
3 Stories

MLB Suspends A-Rod Through 2014; He Can Play for Now

Twelve players have agreed to 50-game suspensions

(Newser) - All players targeted for drug suspensions in the Biogenesis scandal —except Alex Rodriguez—have accepted 50-game penalties from Major League Baseball, a person familiar with the negotiations tells the AP. MLB has decided to slap Rodriguez with a suspension lasting through the entire 2014 season, but he's expected...

Ex-Commish: Ban A-Rod Forever
 Ex-Commish: Ban 
 A-Rod Forever 

Ex-Commish: Ban A-Rod Forever

Faye Vincent thinks there should be a one-strike steroid policy

(Newser) - Major League Baseball has just handed down some stiff suspensions to Alex Rodriguez and the other players implicated in the Biogenesis scandal—but not nearly stiff enough for Faye Vincent's tastes. When gambling threatened the sport, baseball instituted a one-strike-and-you're-out policy. "As a result, there is no...

Source: A-Rod Could Be Looking at Lifetime Ban

Yankee seeking deal with MLB: report

(Newser) - After Ryan Braun received a suspension for his involvement in the Biogenesis clinic PED scandal , things are looking bleak for Yankee Alex Rodriguez. A-Rod's punishment could be far worse than Braun's, according to CBS New York : A baseball insider says he may face a lifetime ban. Indeed, sources...

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