Lindsey Graham 2016

6 Stories

Lindsey Graham Suspends His Campaign

He faced a key deadline in his home state

(Newser) - One of the mainstays of the undercard GOP debates is out: Lindsey Graham tells CNN that he's suspending his campaign for president. "I've hit a wall here," says the conservative South Carolina senator. Graham has been consistently polling near the bottom of the pack and hasn'...

After Trump SNL, 4 GOP Candidates Get Equal Time

Strugglers will get 12 NBC minutes this weekend

(Newser) - Live from New York, it's ... Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Jim Gilmore, and Lindsey Graham? The four struggling GOP candidates requested equal airtime after Donald Trump's Saturday Night Live appearance earlier this month and NBC has agreed to provide it, although they won't be actually hosting the show,...

Graham's Lament: 'How Am I Losing to These People?'

SC senator uses 'SNL' line to show how he feels about Carson, Trump

(Newser) - Ben Carson has admitted he used to "go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers" and that he almost stabbed someone when he was a teen. Donald Trump is … well, Donald Trump . And Lindsey Graham is completely baffled how he's not making inroads...

Lindsey Graham Had Some of the Best Lines in Early Debate

'In my world, Hispanics are Americans,' he tells Santorum

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is winning praise for mixing policy with what the Washington Post describes as his "corny comedy" during the first debate. A collection of some his more memorable lines, from the Post and Politico .
  • “Hispanics are Americans. In my world, Hispanics are Americans.” In a relatively

'Clock Kid' Surfaces as Topic in First Debate

But discussion leads to another about Kim Davis and religious freedom

(Newser) - The Muslim boy who was arrested today because teachers thought his homemade clock was a bomb surfaced as a subject in today's early debate on CNN among the four lower-tiered candidates. Asked about striking a balance between vigilance and discrimination, Bobby Jindal first emphasized that Muslim leaders must denounce...

Carly Fiorina Seen as Winner of First Debate

She and 6 others did their best to stand out

(Newser) - Their better-polling rivals get to debate in prime time , but seven Republicans tried to make the most of it in the first Fox News debate today. Based on the early reviews, it seems that one clearly did: Carly Fiorina. She "nailed it," observes the Washington Post . The former...

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