Ebola outbreak

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Another Country Confirms Case of Ebola

Senegal says infected university student came from Sierra Leone

(Newser) - Ebola has spread to yet another country in Africa: Senegal. Local press reported today that a university student infected with the virus had traveled from Guinea into the West African nation, CNN reports. The student, 21, has been placed in quarantine in a hospital in Dakar and is in stable...

UN: We Could See 20K Ebola Cases

2nd Ebola strain found in Democratic Republic of Congo

(Newser) - Ebola cases in West Africa could multiply sixfold, affecting up to 20,000 as the virus "continues to accelerate," the World Health Organization said today, per Reuters . Some 1,552 people have now died out of the 3,069 cases reported—though the actual number of cases could...

UK Evacuates British Ebola Patient

Nation's first victim of virus was health worker in Sierra Leone

(Newser) - An RAF aircraft has left Sierra Leone today carrying a British citizen infected with Ebola, bound for treatment in an isolation unit in London's Royal Free Hospital, reports the BBC . London is confirming that a male patient was indeed infected, notes the AP ; he was a volunteer at a...

Ebola Survivor: 'God Saved My Life'

Kent Brantly addresses media; Nancy Writebol was released earlier

(Newser) - A grinning Dr. Kent Brantly walked into a press conference at Emory University Hospital this morning, the fully recovered survivor of Ebola virus. "Today is a miraculous day," he said. "I'm thrilled to be alive, to be well, and to be here with my family."...

Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola
 Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola 

Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola

Health officials confident they can prevent disease spread

(Newser) - A patient in Sacramento is being tested for Ebola, but health experts still say there is little chance the disease will spread in the US. "We should take this one case not as something to inspire fear but to tell us the system is working,” one expert tells...

Ebola-Hit Liberia Runs Out of Body Bags

Country has just 51 doctors for 4.4M people

(Newser) - At the center of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, health workers, protective clothing, and even body bags to bury the dead in are now in short supply. Liberia's health ministry says there are now "absolutely no body bags" to be found in Lofa, a northern county that...

Liberia Finds 17 Ebola Patients Who Fled Mob

Being treated in different clinic, but officials fear damage has been done

(Newser) - The 17 Ebola patients who fled a health center during a riot Saturday in Liberia have been found—however, health officials there fear the damage has already been done. The patients apparently turned themselves in after being traced, and are now at a hospital elsewhere in Monrovia, the country's...

Mob Attacks Ebola Center, Takes Ebola

Patients flee from quarantine center in Liberia

(Newser) - Residents on a "looting spree" broke into an Ebola quarantine center in Liberia yesterday, forcing Ebola patients to run for it and stealing items likely stained with the disease. "All between the houses you could see people fleeing with items looted from the patients," an official tells...

Kenya Bans Travelers From Ebola-Hit Countries

Part of 'extraordinary measures' need to halt outbreak

(Newser) - The Kenyan government will bar passengers traveling from three West African countries hit by the Ebola outbreak , closing a debate in East Africa's economic powerhouse about whether the national airline was exposing the country to the deadly disease. The suspension is effective midnight Tuesday for all ports of entry...

UN: Ebola Crisis 'Vastly Underestimated'

Outbreak calls for 'extraordinary measures,' it warns

(Newser) - The worst-ever Ebola outbreak has now killed more than 1,000 people, according to the World Health Organization—but the United Nations agency warns that its own numbers may "vastly underestimate" the scale of the crisis in West Africa. In a press release , the WHO says its workers at...

Africa Fights Ebola With Black Death Tactic

Enforced boundary around infected area being put in place

(Newser) - The Ebola outbreak is spreading so fast that governments are putting into place "cordon sanitaire"—a tactic once used to contain the Black Death, the New York Times reports. The idea is to draw a boundary around the infected area and not allow anybody out. In this case,...

No More Experimental Ebola Serum Is Left

ZMapp maker says it will take months to produce more

(Newser) - The United Nations has greenlighted the use of untested drugs to combat Ebola—but there aren't any doses of the Ebola drug ZMapp left. The drug's maker says it has exhausted its supply and it could be months before it can produce more, Bloomberg reports. California-based Mapp Biopharmaceutical...

Ebola Outbreak Traced to Boy, 2

NC to 'quarantine' returning missionaries

(Newser) - Scientists trying to figure out how the Ebola outbreak in West Africa became the deadliest ever have traced the outbreak to a 2-year-old boy in Guinea believed to have died from the disease late last year. It's not clear how the little boy became infected last December, though researchers...

WHO Labels Ebola Outbreak Rare Global Emergency

Requires 'extraordinary response' by world community

(Newser) - The World Health Organization has ratcheted up the alarm over Africa's Ebola epidemic. More than 900 deaths across Liberia, Nigeria, Guinea, and Sierra Leone mean this is now an "international emergency" that requires an "extraordinary response," reports the BBC . The move is just the third time...

CDC Hikes Ebola Alert to Highest Level

CDC Director Thomas Frieden makes announcement on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - The CDC has raised its response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa to the highest-possible level—a sign that this battle could well be a long one, NBC News reports. CDC Director Thomas Frieden announced the "level 1 activation" today at a special congressional hearing, where he said...

Nurse: Why We're Caring for Ebola Patients in US

It's the right thing to do, medically and ethically, writes Emory's Susan Grant

(Newser) - As Emory University Hospital in Atlanta treats two patients with Ebola, health officials are taking flak for bringing the contagious disease to the US. The head nurse at Emory, however, thinks everybody should calm down. "Those fears are unfounded and reflect a lack of knowledge about Ebola and our...

Ebola Killed 45 in 3 Days; Toll Nears 1K

Virus has now claimed 932, with 1.7K cases: WHO

(Newser) - The death toll from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has risen to 932, the World Health Organization says. Most of the new deaths are coming from Liberia and Sierra Leone. The outbreak emerged in March in Guinea and shows no sign of slowing down. Among the latest news:
  • Nigeria

Why Can't Everyone Try Experimental Ebola Drug?

Distribution could 'do more harm than good': expert

(Newser) - Two Americans suffering from Ebola have been treated with an experimental drug, and they've reportedly seen big improvements. Is it time to try sending ZMapp to West Africa to aid the hundreds suffering from the disease? No, experts tell the Los Angeles Times . Drugs require extensive testing in order...

Troops Deployed to Halt Ebola Spread

2nd US patient 'weak but improving'

(Newser) - At the center of the worst-ever Ebola outbreak, hundreds of troops have been deployed to isolate hard-hit communities and clinics housing infected patients. A military spokesman in Sierra Leone says convoys will bring food and medicine to the affected areas, reports the Guardian , which notes that poor enforcement of quarantine...

2nd Ebola Patient Arrives in US

Nancy Writebol to be treated in Atlanta

(Newser) - The US has its second Ebola patient on the ground. Nancy Writebol arrived in Atlanta today for care in Emory University Hospital—the facility where Dr. Kent Brantly, her fellow missionary worker in Liberia, is also being treated, NBC News notes. She arrived at Dobbins Air Force Base at about...

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