Emmanuel Macron

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Macron Won't Accept PM's Resignation After Shock Elections

It's a 'government in limbo' in France, with no coalition claiming enough seats to assume control

(Newser) - After a surprising turn in France's snap elections that kept the far-right National Rally out of power , but with no faction in complete control of the government, President Emmanuel Macron made moves on Monday to attempt to create some structure as the dust settles. First order of the day:...

Projections Show Far Right Shut Out of Power in France

No party appears to be headed toward a majority, making deadlock possible

(Newser) - France's populist, anti-immigration party appears to have been unable to repeat its success in the first round of the legislative election, with the first projections after polls closed Sunday showing left-wing and centrist parties blocking the National Rally from taking power. The final results of the runoff may vary,...

France as We Know It Looks Set to Change
France as We Know It
Looks Set to Change
the rundown

France as We Know It Looks Set to Change

Marine Le Pen's National Rally took the lead in the first round of legislative elections

(Newser) - France's National Rally surged into the lead in the first round of legislative elections, according to results released early Monday, bringing the far-right party to the brink of power and dealing a major blow to President Emmanuel Macron's centrists in an election that could set the country, and...

Marcon's Gamble Draws Heavy Turnout
Macron's Gamble Draws
Heavy Turnout

Macron's Gamble Draws Heavy Turnout

Elections could leave president weakened by far right or left and the nation in political deadlock

(Newser) - Voter turnout in France on Sunday was running historically high—reflecting the stakes and interest in elections that could weaken Emmanuel Macron's presidency and have major effects on domestic and foreign policy. All 577 seats in the lower and more critical house of Parliament are up for grabs. Macron...

Macron's Gamble Likened to 'Russian Roulette'
Macron's Stunner
Gives France
a Stark Choice
the rundown

Macron's Stunner Gives France a Stark Choice

'Do you really want to be governed by the far right?' is how one analysis frames his gamble

(Newser) - The sentiment in news coverage appears to be unanimous in the wake of French President Emmanuel Macron's surprise decision to call early elections: It amounts to a monumental gamble in his fight with the far right. He is, in the words of center-right politician Valerie Pecresse, "playing Russian...

Macron Calls Election as Polls Show Far-Right Surge in Europe

Projections indicate parliament voters turning from centrists across continent

(Newser) - With forecasts in the European Parliament elections showing far-right parties surging on Sunday as voters abandoned ruling centrists, French President Emmanuel Macron called snap legislative elections. The votes were still being counted in France when Macron addressed the nation Sunday night. Projections showed his Renaissance party running at about 15%,...

Biden Toasts 'Our First Friend'
Biden Toasts 'Our First Friend'

Biden Toasts 'Our First Friend'

State visit to France includes testimony to solidarity on fighting in Ukraine, Middle East

(Newser) - President Biden celebrated American's first ally in France on Saturday, stressing the strength of the partnership on a state visit that began with commemorating the Normandy landings in World War II. "This week, we have once again showed the world … the power of allies, what we can...

You Are Not to Touch the Royal Hand, Brigitte Macron

France's first lady tried to hold the queen's hand Thursday before taking a hint

(Newser) - It's always awkward when you reach for someone's hand and they refuse to give it. But it's far worse when that person is the Queen. French First Lady Brigitte Macron reached for Queen Camilla's hand during a D-Day memorial service in France on Thursday and was...

Kristi Noem's Book Stirs Up a New Brouhaha

Governor claims she met Kim Jong Un; 'There's no way,' says an expert

(Newser) - No one is doubting South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's account of killing her young dog and other animals, but people aren't so quick to buy other claims in her upcoming memoir. According to the Dakota Scout , Noem writes in No Going Back about meeting Kim Jong Un while...

France Readies a Plan B for Olympic Ceremony

Amid heightened security concerns, opening of Paris Games may be moved

(Newser) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday said the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics planned on the River Seine could be shifted instead to the country's national stadium if the security threat is deemed too high. France is on a high security alert ahead of the Paris Olympics and...

His Dive in Front of a President Doesn't End Well

Alexis Jandard of France entered the water the hard way as Emmanuel Macron watches

(Newser) - France's Alexis Jandard is an excellent diver, and he has the world medals to prove it. On Thursday, though, not so much. While diving in front of French President Emmanuel Macron and other French dignitaries, Jandard lost his footing on the board, fell onto his back, then kind of...

Scientists Urge French to Cut Down on Frog Legs

French taste for the delicacy was called out by 557 experts as overconsumption

(Newser) - Hundreds of concerned scientists are asking French President Emmanuel Macron to put the brakes on a very French custom: eating frog legs. The open letter , signed by 557 research, veterinary, and conservation professionals, notes that the European Union isn't exactly practicing what it preaches in how native frogs are...

Kremlin Warns West: Don't Send Troops to Ukraine

French president earlier said the idea is not 'ruled out'

(Newser) - Following what the New York Times calls the "provocative" comment regarding the possibility of Western troops on the ground in Ukraine from French President Emmanuel Macron, Russia has warned against such a move. The Kremlin said Tuesday that if a NATO member intervenes on the ground, it would lead...

Macron: France Could Recognize Palestinian State

The suggestion, already expressed by the UK, is a first for a French leader

(Newser) - French President Emmanuel Macron has said recognizing a Palestinian state is not a "taboo" for France, as international frustration grows with Israel's actions in the Palestinian territories. France and the EU have long supported a two-state solution in the Mideast, but as part of a negotiated settlement, the...

France's New PM Is Nation's Youngest, and Openly Gay

Gabriel Attal, 34, takes over after the resignation of Elisabeth Borne

(Newser) - Gabriel Attal was named Tuesday as France's youngest-ever prime minister, as President Emmanuel Macron seeks a fresh start for the rest of his term amid growing political pressure from the far right. Macron's office announced the appointment in a statement. Attal, 34, rose to prominence as the government...

French Prime Minister Resigns Amid Turmoil

Elisabeth Borne was country's second female PM

(Newser) - French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne resigned Monday following recent political turmoil over immigration, paving the way for President Emmanuel Macron to seek fresh momentum by appointing a new government in coming days. The shakeup was widely seen as an attempt by the 46-year-old centrist Macron to head off looming lame-duck...

Stars Come Out to Back Depardieu
Stars Come
Out to Back

Stars Come Out to Back Depardieu

Some 56 French luminaries write essay defending actor in wake of sexual misconduct accusations

(Newser) - More than 50 French performers, writers, and producers published an essay Tuesday defending film star and national icon Gerard Depardieu amid growing scrutiny of his behavior toward women during his five-decade career. And, as the AP reports, advocates for sexual abuse victims expressed dismay at the outpouring of support. Depardieu...

Macron Slammed for 'Despicable' Remarks on Depardieu

French president said he opposes 'manhunt' over sexual assault allegations

(Newser) - Gerard Depardieu is facing a growing number of rape and sexual assault allegations but the French actor appears to have a powerful ally: President Emmanuel Macron. The French president is being strongly criticized for defending Depardieu in an interview with broadcaster France 5 on Wednesday, the Guardian reports. Asked about...

Pope to Europe: There's No Migrant 'Emergency' Here

Francis implores Macron, other leaders to open their doors to people fleeing hardships

(Newser) - Pope Francis challenged French President Emmanuel Macron and other European leaders to open their ports to people fleeing hardship and poverty, insisting Saturday that the continent isn't facing a migration "emergency," but rather a long-term reality that governments must deal with humanely. For a second straight day...

Macron Received a Most Unusual Package in the Mail

Severed finger from living human arrived at Elysee Palace on Monday, sans note

(Newser) - The last time that "Emmanuel Macron" and "finger" appeared in a headline together, it was due to commotion over a selfie he'd taken with two young men, one of whom flipped the bird in the photo. This time around, the finger in question is a bit more...

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