Ammon Bundy

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Ham Radio Operator Leaks Far-Right Group's Oregon Plans

Ammon Bundy-affiliated group aims to dominate county GOP apparatus

(Newser) - A far-right anti-government group appears to be making inroads into the Republican Party at the grassroots level. The Guardian reports that at least 66 members of People's Rights Oregon 5, a subgroup of the People's Rights Network founded by anti-government militant Ammon Bundy in 2020, ran for positions...

Ammon Bundy Owes Millions Over Hospital Harassment
Ammon Bundy
Arrested at Fundraiser

Ammon Bundy Arrested at Fundraiser

Anti-government activist has been embroiled in defamation case brought by Idaho hospital

(Newser) - Ammon Bundy has been arrested in Idaho. KTVB reports that the 47-year-old anti-government extremist was taken into custody Friday night while attending a high school football fundraiser in Emmett. The station has video of an annoyed-looking Bundy being handcuffed and led away by law enforcement. Bundy was arrested on a...

Ammon Bundy's Latest Standoff Is in Court

Far-right activist is defying court orders in a defamation case

(Newser) - A far-right activist known for his showdowns with federal and state law enforcement in Oregon and Nevada is waging a one-sided standoff of a different kind after refusing to comply with court orders in an Idaho defamation lawsuit, per the AP . The lawsuit by St. Luke's Regional Health accuses...

Ammon Bundy Wants to Be Idaho Governor

Rancher has been involved in armed standoffs against the feds multiple times

(Newser) - Ammon Bundy, the anti-government rancher who has been involved in multiple armed standoffs against the feds, wants to get into ... government. Bundy, 45, who led a 2016 occupation at a federal refuge in Idaho and was also involved in a 2014 standoff at a ranch belonging to his father Cliven...

Ammon Bundy Arrested After He Spurns Face Mask, Misses Trial

Far-right anti-government activist wasn't allowed in courthouse because he wouldn't don face covering

(Newser) - Ammon Bundy was arrested in August 2020 and charged with trespassing and resisting arrest after he helped storm Idaho's Capitol during a legislative session to protest coronavirus safety protocols, including his state's mask mandate. Now he's been arrested again, this time tied to another mask-related incident. The...

Ammon Bundy Busted in Most Unusual Way

Anti-mask activist arrested for trespassing at State Capitol; cops wheeled him out in chair he was in

(Newser) - Anti-government activist Ammon Bundy has been pushing back on COVID-19 safety measures for months, and those efforts came to a head this week at the Idaho Capitol, leading to his arrest Tuesday. The Washington Post reports that as state lawmakers gathered Monday for a special legislative session on coronavirus-related issues,...

Big Trial on the Modern West Gets Underway in Vegas
Rancher Cliven Bundy Goes
Against Feds in Court
the rundown

Rancher Cliven Bundy Goes Against Feds in Court

He refused to pay grazing fees for federal land

(Newser) - A closely watched trial about the modern West and the freedom of ranchers to use federal land begins Monday in Las Vegas. The big name involved is rancher Cliven Bundy , who led an armed standoff in Nevada against federal agents in 2014 over unpaid grazing fees. His adult sons also...

Bundy Acquittals Greeted With Applause, Disgust

Bundy Acquittals
Greeted With
Applause, Disgust

Bundy Acquittals Greeted With Applause, Disgust

Some herald the 'great news,' while others call it 'devastating'

(Newser) - Seven defendants in the Oregon wildlife refuge standoff trial were acquitted Thursday , including brothers Ammon and Ryan Bundy, in what the New York Times calls a "surprise" development and a huge "blow" to federal prosecutors. "I knew that what my husband was doing was right, but I...

Ore. Occupiers Found Not Guilty in 41-Day Standoff

Ammon and Ryan Bundy and 5 others acquitted of federal charges

(Newser) - The leaders of an armed group who seized a national wildlife refuge in rural Oregon were acquitted Thursday in their 41-day standoff, the AP reports. A jury found brothers Ammon and Ryan Bundy not guilty of possessing a firearm in a federal facility and conspiring to impede federal workers from...

Feds Release Photos of Trashed Oregon Refuge

Cleanup is going to cost more than $4M

(Newser) - The occupiers who seized the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for 41 days apparently hated cleaning up after themselves nearly as much as they hated the federal government. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has released photos of trash and damage at the Oregon refuge , which a spokesman says is a...

Cliven Bundy, Sons Indicted for 2014 Standoff

'Tremendous step toward ending more than 20 years of law breaking'

(Newser) - A federal grand jury in Nevada indicted Cliven Bundy and four others Wednesday on 16 charges related to an armed standoff near his ranch in 2014 over unpaid grazing fees. The 69-year-old Nevada rancher was arrested Feb. 10 in Portland, Ore., where his sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy are jailed...

Needed: Volunteers to Restore Oregon Refuge Occupiers 'Trashed'

'The place is just trashed'

(Newser) - It's hard to imagine, but there was a time Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was a beloved bird sanctuary and not a clubhouse for armed anti-government protesters. But now that the last of those protesters has cleared out , various organizations are asking for volunteers to help clean and...

Oregon Holdouts Agree to Surrender to FBI

Lawmaker intervened during tense standoff

(Newser) - After a dramatic standoff with FBI agents, the final four occupiers at an Oregon wildlife refuge have apparently decided that they want to leave alive. FBI agents in armored vehicles surrounded the armed group's camp on Wednesday night, leading to hours of tense negotiations captured on a live stream...

No Bail for Oregon Occupiers
 No Bail for Oregon Occupiers 

No Bail for Oregon Occupiers

This was no Tea Party, judge says

(Newser) - The occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was no Tea Party, a federal judge decided Friday when she denied bail to Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, and three other protest leaders. A lawyer for one of the men, Ryan Payne, had sought to link the militia's actions to America'...

FBI: Here's Why Oregon Occupier Was Shot

They say video shows Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum reaching for his jacket pocket

(Newser) - In what it said was an effort to address inaccurate and "inflammatory" reports, the FBI released a video of the shooting of Oregon militia spokesman Robert "LaVoy" Finicum Thursday night. The video, taken from law enforcement helicopters on Tuesday, shows Finicum speeding away from police in a white...

Bundy Tells Ore. Occupiers to 'Go Home,' Arrests Follow

It isn't clear if any protesters remain at refuge

(Newser) - Another eight protesters have left the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, including three now in FBI custody. On Wednesday, militia leader Ammon Bundy—one of eight protesters arrested Tuesday after a deadly shootout —released a statement through his lawyer telling all protesters to stand down. "To those...

Militia Member Who Was Killed Vowed Never to Go to Jail

'I have no intention of spending any of my days in a concrete box'

(Newser) - One of the militia members occupying an Oregon wildlife refuge told MSNBC on Jan. 5 that he'd be willing to die rather than go to jail. He was killed by authorities during a traffic stop exactly three weeks later, the Washington Post reports. "I have been raised in...

'Dead Cowboy,' Arrests Leave Oregon Standoff in Disarray

Protest spokesman LaVoy Finicum is dead

(Newser) - Occupation over? Eight people were arrested after an anti-government protester was shot dead Tuesday evening , and it's no longer clear who—if anybody—is now leading the occupation of an Oregon wildlife refuge. The man killed after FBI and state police stopped vehicles on Highway 395 has been identified...

1 Dead as Leader of Oregon Standoff Arrested

Ammon Bundy is in custody

(Newser) - The standoff by an anti-government group in Oregon has taken a violent turn: News reports say that one person is dead and group leader Ammon Bundy is in custody along with at least five of his supporters. It's not clear yet what happened, but CNN reports that police detained...

Oregon Militia Angers Tribe With New Video

Clip showing occupier looking through relics insults Paiute leaders

(Newser) - The Paiute tribe is really getting fed up with the militia occupying federal land in Oregon. The latest straw came Wednesday when an occupier posted a video showing him rummaging through Paiute artifacts and documents. LaVoy Finicum apparently had good intentions. "We want to make sure these things are...

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