
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Hotline Priest Nods Off During Suicide Call

Suicidal Swede regains will to live through anger

(Newser) - A troubled Swedish man went from suicidal to steamed when he realized the priest at the other end of his telephoned cry for help had fallen asleep. The man called emergency services because he was feeling "psychologically unstable" and was forwarded to the priest on duty, who dozed off...

US Bank Lending Falls at Fastest Rate in History

Figures spark renewed fears that feds are at a loss

(Newser) - The US bank lending rate has fallen its fastest in history, sparking renewed fears that the government hasn't done enough to prop up the economy and that America's troubles are far from over. Lending has plummeted $100 billion just since January, which amounts to a 16% annualized drop. Some $740...

Migraines, Depression May Share Genetic Link

Findings reverse idea that headaches cause depression

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom holds that bad headaches lead to bad moods, but a new study points to a genetic link between the two. "Most people think that migraine patients are depressed because they have headaches," one researcher tells Time . "We found that there is a genetic predisposition by...

Mental Health Problems Jump Among Young
Mental Health Problems
Jump Among Young

Mental Health Problems Jump Among Young

Researchers think influence of pop culture is to blame for anxiety, etc.

(Newser) - Today's high school and college students are five times more likely to suffer from mental health issues than their counterparts who lived during the Great Depression. A study of responses to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory administered between 1938 and 2007 shows a fivefold increase in categories like anxiety and...

Antidepressants Don't Work for 70% of Patients
Antidepressants Don't Work for 70% of Patients
new study

Antidepressants Don't Work for 70% of Patients

Little better than placebos in all but the most severe cases

(Newser) - Antidepressants are little better than a placebo for all but the most severe cases of depression, according to a new analysis of recent studies. “For patients with very severe depression, the medication did have a potent effect,” the study’s lead author tells WebMD . But the effects “...

Group Urges Docs to Prescribe Meditation

 Group Urges 
 Docs to 

better than antidepressants

Group Urges Docs to Prescribe Meditation

'Mindfulness' effective in preventing relapse

(Newser) - The best prescription for recurrent depression isn't pills or talk therapy, it's "mindfulness"—a combination of meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques that empties the mind of negative thoughts. So claims a UK mental health organization so impressed by its effectiveness in combating chronic depression that they're urging doctors...

Alexa Ray Joel Talks Suicide Scare
 Alexa Ray Joel 
 Talks Suicide Scare 

Alexa Ray Joel Talks Suicide Scare

Heartbreak—not Christie Brinkley—to blame, says Billy Joel's daughter

(Newser) - Alexa Ray Joel spoke out against reports that her suicide scare was a result of a fight with mom Christie Brinkley, blaming it instead on “heartbreak-related depression.” On her Facebook fan page, Joel called Brinkley and dad Billy Joel “my role models and best friends,” slamming...

Poll Lays Bare Jobless Toll on Families

Parents are panicked and ashamed, kids are anxious as savings go

(Newser) - Unemployment is taking an alarming toll on the mental health and family life of American workers, a New York Times / CBS poll finds. Some 86% say unemployment has caused a life crisis. Almost half say they've suffered from anxiety and depression, they've argued more with their family and friends...

How to Fight the Winter Blues
 How to Fight the Winter Blues 

How to Fight the Winter Blues

With darker days comes Seasonal Affective Disorder

(Newser) - If the winter months make you tired, reclusive, and inclined to binge on junk food, you may have SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. About 15% of Americans suffer from at least mild symptoms. And while most chalk up their blahs to cold weather, Christmas blues, or work stress, the prime...

Depressed Woman Parties on Facebook, Sick Leave Yanked

Canadian on sick leave posted party pics

(Newser) - After a year and a half on sick leave for depression, a Canadian woman lost her benefits—because of her Facebook page. Nathalie Blanchard says the insurance company that cut off her payments cited Facebook photos that show her partying at a Chippendales show, enjoying her birthday, and frolicking on...

Wife: Depression Ate German Keeper

Enke feared he'd lose adopted daughter before train suicide

(Newser) - The German soccer star who committed suicide yesterday by jumping in front of a train had battled depression for years, his wife said today, with Robert Enke fearing he could lose his newly adopted daughter because of his condition. “We thought we could cope with everything. We thought that...

Junk Food Linked to Depression

Fatty, refined foods jack risk by 58%

(Newser) - Feeling blue? Put down the cookies: Eating a diet rich (or, should we say, poor) in processed foods increases the risk of depression, a study finds. British scientists studied 3,500 adults over five years; those who ate mainly fried, processed, refined, high-fat foods had a 58% greater risk of...

Green Spaces Make You Healthier

People who live near vegetation suffer fewer diseases

(Newser) - People who live close to parks or other “green spaces” are likely to be healthier, a new study suggests. Dutch researchers scoured the health records of 345,000 people, comparing their health status to the amount of green space in the surrounding area, from a half-mile to 2-mile radius....

Mediterranean Diet Beats the Blues

Study finds diet cuts risk of depression by nearly a third

(Newser) - The Mediterranean diet has been shown to cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and researchers now say it can help prevent depression as well. Spanish researchers followed 10,000 subjects for nearly 5 years and found that, even when personality traits and other factors were taken into account,...

Genius, Madness Linked to Gene

Study links creativity to gene associated with mental illness

(Newser) - The reason why many creative people like Vincent Van Gogh show self-destructive tendencies is in the genes, researchers have discovered. Scientists in a new study found that volunteers identified as the most creative also had the highest levels of a gene variant associated with psychosis and depression, the Daily Telegraph...

Survey Finds Unemployed 'Traumatized'

Two thirds of Americans who have lost jobs experience depression

(Newser) - The recession has left many jobless workers struggling to cope with the psychological stress, a new study finds. Researchers at Rutgers University said the financial strain that comes with being out of work, combined with the daunting task of seeking new employment in a difficult job market, has left many...

First US Internet Addiction Rehab Center Opens

For $14,500, reStart offers therapy, socialization

(Newser) - The first US Internet addiction clinic has opened in Fall City, Wash. The Heavensfield Retreat Center offers “reStart,” a 45-day in-patient rehab program for Internet, video game, and texting addictions, LiveScience reports. Clients undergo talk therapy and social skills training, as well as feeding goats, raising chickens, and...

Obama Wants 2nd Fed Term for Bernanke

(Newser) - President Obama will nominate Ben Bernanke for a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve, the Wall Street Journal reports. Obama, who will make the announcement tomorrow, credits Bernanke with “pulling the economy back from the brink of depression,” White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said...

Video Games: The New Prozac
Video Games: The New Prozac

Video Games: The New Prozac

Classic time-wasters seem to ease the symptoms of depression in studies

(Newser) - If depression's got you down, it might be time to turn to your Wii over your wee blue pills, reports the Washington Post in a look at how video games might ease the disease. For one depression sufferer, Bejeweled was "a big help in getting through to the next...

Sunny Days Help You Think
 Sunny Days Help You Think 

Sunny Days Help You Think

Cloudiness reduces cognitive agility in depressed people, researchers found

(Newser) - Does a cloudy day leave you groggy and unable to focus? If so, a study suggests you’re not alone: Cloudy days, regardless of season, can have an effect on cognitive function, MSNBC reports. Researchers cross-referencing the results of cognitive tests from 16,800 Americans with data on daily sunshine...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>