David Oliver Relin

2 Stories

Three Cups of Tea Co-Author Was Hurt by Book Scandal

David Oliver Relin committed suicide

(Newser) - Looks like David Oliver Relin's grief over Three Cups of Tea may have led to his suicide. Relin, who co-authored the book, was suffering from depression and experienced financial and emotional strain over allegations that the book contained lies, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Relin didn't deny the...

3 Cups of Tea Co-Author Commits Suicide

David Oliver Relin wrote controversial book with Greg Mortenson

(Newser) - David Oliver Relin, the co-author of the best selling book Three Cups of Tea, committed suicide in Oregon on Nov. 14, authorities said last night. He was 49. The deputy county medical examiner says Relin died of blunt force head injury, but declined to provide any other details. Relin was...

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