Steve Cohen

5 Stories

Democrat Taunts Attorney General With Chicken

Rep. Steve Cohen mocks William Barr's decision not to appear before House panel

(Newser) - Attorney General William Barr opted not to appear Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee, after his lengthy testimony before a Senate panel on Wednesday. As a result, Democrats are now taunting him as a chicken. Toward that end, Rep. Steve Cohen not only placed a toy chicken by Barr's...

'Abominable': Congressman Links Democrats, Nazis

Mo Brooks isn't alone in calling Hitler a 'socialist'

(Newser) - Politico is pointing out that the National Socialist German Workers' Party, aka the Nazi Party, "was fascist, not socialist—the opposite end of the political universe from socialists" following what it calls an "inane debate" among members of Congress. It began Monday as Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks...

Rep. Cohen: Paternity Fiasco Makes Me Black

This apparently makes sense to him

(Newser) - It may be time for Steve Cohen to stop talking, tweeting, or communicating with planet Earth in any fashion, since it usually doesn't seem to end well for him. The congressman first got into hot water for tweeting affectionately at a much-younger bikini model, then claimed she was his...

Politician's 'Secret Daughter' Is ... Not Related to Him
Politician's 'Secret Daughter' Is ... Not Related to Him

Politician's 'Secret Daughter' Is ... Not Related to Him

Steve Cohen is not a dad

(Newser) - You probably didn't think the story of a congressman tweeting "I love you" to a 24-year-old who turned out to be his secret daughter could get any weirder. But you were wrong. It turns out Victoria Brink is not actually related to Democrat Steve Cohen, period. CNN had...

I Was Tweeting Secret Daughter, Not Lover: Rep

Steve Cohen explains deleted tweets to Victoria Brink

(Newser) - For a brief, shining moment, the world thought it had another Weinergate on its hands: During the State of the Union address, Rep. Steve Cohen sent a few tweets to a 24-year-old (apparent) bikini model , then deleted them. The Tennessee Democrat is not married, and speculation quickly swirled that he...

5 Stories
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