
Stories 61 - 65 | << Prev 

McCain Opposes Water Boarding
McCain Opposes Water Boarding

McCain Opposes Water Boarding

But he's the only GOP candidate who does, as field wrestles with detainee treatment

(Newser) - If Rudy Giuliani is the only GOP presidential candidate who differs from the pack on abortion, John McCain stands alone on treatment of detainees, the LA Times notes. In the second debate, while Mitt Romney and Giuliani sanctioned using some forms of torture, including water boarding, on suspected terrorists, former...

Thompson's Record Doesn't Speak for Itself

Cash and charisma beat out ideas and achievements

(Newser) - Why is Tommy Thompson barely a blip on the presidential campaign radar screen when he has what is arguably the best resume for the job? The  HHS secretary and former governor has plenty of ideas and an impeccable record as a welfare reformer. But buzz and bucks are what count,...

Let Citizens Elect The President
Let Citizens Elect The President

Let Citizens Elect The President

A state-by-state strategy to abolish the electoral college

(Newser) - E.J. Dionne wants electoral college reform, and now he's got a model to offer—a new Maryland law that requires the state's electors to support the winner of the nationwide popular vote. The law wouldn't take effect unless other states follow suit, creating "a compact among states genuinely...

Thompson Joins Race for 2008
Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Claims he's the only real conservative in the GOP field

(Newser) - Former governor and Bush cabinet member Tommy Thompson announced  for president yesterday, staking a claim to the territory to the right of the other GOP contenders. "I am the reliable conservative, my record shows that,"  said the one-time secretary of Health and Human Services and four-term governor...

Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain
Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain

Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain

McCain calls them the "most despicable people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter"

(Newser) - The veterans who helped sink John Kerry's Swift Boat to the White House is prepping for battle with John McCain. "Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry" founders Jerry Kiley and Ted Sampley have dusted off their 527 forms and created "Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain," to combat the...

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