clinton Just Got Sued for $50M for Defamation

Tulsi Gabbard is not having that Russian asset accusation

(Newser) - Remember that time Hillary Clinton called a presidential candidate in her own party a Russian asset , and then everyone had a good chortle and ate scones and jam together ? No? Well, neither does the aforementioned presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who's now suing Clinton for defamation and $50 million...

Tulsi Gabbard Challenged to Push-Up Contest at Event, Wins

Democratic presidential contender says she could take Joe Biden, too

(Newser) - Tulsi Gabbard is a combat veteran, surfer, and martial artist; she left the campaign trail to serve National Guard duty ; and she has been known to post videos of her intense workouts to social media. So it should come as no surprise that when an attendee of the Democratic presidential...

One Presidential Candidate Had a Chilly Start to 2020

Tulsi Gabbard rode the waves in Hampton, NH

(Newser) - Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard chose New Year's Day to get back on her board. Decked out in a full winter wetsuit, the Democratic presidential candidate surfed the Atlantic in Hampton, NH, watched by several supporters carrying signs, per NBC News . "History is being made!" yelled one, who...

Ex-Governor Urges Gabbard to Resign House Seat

She has missed 85% of votes, says Abercrombie

(Newser) - Former Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie believes Rep. Tulsi Gabbard can best serve the people of the state by resigning. Abercrombie—a Democrat who represented Hawaii's 1st Congressional District in the House for 18 years—says Gabbard has been largely absent from Congress during her run for president and she...

Tulsi Gabbard Says She Will Skip Next Debate

She says she won't be there even if she qualifies

(Newser) - The next Democratic debate is Dec. 19—but Rep. Tulsi Gabbard isn't keeping that night free in her calendar. The candidate, who needs to get above 4% in one more state or national poll to qualify, says she won't be taking part even if she makes the cut,...

Takeaways From the Atlanta Debate
Takeaways From
the Atlanta Debate

Takeaways From the Atlanta Debate

Another bad night for Joe Biden

(Newser) - Ten Democratic presidential hopefuls debated in Atlanta Wednesday night —and compared to earlier debates, there was a distinct lack of fireworks, with candidates largely opting to focus on President Trump and other issues instead of attacking each other. Many had expected candidates to train their fire on Pete Buttigieg...

First Question at Democratic Debate Was on Impeachment
First Question at
Democratic Debate
Was on Impeachment

First Question at Democratic Debate Was on Impeachment

10 Democrats clash on race, pot, taxation

(Newser) - Ten Democratic candidates are debating in Atlanta—including five of the senators who will serve as jurors if there is an impeachment trial for President Trump. Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Amy Klobuchar are on stage, along with Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew...

The 7 Big Questions Going Into Tonight's Debate

What to look for when the presidential hopefuls take the stage

(Newser) - New uncertainty hangs over the Democratic presidential primary as 10 candidates meet on the debate stage once again Wednesday night—just 75 days before primary voting begins. Here are 7 big questions heading into the debate, which begins at 9pm ET on MSNBC and will feature an all-female line-up of...

Tulsi Gabbard's Lawyers to Clinton: Take It Back

They want Clinton to retract her comments about the 2020 candidate

(Newser) - The Tulsi Gabbard-Hillary Clinton beef now includes lawyers. Attorneys for the 2020 hopeful on Monday sent a letter to Clinton demanding that she "immediately" retract her "defamatory" comments on Gabbard; they want a verbal retraction, as well as one posted to Twitter, reports the Hill . The comments in...

Tulsi Gabbard: I'm Not Running for Congress Again

Some say this boosts rumor that Hawaii congresswoman will launch 3rd-party bid

(Newser) - Tulsi Gabbard is one of the lowest-polling Democratic candidates for president, but that's not stopping her from nixing her current career for a possible ascension to the Oval Office. Per the New York Times , the Hawaii congresswoman announced Friday she won't be seeking a fifth term in the...

Clinton-Gabbard Feud Is Now in Full Swing

Hawaii congresswoman calls Clinton 'queen of the warmongers' after Clinton insinuations

(Newser) - It's the presidential primary fight no one really expected: Hillary Clinton versus one of the lowest-polling Dems in the race. In a podcast appearance this week, the former secretary of state took a swing at who most people agree was Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, saying that the Russians had...

Hillary Clinton Joins Critics of Tulsi Gabbard

She implies congresswoman would have Russian backing as a third-party candidate

(Newser) - At this week's Democratic debate, Tulsi Gabbard called out "despicable" reports in the media suggesting that she's a favorite of the Russians. Now it appears that Hillary Clinton is joining the Gabbard critics. In an appearance on the David Plouffe podcast Campaign HQ, Clinton suggested that the...

6 Takeaways From the Democratic Debate
Key Takeaways From
the Democratic Debate

Key Takeaways From the Democratic Debate

Elizabeth Warren was in the line of fire

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is leading in some polls—and the rest of the dozen Democrats onstage at Tuesday night's debate certainly treated her like a frontrunner. She was attacked far more than any other candidate, especially over her Medicare for All plan. "The difference between a plan and a...

12 Democrats Take Part in Biggest-Ever Primary Debate
Debate's Question
No. 1: Impeachment

Debate's Question No. 1: Impeachment

12 Democrats are taking part in biggest-ever primary debate

(Newser) - A dozen Democrats are onstage at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio, for the largest presidential primary debate in American history. Frontrunners Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders are at center stage at the CNN/New York Times debate. Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, Cory...

Warren Takes Lead in Poll for First Time
A First for
Warren in
the Polls 

A First for Warren in the Polls

She surges in Iowa, leaving Biden in No. 2

(Newser) - There is a new top dog in Iowa polling, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren having put the nation's former No. 2 politician Joe Biden firmly into the No. 2 spot: She now leads him 22% to 20%, marking the first time the former vice president has trailed in the Des ...

Good News for Tom Steyer
Good News for
Tom Steyer

Good News for Tom Steyer

Democratic presidential candidate qualifies for October debate

(Newser) - Tom Steyer was one of the Democratic presidential candidates who failed to qualify for the September debate , coming up Thursday. But the billionaire financier will be on stage for the October debate, his campaign announced Sunday. In what Politico calls "a quirk in the debate rules," candidates had...

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