
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

'Rising Democratic Star' Drops Out of Race, Cites PTSD

Democrat Jason Kander says he's 'done hiding' his post-traumatic stress disorder, depression

(Newser) - "I suffer from depression and have PTSD symptoms. After 11 years, I'm finally ready to do something about it." That was the surprise tweet Tuesday from Jason Kander, an Afghanistan war veteran and "rising Democratic star" who'd hoped to become the next mayor of Kansas...

Autopsy Confirms Kate Spade&#39;s Cause of Death
Autopsy Confirms
Kate Spade's Cause of Death
the rundown

Autopsy Confirms Kate Spade's Cause of Death

Designer committed suicide by hanging herself with a scarf

(Newser) - All signs pointed to suicide in the death of fashion icon Kate Spade, and the New York City medical examiner's office confirmed that on Thursday, reports the Daily News . The office ruled that the 55-year-old took her own life by hanging inside her apartment on Park Avenue. The confirmation...

Dwayne Johnson Opens Up About Depression

And his mom's long-ago suicide attempt

(Newser) - In February, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson revealed on Instagram that when he was 15, he saved his mother from a suicide attempt. In a new interview with the Express , he opens up about that—and his own struggle with depression. "She got outta the car on Interstate 65...

K-Pop Star Dies in Apparent Suicide Using Coal

South Korea's Jonghyun appears to have killed himself by burning coal

(Newser) - A K-pop superstar in South Korea whose bandmates said "loved music more than anyone" died Monday in what appears to be a suicide, the BBC reports. Police say Jonghyun (full name Kim Jong-hyun), said to be in his late 20s, was found unconscious in a Seoul residence hotel and...

Video Shows a Laughing Chester Bennington Hours Before He Died

Linkin Park frontman's widow posts clip: 'This is what depression looked like to us'

(Newser) - Even those closest to someone with depression might not see warning signs, as evidenced by a new video posted by Chester Bennington's widow. TMZ reports that Talinda Bennington uploaded a video to Twitter on Saturday showing the Linkin Park frontman, who killed himself in July, participating in a jelly...

Feeling Depressed? Google Might Be Able to Help Out

Users have the option to fill out a questionnaire

(Newser) - Only about half of people who are depressed seek treatment, and Google says it wants to help. The company is partnering with the National Alliance on Mental Health to deploy a tool the groups hope will encourage those at risk of depression to seek help, reports Forbes . The set-up is...

Women's Brains More Active Than Men's in 2 Key Areas

Those managing self-control and focus, as well as mood disorders

(Newser) - In the latest "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" debate, neuroscience jumps into the fray. In what UPI deems the "largest functional brain imaging survey ever," researchers from California's Amen Clinics used a type of 3D imaging to determine that women's brains are...

Rock Climbing May Help Beat Depression
Depressed? Try
Rock Climbing 

Depressed? Try Rock Climbing

New research shows that scaling a rock face may help ease depression

(Newser) - Heading out for a weekend climb or scaling the rock wall at the gym may be good therapy for treating depression, new research shows. A University of Arizona study found that a form of rock climbing eased depression symptoms in participants from moderate to mild levels after eight weeks, Inverse...

Artist Chihuly on Mental Illness: 'I Don't Have Neutral Very Much'

Glass art pioneer talks about highs, lows of his struggles with bipolar disorder

(Newser) - The private studio of glass artist Dale Chihuly reflects his obsession with collecting, from stamps and pocket knives to carnival-prize figurines on shelves that reach the ceiling. But amid the ordered clutter, some items hint at something more: a long row of Ernest Hemingway titles in one bookcase, an entire...

Facebook Likes Aren't Necessarily Uplifting

People who go out of their way to get more likes tend to have lower self-esteem

(Newser) - Teens aren't necessarily as in love with social media as they're portrayed to be. The results of an AP poll released last week show that nearly 60% of teens in the US have taken social media breaks—most of the time voluntary ones that last at least a...

Ballet Lessons May Come With a Dark Side
Ballet Lessons
May Come
With a Dark Side
new study

Ballet Lessons May Come With a Dark Side

Study sees a psychological toll on young students seeking perfection

(Newser) - Parents who think their kids are learning discipline by taking ballet may be right, but a new study suggests that it comes at a cost. Reporting in the journal Psychology of Music , researchers say they've found that young ballet students show greater "psychological inflexibility" than their peers studying...

Woman&#39;s Abrupt Hyper-Religiosity Has Medical Cause
Woman's Abrupt
Has Medical
case study

Woman's Abrupt Hyper-Religiosity Has Medical Cause

Patient already believed in God, so it wasn't a 'case of religious conversion'

(Newser) - Her friends and family felt something was wrong: The Spanish woman went from simply believing in God to believing she was seeing and talking with the Virgin Mary. And that's not all. The 60-year-old abruptly shifted from being happy and positive to sad and withdrawn, reports Live Science . Suspecting...

For Those With Psychological Sex Problems, Potential Relief

Kisspeptin is now being explored as a way to help couples struggling to conceive

(Newser) - Kisspeptin, a naturally occurring hormone that kicks off puberty and is thought to fuel what the Telegraph describes as the "voracious sexual appetites of young people," could well be a sort of "mental Viagra" for people with psychosexual disorders—that is, disorders that are psychological as opposed...

App to Improve Attention May Help People With Depression

Novel approach targets related issues instead of the symptoms of depression

(Newser) - Video games have become so pervasive that clinicians have moved from simply studying how they affect our bodies and brains to designing them with specific outcomes in mind. Such is the case with an app called Project: Evo, an app-based game that was designed ostensibly to improve attention. Science Daily...

Dose of Magic Mushrooms Had Big Effect on Cancer Patients

A single dose of psilocybin in a controlled setting appears to reap long-term benefits

(Newser) - Hallucinogens are back on the table—at least when it comes to clinical trials. Hundreds of trials in the 1940s and 1950s studied their effects, but since their ban in the late '60s the research all but stopped, reports the New York Times . Nowadays, though, drugs like MDMA (think...

Study Links Manliness to Depression in Men

Conforming to certain masculine norms plays out negatively in many men

(Newser) - Being sexist results in a double whammy on men's mental health, new research suggests. When men strongly conform to social masculine norms, they're more likely to suffer from ailments such as depression—and the more they cling to these norms, the less likely they are to seek help...

Your Miscarriage May Have Been Followed by PTSD
Your Miscarriage May Have
Been Followed by PTSD
new study

Your Miscarriage May Have Been Followed by PTSD

Women relive the ordeal through nightmares, flashbacks

(Newser) - Many women report feeling isolated and alone after experiencing a miscarriage, and now research out of Imperial College London finds that many who suffer one fulfill the diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Reporting in the journal BMJ Open , the researchers noted their survey of 113 women who had...

Smoke Pot When You&#39;re Young and Your IQ May Suffer
Smoke Pot When You're Young
and Your IQ May Suffer
study says

Smoke Pot When You're Young and Your IQ May Suffer

'It makes them feel better momentarily,' but issues like depression don't improve

(Newser) - Over the years, Dr. Elizabeth Osuch, a researcher in Canada studying mood and anxiety disorders and the impact of marijuana, has seen "many youth" smoke pot "heavily." And despite previous research suggesting those who start at a young age are at a higher risk of psychiatric issues...

Instagram Use Can Show Depression
Instagram Use Can
Show Depression

Instagram Use Can Show Depression

Depressed people have bluer and darker Instagram photos

(Newser) - Your Instagram account may know you're depressed before you do, according to a new study out of Harvard and the University of Vermont. The Daily Dot reports researchers taught a computer to analyze aspects of Instagram photos, such as colors, brightness, and faces, then set in to analyzing nearly...

This Party Drug May Soon Treat Depression

Clinical trials on ketamine now underway

(Newser) - A controversial party drug might become the first new treatment for depression in about 50 years, reports CNN . Clinical trials are underway focusing on ketamine or "Special K" and its reported ability to ease depression , particularly in those who don't respond to other treatments. Initially used as an...

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