Brigham Young

3 Stories

Is Brandon Davies the Only Guy Getting Laid at BYU?

Probably not, but it looks like he's in select company, explains

(Newser) - Brigham Young University’s decision to suspend basketball star Brandon Davies for having premarital sex stunned the sports world, which got Jeremy Singer-Vine of Slate wondering: Just how common is the horizontal tango at the Mormon university? It’s a tough question to answer. A 1954 study estimated that 14%...

Mitt's Reading List Reveals Wingnut Mentor

Popular video shows candidate lauding Mormon extremist

(Newser) - Mitt Romney tried to unburden himself of some left-wing baggage in a talk-radio interview this weekend—but the National Review’s Mark Hemingway says he may have gone too far. In praising the work of W. Cleon Skousen, his former BYU professor and an “all-around nutjob," Romney may...

Faith, Family, Tragedy Shaped Young Romney

A Mormon in the '60s, his was a world of privilege, not comfort

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, once liberal Massachusetts governor and now conservative presidential candidate, grew up in a family of privilege. But it was a family always conscious that mainstream acceptance of the Mormon faith was fragile. The leave-it-to-beaver Romney was confused by sixties strife he saw at Stanford, the Boston Globe reports,...

3 Stories