
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Sweden Gives In, Will Interview Assange in London

Swedish prosecutors need to speak to WikiLeaks founder before deadline

(Newser) - After a long battle to haul Julian Assange back to Sweden, prosecutors from that country have now acquiesced and say they'll go to him in London to interview him on sex crime allegations, the AP reports. Assange, who's been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in England since...

Study Suggests You Give Up the Dishwasher
 Study Suggests You 
 Give Up the Dishwasher 
in case you missed it

Study Suggests You Give Up the Dishwasher

Kids in homes where dishes are hand-washed have lower allergy rates

(Newser) - You may think you're keeping your family healthy by sanitizing every dishload in a leave-no-bacteria-behind dishwasher, but a new study suggests good old-fashioned hand-washing may lessen kids' chances of developing allergies, the New York Times reports. As per a study published in Pediatrics, scientists studied more than 1,000...

Cops Called Over 'IS' Birthday Balloons

It was a strange 21st birthday, Swedish woman says

(Newser) - Police turned up at a Swedish woman's house after a vigilant passer-by spotted balloons that appeared to spell out "IS" for Islamic State—also known as ISIS—in her window. After speaking to her boyfriend, officers quickly determined that the balloons were to celebrate student Sarah Ericsson's...

Office Inserting Chips in Workers' Skin

Swedish office block offers employees high-tech access

(Newser) - Some Swedish workers can now enter their building without a key and make purchases at the office cafe sans card—with a chip implanted in their hand, the BBC reports. Epicenter, a new Swedish office block, is offering employees a miniscule RFID (radio-frequency identification) chip to provide various kinds of...

UN May Look Into 'Great Political Mystery' of 1960s

What happened in plane crash that killed Dag Hammarskjold?

(Newser) - For more than 50 years, the death of Swedish diplomat Dag Hammarskjold has remained one of the era's biggest mysteries. The UN secretary-general's plane plummeted out of the skies in September 1961 in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) as he flew to orchestrate a ceasefire between Congo's government...

Sweden Raids Pirate Bay, Takes Site Down

File-sharing site was targeted during reported data center sweep

(Newser) - The Pirate Bay is down for the count after a raid on one of the file-sharing company's server rooms in Sweden yesterday, Reuters reports. "We had a crackdown on a server room in Greater Stockholm because of a copyright infringement, and yes it was Pirate Bay,"...

Sweden to Assange: We Won't Ax Arrest Warrant

WikiLeaks founder's request to dismiss order is denied

(Newser) - A Swedish appeals court upheld the arrest warrant for Julian Assange today, dismissing a challenge by the WikiLeaks founder wanted by Swedish prosecutors in an investigation of alleged sex crimes. Confirming a ruling by a lower court, the Svea appeals court said there is no reason to lift the detention...

Sweden: Sure Looks Like a Submarine to Us

Military releases sonar image of suspected intruder

(Newser) - Sweden was pretty sure a foreign submarine was sneaking around its waters last month, and it's released a sonar image to back up the claim, reports the BBC . The image shows tracks on the sea floor made by something that looks for all the world like a small sub....

Sweden Nods to Palestinian State

And Israel is fuming about it

(Newser) - Sweden's new left-leaning government today recognized a Palestinian state—a move that comes during increased tensions between Arabs and Jews over Israel's plans to build about 1,000 housing units in east Jerusalem. As expected , the EU member became the third Western European nation, after Malta and Cyprus,...

Sweden Calls Off Hunt for Mystery Sub

No sign of suspected Russian vessel

(Newser) - Swedish authorities say they have called off their weeklong search for a suspected submarine in the Stockholm archipelago. Military authorities have ordered naval and amphibious forces to end their hunt for the submarine, though some ground forces will remain involved. Last Friday, Sweden's military launched its biggest anti-submarine operation...

Sweden: We'll Force Mystery Sub to Surface

But finding it won't be easy, 'rusty' military admits

(Newser) - Sweden is continuing to scour its waters for a foreign vessel suspected to be a Russian submarine and says that if it has to, it will use weapons to force it to the surface. The main point of the operation, which is now in its sixth day, "is to...

Sweden Steps Up Hunt for Mystery Sub

Sightings of suspected foreign vessel probed

(Newser) - The Swedish military has stepped up its hunt for what is widely believed to be a Russian submarine lurking somewhere in the waters around Stockholm, but officials remain cagey about just what it is they're looking for. "There is no submarine hunt underway, there is an ongoing intelligence...

Sweden Searches for Mystery Sub, Divers

Russian intrusion suspected

(Newser) - The Swedish military spent the weekend scouring coastal waters for what it says was "foreign underwater activity" detected in "an area that is of interest to a foreign power." The military didn't name Russia as the possible source of the activity, but a Swedish newspaper says...

90-Year-Old in Sweden Busted Growing Marijuana

She tells cops they were 'just nice plants'

(Newser) - This excuse might not work unless you're 90: A woman in Sweden of that age who had her home raided by police explained away her multiple marijuana plants by saying, "I thought they were just nice plants," reports the Local . Another news site out of the EU...

Here's the Best Place on Earth to Call Home

Canberra tops economic organization's list

(Newser) - An international economic group has named the best region on the planet to live, and it's one whose reputation hasn't always been sterling, the BBC reports: Canberra, Australia. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which has 34 member countries, calls the Australian Capital Territory the best in...

Womb-Transplant Mom: The 'Impossible Can Happen'

Names baby Vincent, 'to conquer'

(Newser) - After a womb transplant allowed her to bring a son into the world, a Swedish mom wants "people to know that what they think is impossible can happen." The woman, whose name hasn't been released, is the first woman to give birth after such an operation. At...

Sweden Will Recognize Palestinian State

New prime minister says it's the only path that leads to peace

(Newser) - Sweden's new prime minister said today that his government will recognize a Palestinian state. In a declaration listing his government's priorities, Social Democratic leader Stefan Lofven told lawmakers that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be resolved only through a two-state solution requiring "mutual recognition" and a will from...

Experts: Drunk Moose Are a Myth

They're too big to get smashed on fallen fruit

(Newser) - Hold those "Elkaholic" jokes: Every autumn, Swedish moose start doing things like falling in swimming pools and getting stuck in apple trees , supposedly after getting drunk on fermented apples, but experts say they probably aren't drunk after all, reports Radio Sweden via the Alaska Dispatch . The animals weigh...

Scientists Slip Bob Dylan Quotes Into Articles

Swedish professors enjoy mixing medicine and Dylan

(Newser) - Think medical research and Bob Dylan are a natural combination? Five Swedish scientists would agree, and have even started a contest to see who can stuff the most Dylan words into articles before they call it a career, the Local reports. It started 17 years ago when two professors, Eddie...

Read the Best Exchange So Far on Russia-Ukraine

Swedish official suggests Czech leader might want to talk to his spy service

(Newser) - As NATO considers new sanctions against Russia over its moves in Ukraine, Moscow clearly has an ally in the Czech Republic. President Milos Zeman spoke against sanctions at the NATO summit in Wales this week, expressing skepticism that Russia was sending in troops despite mounting evidence to the contrary, reports...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>