national security

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Biden: Crypto Firm Can't Own Land Near Wyoming Base

Chinese-backed firm ordered to sell site, remove all equipment

(Newser) - President Biden issued an order Monday blocking a Chinese-backed cryptocurrency mining firm from owning land near a Wyoming nuclear missile base, calling its proximity to the base a "national security risk." The order forces the divestment of property operated as a crypto mining facility near the Francis E....

Bad News for Dissidents in Hong Kong
Bad News for
Dissidents in
Hong Kong

Bad News for Dissidents in Hong Kong

New law gives government sweeping powers to stifle dissent

(Newser) - Hong Kong lawmakers unanimously approved a new national security law Tuesday that grants the government more power to quash dissent, reports the AP , widely seen as the latest step in a sweeping political crackdown triggered by pro-democracy protests in 2019. The Safeguarding National Security Bill will expand the authorities' ability...

Hong Kong Introduces Harsh 'National Security' Bill

Some residents could face life sentences under law seen as crackdown on dissent

(Newser) - Hong Kong unveiled a proposed law on Friday that threatens life imprisonment for residents who "endanger national security," deepening worries about erosion of the city's freedoms four years after Beijing imposed a similar law that all but wiped out public dissent. More, from the AP :
  • It's

Fighter Jets Scramble Toward Balloon Over Utah

NORAD says object was a small, high-altitude balloon that doesn't pose national security threat

(Newser) - It was spy balloon deja vu on Friday, when fighter jets rushed to intercept a small high-altitude balloon in the skies over Utah, reports the Deseret News . Per a statement later that day from the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, the balloon was at between 43,000 feet...

US Will Spend Billions to Rid Ports of China-Made Cranes

It's part of an effort to strengthen marine cybersecurity

(Newser) - America will spend billions to produce homegrown cargo cranes and swap them out for the China-built cranes that currently stand at many US ports, the Biden administration announced Wednesday. It will be the first time that giant cargo cranes will be made domestically in 30 years, per the Wall Street ...

Situation Room Receives New Look, New Technology

Complex under White House West Wing has $50M upgrade

(Newser) - The White House Situation Room—a space of mystique and secrecy—just got a $50 million facelift. Actually, "room" is a misnomer, writes Colleen Long for the AP . It's a 5,500-square-foot, highly secure complex of conference rooms and offices on the ground floor of the West Wing....

She's Going to Jail for Taking Classified Docs

Ex-FBI analyst gets nearly 4 years behind bars, in case seen as similar to former president's

(Newser) - The verdict is in, and it's prison time for bringing those classified documents home. No, not for former President Trump—his case is still pending —but the New York Times notes the similarities between his situation and that of Kendra Kingsbury, a former FBI intelligence analyst who was...

National Archives Reveals More on 15 Boxes Found at Mar-a-Lago

NARA: Former President Trump brought classified info with him to private Fla. estate when he left WH

(Newser) - The 15 or so boxes of administration materials that former President Trump took with him to Mar-a-Lago when he left the White House had more than routine to-do lists inside. On Friday, the National Archives and Records Administration confirmed that classified records were found in those boxes, and that it'...

Boris Johnson's Digits Have Been Online Since 2006

He kept personal phone number, posted online 15 years ago, the same after becoming PM

(Newser) - On the UK Parliament's website , the official ways to contact Prime Minister Boris Johnson are listed. But for the past 15 years, his personal cellphone number has also been openly accessible, thanks to a long-ago press release that has stayed up on the internet, reports the BBC . The celebrity...

White House May Cut Off Briefings for Trump

Current and former officials question whether former president can be trusted with secrets

(Newser) - Presidents usually receive national intelligence briefings even after leaving office. The Biden administration is reconsidering that policy, the Hill reports. There have been calls to stop the briefings for former President Trump from Democrats, as well as former Trump aides, saying he can't be trusted with classified information. Rep....

In Hong Kong, a 'Crisis for the Judiciary'

Pro-democracy advocate Jimmy Lai back in prison after being released on bail

(Newser) - Media mogul Jimmy Lai, the most prominent person to be charged under Hong Kong's broad new national-security law, was released from prison last week on $1.3 million bail to await his trial in April. On Thursday, however, the city's highest court delivered some bad news to the...

America's Spy Chief Slammed China. China Now Responds

John Ratcliffe's 'WSJ' op-ed was a 'hodgepodge of lies,' per China's foreign ministry rep

(Newser) - In an "exceedingly rare" accusation on Thursday, the US director of national intelligence called China "the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom worldwide since World War II." China is now responding to John Ratcliffe's op-ed in the Wall Street ...

Flournoy May Not Be a Shoo-In for Defense After All

Sources tell Politico that Biden is still mulling his options for defense secretary

(Newser) - President-elect Joe Biden is hard at work making picks for his administration, with reports already circulating on his choices for secretary of state, Homeland Security chief, and director of national intelligence, among others. But one key role tied to national security is still up in the air: secretary of defense,...

HK Enforces New Security Decree: 'Stop Breaking the Law'

At least 180 arrested after riot-inspired law put into place to stop secessionist, subversive activity

(Newser) - Hong Kong police made their first arrests under a new national security law imposed by China's central government, detaining at least two protesters Wednesday for carrying flags and signs calling for Hong Kong's independence. A man who had a Hong Kong independence flag was arrested at a protest...

China Passes Riot-Inspiring Hong Kong Law

China OKs national security law to let authorities crack down on subversive, secessionist activity

(Newser) - China approved a contentious national security law that will allow authorities to crack down on subversive and secessionist activity in Hong Kong, a move many see as Beijing's boldest yet to erase the legal firewall between the semi-autonomous territory and mainland China's authoritarian Communist Party system. Tam Yiu-Chung,...

Divided Appeals Court: The Flynn Case Must Die

Their 2-1 opinion slams the judge overseeing the case

(Newser) - Looks like Michael Flynn is even closer to legal daylight. An appeals court ruled Wednesday that Flynn's long and controversial court case should be dismissed—which likely means it's over, USA Today reports. The 2-1 opinion criticized the judge who refused to approve a Justice Department plan to...

Hong Kong's Leader Accuses US of 'Double Standard'

Carrie Lam says 'biased' America should look at how it's handling its own protests

(Newser) - Hong Kong's leader has defended China's new national security law blocking secession, subversion, terrorism, and foreign interference in the city while accusing the US of a double standard. "For some countries that have had a high-profile response and claimed they will take action, I can only describe...

Bolton's Book Pushed Back 2 Months Due to White House Review

Publisher pushes back release date from March 17 to May 12

(Newser) - The publisher of John Bolton’s highly anticipated memoir has pushed back the release date from March 17 to mid-May, the AP reports. Simon & Schuster cited the ongoing White House security review of the former national security adviser’s The Room Where It Happened. The new date is May...

US Hits Huawei, CFO With Criminal Charges

How this affects the US-China trade war will remain to be seen

(Newser) - The US Department of Justice unsealed a 13-count indictment against Chinese tech giant Huawei on Monday, including against two of its affiliates and its chief financial officer, the AP and Fox News report. The felony charges, which came in the form of two separate indictments—one a 10-count grand jury...

'US Military Superiority Is No Longer Assured'
'US Military Superiority
Is No Longer Assured'

'US Military Superiority Is No Longer Assured'

Commission warns Russia, China could prevail in war

(Newser) - A new report to Congress delivers a "flashing red" warning of a national security crisis. It's no migrant caravan, but the general degradation of American military might. "The US military could suffer unacceptably high casualties and loss of major capital assets in its next conflict. It might...

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