American Health Care Act

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Trump Aides: Judge Jeanine Tweet Just 'Coincidental'

She called for Paul Ryan to step down

(Newser) - President Trump has a good relationship with Paul Ryan despite the American Health Care Act fiasco—and despite a tweet from Trump urging people to watch Judge Jeanine on Fox, who called for Ryan to quit , aides to both men say. On Saturday night, host Jeanine Pirro opened her show,...

Trump Signals He's Open to Work With Dems on Healthcare

Schumer says common ground can be found

(Newser) - After the healthcare bill he championed hit a wall with conservative Republicans, President Trump might be looking for room to maneuver in the opposite direction. Trump's aides opened the door to working with moderate Democrats on healthcare and other issues over the weekend while Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer...

After AHCA Debacle, What's Next for Trump?

Tax reform and continued work on the travel ban loom

(Newser) - With the failed American Health Care Act now in his rear-view mirror, here are are three areas where President Trump could turn his attention next:
  • Tax reform. Trump and Paul Ryan have said their next priority will be tax reform, though it may be just as difficult for Republicans

On ObamaCare Repeal, Trump 'Played Chicken, Then Blinked'

He failed in first confrontation with lawmakers

(Newser) - It was a stinging defeat by any measure: The ObamaCare "repeal and replace" bill that President Trump championed was declared DOA Friday after a House vote was canceled at the last minute . Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan had been unable to persuade enough House Republicans to change their...

Trump, Ryan React to Failure of GOP Health Care Bill

'We’re gonna be living with ObamaCare for the foreseeable future'

(Newser) - President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the American Health Care Act just before a scheduled vote Friday. In their first comments to the press following the failure of the Republican health care bill, Trump blamed Democrats and Ryan admitted that Obama's Affordable Care Act isn't going...

Republican Health Care Bill Pulled Without Vote

ObamaCare stays—for now

(Newser) - A House vote on the American Health Care Act was canceled just before it was scheduled to happen, avoiding what the AP says would have been a "humiliating defeat" for President Trump and GOP leaders while still being—according to Politico —a "staggering defeat" for Trump and...

GOP Health Care Bill Clears First Hurdle

House steers American Health Care Act toward climactic vote

(Newser) - Republicans muscled their capstone health care overhaul past an initial barrier and toward a climactic roll call Friday, plunging ahead despite uncertainty over whether they had the votes to prevail in what loomed as a monumental gamble for President Trump and his GOP allies in Congress, the AP reports. In...

House Vote Friday Could Doom ObamaCare Repeal Bill
After Trump Ultimatum,
It's Showdown Time

After Trump Ultimatum, It's Showdown Time

House to vote on AHCA Friday

(Newser) - Friday promises to be a dramatic day on Capitol Hill, with a House vote that could mark the beginning of the end for ObamaCare—or for President Trump's relationship with congressional Republicans. After a vote was called off Thursday, the president issued an ultimatum to GOP lawmakers in a...

Senator Sorry for Joking About Mammograms

Pence tweets photo of all-male discussion

(Newser) - A Republican senator has apologized for joking about mammograms while discussing changes to the GOP's ObamaCare replacement bill. The controversy began after TPM reporter Alice Ollstein tweeted that when she asked Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas about attempts to roll back the "essential health benefits" rule that requires...

Trump to House GOP: Pass Bill Friday or ObamaCare Stays

He delivers ultimatum ahead of key vote

(Newser) - "Leverage: don't make deals without it," President Trump wrote in The Art of the Deal—and he has now reminded House Republicans how much leverage he has in the fight over ObamaCare repeal. After the setback of a canceled vote on a replacement bill Thursday, Trump issued...

Health Bill Vote Delayed in Setback to Trump, Ryan

ObamaCare won't be repealed Thursday

(Newser) - GOP House leaders delayed their planned vote Thursday on a long-promised bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare, in a stinging setback for House Speaker Paul Ryan and President Trump in their first major legislative test, the AP reports. The decision came after Trump, who ran as a master dealmaker, failed...

Trump Fails to Secure Deal on GOP Health Care Bill

Things are looking bleak for the American Health Care Act

(Newser) - With a House vote on the American Health Care Act just hours away on Thursday, it still didn't appear as if the Republican replacement for ObamaCare had the necessary votes, the Washington Post reports. Republicans can only afford for 22 GOP representatives to vote against the bill (it's...

GOP Rep Goes From 'No' to 'Hell No' on Health-Care Bill

Things aren't looking great for the American Health Care Act

(Newser) - House Republicans still plan on holding a vote on the American Health Care Act—the GOP's ObamaCare replacement—on Thursday despite its continuing to not be super popular with the legislators who are supposed to be voting for it, the Week reports. If 22 House Republicans vote against bill,...

GOP Struggling to Find Votes for ObamaCare Repeal

Freedom Caucus could kill off bill

(Newser) - With a vote due Thursday on the GOP's replacement for ObamaCare, the conservative House Freedom Caucus is threatening to become the legislation's death panel. The hard-liners say revisions to the repeal-and-replace bill unveiled on Monday don't go anywhere near far enough on the repeal side and are...

GOP Tweaks Its ObamaCare Repeal, but Will It Be Enough?
Trump Delivers Warning
Ahead of Health-Care Vote
the rundown

Trump Delivers Warning Ahead of Health-Care Vote

After the GOP makes changes to the bill

(Newser) - The week got off to a rough start for President Trump, but the potential of a smoother finish does exist. The House is expected to vote Thursday on the GOP's ObamaCare replacement, and Trump met with party members Tuesday morning in an effort to bolster support. The meeting follows...

350K Sign Petition to Nix Health Subsidies for Congress

Daniel Jimenez says politicians should have same offerings as American people

(Newser) - What's good for the goose should be good for the governmental gander. That's the position of Daniel Jimenez, a 30-year-old from Portland, Ore., who thinks that in the wake of the GOP's recently introduced American Health Care Act , members of Congress should have to pick from the...

GOP on Damage Control Over &#39;Awful&#39; Health Bill Score
GOP on Damage Control
Over 'Awful' Health Bill Score

GOP on Damage Control Over 'Awful' Health Bill Score

Paul Ryan points out the good bits

(Newser) - The Republican Party was on damage control Monday after the release of a Congressional Budget Office report warning that 14 million people would lose coverage under the House's plan to replace ObamaCare, Politico reports. As some moderates backed away from the plan, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price...

Price: Under GOP Health Plan, No One Takes Financial Hit

'I firmly believe that nobody will be worse off financially'

(Newser) - In a letter to lawmakers on Wednesday, the American Hospital Association expressed its concern that the GOP's new health care bill "could lead to tremendous instability for those seeking affordable coverage." In a Sunday appearance on Meet the Press, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price insisted...

Republicans Split on ObamaCare Replacement
ObamaCare Replacement
Could Be a Tough Sell for GOP

ObamaCare Replacement Could Be a Tough Sell for GOP

Moderates, conservatives find plenty to dislike

(Newser) - House Republicans rolled out their plan for replacing ObamaCare on Monday—but the "American Health Care Act" may not be much more popular with some GOP lawmakers than the Affordable Care Act before it. House conservatives haven't committed to backing the plan yet, Politico reports, and four GOP...

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