Read recent news stories and reports about ISIS on

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Biden: We're Sticking to Aug. 31 Afghanistan Deadline

He warns of terror attacks if evacuation mission extends past withdrawal date

(Newser) - President Biden declared Tuesday he is sticking to his Aug. 31 deadline for completing a risky airlift of Americans, endangered Afghans and others seeking to escape Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The decision defies allied leaders who want to give the evacuation more time and opens Biden to criticism that he caved to...

ISIS Posts Beheadings, Propaganda on Pro-Trump Site
ISIS Posts Pour Into Trump Site

ISIS Posts Pour Into Trump Site

GETTR now contains violent memes, including some of beheadings

(Newser) - Promised to be a free-speech social media option for Trump supporters, GETTR is proving popular with ISIS. The month-old site already has jihadi-related material such as posts calling for violence against the West, videos of beheadings, and memes of former President Trump being executed while dressed as a Guantanamo Bay...

UNESCO's Plan to Rebuild From ISIS Doesn't Go Over Well

Critics of Mosul landmark getting rebuilt after ISIS destruction say plan ignores Iraq's heritage

(Newser) - A UNESCO competition to rebuild devastated landmarks in one of the world's oldest cities isn't going over well. The UN agency launched its "Revive the Spirit of Mosul" project after the Islamic State occupied the Iraqi city from 2014 to 2017, wreaking havoc on its heritage sites,...

Militant Foes: Boko Haram's Leader Is Dead

Abubakar Shekau reportedly died in May 18 suicide

(Newser) - Big news out of Nigeria about Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, courtesy of the Islamic State West African Province militant group, which splintered off from Boko Haram five years ago. "God has judged him by sending him to heaven," ISWAP chief Abu Musab al-Barnawi can be heard saying...

Disturbing Allegations in Africa; Green Berets Enter the Fray

Human rights group says insurgents in Mozambique are beheading children

(Newser) - An insurgency in Mozambique that began in 2017 is escalating in intensity and leading to disturbing new claims from human rights groups. This week, the UK aid group Save the Children accused insurgents allied with the Islamic State of beheading children as young as 11, reports Reuters . The aid agency...

Widow, 13 Others Guilty in Charlie Hebdo Attack

Paris terror trial lasted 3 months

(Newser) - The fugitive widow of an Islamic State gunman and a man described as his logistician on Wednesday were convicted of terrorism charges in the trial of 14 people linked to the January 2015 attacks in Paris against the satirical Charlie Hebdo newspaper and a kosher supermarket. The Jan. 7-9, 2015...

Trump: Pull US Troops Out of This Nation by January

Somalia joins Afghanistan and Iraq in Trump's end-of-term troop drawdowns

(Newser) - Last month, US officials announced President Trump would be pulling a significant number of US troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq by January. Now, another country joins the list, in a different part of the world. The Pentagon said Friday that nearly all of the 700 American troops in Somalia...

Boy Was Forced to Threaten Trump. Now, 'It's All Behind Me'

Matthew, now 13, was just 10 when stepfather made him appear in ISIS propaganda video

(Newser) - In April 2015, an 8-year-old American boy named Matthew was dragged into Syria by his mother, Samantha Sally, and stepfather, Moussa Elhassani, with Elhassani determined to become a sniper for the Islamic State. Five years later, Matthew is 13 and back in the US, and he's now telling the...

Death Toll Climbs in Vienna, Where '100 Rounds' Rang Out

Suspect was ISIS 'sympathizer' with previous terror conviction: officials

(Newser) - Four victims have been confirmed dead following a terror attack in Vienna in which at least one shooter fired at people enjoying a night out in the city on the eve of a national lockdown. The death toll includes two men and two women, in addition to one shooter. Fifteen...

Suspect in Teacher's Beheading Was a Teenager

Officials have arrested 9 suspects in the killing of teacher Samuel Paty

(Newser) - A suspect shot dead by police after the beheading of a history teacher near Paris was an 18-year-old Chechen refugee unknown to intelligence services who posted a grisly claim of responsibility on social media minutes after the attack, officials said Saturday. France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office said authorities investigating...

In Case of the ISIS 'Beatles,' a Milestone

El Shafee Elsheikh, Alexanda Kotey are indicted, accused of beheadings, torture of Westerners

(Newser) - The Justice Department unsealed charges Wednesday against two Islamic State militants from Britain, accusing them of carrying out a gruesome campaign of torture, beheadings, and other acts of violence against Western hostages they'd captured in Syria, including four Americans. El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey are two of four...

ISIS 'Beatles' Escape US Death Penalty

William Barr assures UK they will not be executed if convicted in US

(Newser) - Two members of the Islamic State four-member cell dubbed the "Beatles" because of their British accents will not face the death penalty in the US. Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh were captured in Syria in 2018 and ultimately transferred to Iraq, where they are currently in US military...

US Commander: Islamic State Is Growing Yet Again

Gen. Frank McKenzie sees trouble brewing

(Newser) - Elements of the Islamic State group are working to rebuild in western Syria, where the US has little visibility or presence, the top US commander for the Middle East warned on Wednesday, the AP reports. In the region west of the Euphrates River where the Syrian regime is in control...

FBI: Virus Canceled His Flight, But He Had Plan B to Get to ISIS

Muhammad Masood of Pakistan was arrested Thursday in Minneapolis

(Newser) - When the coronavirus canceled Muhammad Masood's flight from Chicago to Jordan, authorities say he made a plan B: fly from Minneapolis to Los Angeles, and then board a cargo ship to get to the Middle East. But the 28-year-old Pakistani doctor was arrested before getting on the plane at...

2 Marines Killed in ISIS Cave Raid

4 other US troops were injured during Sunday mission

(Newser) - Two US Marines were killed Sunday in an attack on an ISIS cave complex in the mountains of north central Iraq. The unidentified Marines from an elite Raiders unit were advising Iraqi soldiers in the Qara Chockh Mountains, about 37 miles south of Erbil, when they were killed by enemy...

White Supremacists Are Major Threat, Says One State

New Jersey officials issue a new terrorist-threat report

(Newser) - Who's the biggest threat in New Jersey? Not al-Qaeda or ISIS. Not anarchists or black separatists. It's white supremacists, according to a terrorist-threat report released Friday by New Jersey Homeland Security officials. "The threat from white supremacist extremists increased from moderate to high in 2020 due to...

Take Your ISIS Fighters Back, Pompeo Tells Coalition Nations

US wants foreign detainees held accountable

(Newser) - European and other members of the international coalition fighting the Islamic State group must take back and prosecute their nationals detained in Iraq and Syria to help keep IS from regaining territory, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday. Pompeo told foreign ministers and senior officials from some 30 coalition...

US to Keep 500 or So Troops in Syria: General

Defeating ISIS is still the goal, Milley says

(Newser) - At least 500 US troops are staying in Syria to fight ISIS after the withdrawal ordered by President Trump, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs said Sunday. "The objective will remain the same: the enduring defeat of ISIS," Gen. Mark Milley said on ABC's This Week, the...

Erdogan Announces Capture of Baghdadi Wife, With Trump Dig

Turkey's president appears to reference Trump's post-raid address

(Newser) - Turkey is heralding another victory against the Islamic State: the capture of one of former ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's wives. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made the announcement Wednesday during a speech at Ankara University, adding an apparent dig at President Trump's post-raid address to the nation. Following...

Woman Found in Syrian Trailer Could Be a 'Gold Mine'

Rasmiya Awad, said to have been detained by Turkish forces, is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sister

(Newser) - US authorities weren't able to question former ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before his death in Syria. But they might get to question his older sister. Rasmiya Awad, 65, was seized Monday in a raid near the town of Azaz in Aleppo province, according to Turkish officials who now...

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