Cambridge Analytica

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Get Your Facebook Settlement Payment

Portal is now open to file a claim, but don't spend the cash all in one place

(Newser) - For anyone in the US who mindlessly liked cat photos or got into political arguments on Facebook between May 2007 and December 2022, good news: Your internet nickels are almost here, in the form of Meta's $725 million class-action Cambridge Analytica settlement. But, as Stephen Council notes at SFGate...

Meta Agrees to Compensate Every US Facebook User

But they might get only $2 over Cambridge Analytica data harvesting

(Newser) - American users of Facebook could be in for a small payout as Meta has agreed to pay $725 million to settle a class action lawsuit linked to the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal. It's the "largest recovery ever achieved in a data privacy class action and the most...

Cambridge Analytica Deal Averts Zuckerberg Deposition

Facebook reaches tentative agreement on privacy lawsuit

(Newser) - Facebook has agreed to settle a lawsuit over enabling Cambridge Analytica to access the private data of millions of users, a deal that will let Mark Zuckerberg avoid answering up to six hours' worth of questions for a deposition. A court filing entered late Friday asks for 60 days for...

Zuckerberg's Security Costs Reach Princely Sums

Facebook parent Meta spent $27M last year to keep him safe

(Newser) - Facebook parent company Meta saves a lot of money on salary and bonuses for its CEO, as Mark Zuckerberg receives only a token $1 per year. His security costs, on the other hand, are another story. The company revealed in an SEC filing that it paid a record $26.8...

Facebook Probe Leads to a Big Change

The company is suspending tens of thousands of apps

(Newser) - Looks like Facebook is cleaning house. The social media giant says its "app developer investigation" has led the company to suspend tens of thousands of apps, TechCrunch reports. Some were banned outright "for any number of reasons including inappropriately sharing data obtained from us, making data publicly available...

DC Sues Facebook Over Data Scandal
Washington, DC
Sues Facebook

Washington, DC Sues Facebook

It's the first big effort in the US to penalize Facebook over Cambridge Analytica controversy

(Newser) - More trouble for Facebook related to its Cambridge Analytica data scandal: The Washington, DC, attorney general is suing the social media company. The Washington Post reports that this is "the first major effort" by US regulators to punish Facebook over its involvement with the British political consulting firm, which...

Sandberg, Zuckerberg Get Slammed in NYT Report

Newspaper accuses the pair of trying to conceal Facebook's lapse on Russian hackers

(Newser) - A New York Times investigative story about Facebook presents a brutal picture of how Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg handled the controversy over Russian hacking in the 2016 election. The Times uses three words to sum up company strategy: "delay, deny, and deflect." The story, based on...

Zuckerberg Runs Into Backlash Over Holocaust Comments
Zuckerberg Runs Into Backlash
Over Holocaust Comments
the rundown

Zuckerberg Runs Into Backlash Over Holocaust Comments

He spoke of how Facebook wouldn't remove posts denying it took place

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg has found himself mired in a new controversy, this time stemming from comments he made about Holocaust deniers who post on Facebook. In an interview with Kara Swisher of recode, Zuckerberg was discussing the kinds of things Facebook does and does not take down, and he said that...

Facebook Fined 7 Minutes' Revenue for Data-Mining Scandal

UK punishes company over Cambridge Analytica

(Newser) - Facebook is facing its first financial penalty for allowing the data-mining firm Cambridge Analytica to forage through the personal data of millions of unknowing Facebook users. A UK government office that investigated the Cambridge Analytica scandal has announced its intention to fine Facebook $663,000 for contravening the law by...

Trump 2020 Teams With Key Players in Facebook Scandal: AP

Reporters overhear Matt Oczkowski in conversation

(Newser) - A company run by former officials at Cambridge Analytica, the political consulting firm brought down by a scandal over how it obtained Facebook users' private data, has quietly been working for President Donald Trump's 2020 re-election effort, the AP has learned. The AP confirmed that at least four former...

Cambridge Analytica Shutting Down
Shutting Down

Cambridge Analytica Shutting Down

News comes after Facebook data harvesting scandal

(Newser) - Cambridge Analytica is calling it quits. The data firm that worked for now-President Trump's 2016 campaign became embroiled in controversy following revelations that it misused the Facebook data of millions of people, and Nigel Oakes, the founder of its British affiliate SCL, tells the Wall Street Journal both companies...

Zuckerberg Says He Was One of the 87M
Zuckerberg Says He
Was One of the 87M

Zuckerberg Says He Was One of the 87M

Facebook CEO's own data was scooped up by Cambridge Analytica

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg was back on Capitol Hill Wednesday, and he told lawmakers in a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing that his own Facebook information was compromised in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, with Zuckerberg numbering as one of the 87 million users whose data was shared. Reuters reports he didn'...

Apple's Wozniak Dumps Facebook: 'More Negatives Than Positives'

Apple co-founder has deactivated his account over data commotion

(Newser) - One of the biggest names in tech says he's defecting from one of tech's biggest platforms. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak told USA Today in an email Sunday he's leaving Facebook due to privacy concerns in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica data-mining scandal. "Users provide every...

Facebook to Notify 87M Affected by Data Scandal

Notices will go out to around 70M Americans

(Newser) - Get ready to find out if your Facebook data has been swept up in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Starting Monday, the 87 million users who might have had their data shared with Cambridge Analytica will get a detailed message on their news feeds. Facebook says most of the affected users—...

Facebook Sharply Increases Estimate of People Exposed in Latest Privacy Scandal

87M users, not 50M, might have had data accessed by Cambridge Analytica

(Newser) - Facebook revealed Wednesday that tens of millions more people might have been exposed in the Cambridge Analytica privacy scandal than previously thought and said it will restrict the user data that outsiders can access, the AP reports. Facebook is facing its worst privacy scandal in years following allegations that Cambridge...

Next Week, a Congressional Grilling for Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook CEO to testify next Wednesday in front of House committee on his site's use of user data

(Newser) - The leaders of a House oversight committee say Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will testify before the panel next Wednesday. In an announcement Wednesday, Reps. Greg Walden and Frank Pallone say the hearing will focus on Facebook's "use and protection of user data." Facebook is facing scrutiny over...

Amazon Stock Tumbles After Report of Trump's Obsession

Sources say Trump doesn't care about Facebook

(Newser) - "He's obsessed with Amazon," a source says of President Trump. "Obsessed." While Congress deals with the fallout from Facebook's Cambridge Analytica fiasco , five sources tell Axios the president remains focused instead on another tech giant. Sources say Trump's friends, particularly in real estate,...

He Blew Whistle on Facebook, Makes Big Brexit Allegation

Former Cambridge Analytica employee contends data could have swayed Brexit vote

(Newser) - Facebook has been in a tailspin since Christopher Wylie blew the whistle on Cambridge Analytica's use of user data, and on Tuesday, he made a massive allegation across the pond. During his lengthy testimony before a British House of Commons committee, the 28-year-old former Cambridge Analytica employee suggested the...

FTC: Yes, We Will Investigate Facebook

Federal Trade Commission confirms investigation into privacy practices

(Newser) - The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Facebook's privacy practices following a week of privacy scandals including whether the company engaged in "unfair acts" that cause "substantial injury" to consumers, the AP reports. Facebook's stock, which already took a big hit last week, plunged as a result....

Facebook Buys Full-Page Apology Ads
Facebook Buys
Full-Page Apology Ads

Facebook Buys Full-Page Apology Ads

'I promise to do better for you,' Zuckerberg says

(Newser) - Facebook's CEO apologized for the Cambridge Analytica scandal with ads in multiple US and British newspapers Sunday, saying the social media platform doesn't deserve to hold personal information if it can't protect it. The ads signed by Mark Zuckerberg said a quiz app built by a Cambridge...

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