Ted Lieu

5 Stories

Alito Says Congress Lacks Right to Regulate Court

Democrats backing ethics code argue justices have always been subject to legislation

(Newser) - Justice Samuel Alito has offered an unsolicited, firm opinion about efforts to impose a code of ethics on him and his colleagues. "Congress did not create the Supreme Court," Alito said. "I know this is a controversial view, but I'm willing to say it. No provision...

Dems Demand Santos Resign Over 'Whopping Lies'

Incoming GOP lawmaker who admits to lying on resume is taking heat from other side of the aisle

(Newser) - "I will be sworn in, I will take office" was George Santos' recent vow on being seated in Congress next month, despite fallout from the discovery of multiple lies on his resume . But although it seems unlikely the House itself will prevent the recently elected congressman from Long Island...

House Democrats Introduce Article of Impeachment

Vote could take place this week

(Newser) - The first moves in what promises to be another tumultuous week in DC have been made: House Democrats on Monday introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump, formally accusing him of inciting last week's riot, reports the Hill . The move by Democrats David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, and Jamie...

Nunes Talks About Protecting Trump on Leaked Audio
Nunes Talks About Protecting
Trump on Leaked Audio
the rundown

Nunes Talks About Protecting Trump on Leaked Audio

Rachel Maddow aired portions of the recordings, made at a closed-door fundraiser

(Newser) - "If Sessions won't unrecuse and Mueller won't clear the president, we're the only ones. Which is really the danger." That was just some of what House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes said in audio recorded at a private July 30 fundraiser in Spokane, Wash., and...

Lawmaker Won't Take Part in Moment of Silence for Victims

Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu says 'we need action,' not silence

(Newser) - Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu says he's "heartbroken" over the victims in Sunday's mass shooting in Texas, but he posted a Facebook video explaining why he walked out on a moment of silence for them in the House. "I can't do this again," says the...

5 Stories
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